The Apache Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container

Apache Tomcat 7

Version 7.0.94, Apr 10 2019
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Tomcat 7.0.94 (markt)
add 63206: Add a new attribute to Context - createUploadTargets which, if true enables Tomcat to create the temporary upload location used by a Servlet if the location specified by the Servlet does not already exist. The default value is false. (markt)
fix 63213: Ensure the correct escaping of group names when searching for nested groups when the JNDIRealm is configured with roleNested set to true. (markt)
fix 63235: Refactor Charset cache to reduce start time. (markt)
fix 63236: Use String.intern() as suggested by Phillip Webb to reduce memory wasted due to String duplication. This changes saves ~245k when starting a clean installation. With additional thanks to YourKit Java profiler for helping to track down the wasted memory and the root causes. (markt)
fix 63246: Fix a potential NullPointerException when calling AsyncContext.dispatch(). (markt)
fix 63196: Provide a default (X-Forwarded-Proto) for the protocolHeader attribute of the RemoteIpFilter and RemoteIpValve. (markt)
fix 63249: Use a consistent log level (WARN) when logging the failure to register or deregister a JMX Bean. (markt)
fix 63249: Use a consistent log level (ERROR) when logging the LifecycleException associated with the failure to start or stop a component. (markt)
fix When the SSI directive fsize is used with an invalid target, return a file size of - rather than 1k. (markt)
fix 63251: Implement a work-around for a known JRE bug (JDK-8194653) that may cause a dead-lock when Tomcat starts. (markt)
fix Ensure that the JarScanner correctly tests whether JARs found on the class path should be skipped when running on Java 9 or later. (markt)
fix 63275: When using a RequestDispatcher ensure that HttpServletRequest.getContextPath() returns an encoded path in the dispatched request. (markt)
fix 63286: Document the differences in behaviour between the LogFormat directive in httpd and the pattern attribute in the AccessLogValve for %D and %T. (markt)
fix 63311: Add support for https URLs to the local resolver within Tomcat used to resolve standard XML DTDs and schemas when Tomcat is configured to validate XML configuration files such as web.xml. (markt)
fix Encode the output of the SSI printenv command. (markt)
code Use constants for SSI encoding values. (markt)
add When the CGI Servlet is configured with enableCmdLineArguments set to true, limit the encoded form of the individual command line arguments to those values allowed by RFC 3875. This restriction may be relaxed by the use of the new initialisation parameter cmdLineArgumentsEncoded. (markt)
add When the CGI Servlet is configured with enableCmdLineArguments set to true, limit the decoded form of the individual command line arguments to known safe values when running on Windows. This restriction may be relaxed by the use of the new initialisation parameter cmdLineArgumentsDecoded. This is the fix for CVE-2019-0232. (markt)
update Change the default for the enableCmdLineArguments parameter of the CGI servlet from true to false as additional hardening against CVE-2019-0232. (markt)
fix 63194: Fix failing unit test so TLS1.3 client authentication tests work correctly when using Java 11 onwards and the APR/Native connector. (markt)
add 63205: Add a work-around for a known JRE KeyStore loading bug. (markt)
add Add support for specifying Java 11 (with the value 11) as the compiler source and/or compiler target for JSP compilation. (markt)
add Add support for specifying Java 12 (with the value 12) and Java 13 (with the value 13) as the compiler source and/or compiler target for JSP compilation. If used with an ECJ version that does not support these values, a warning will be logged and the latest supported version will used. Based on a patch by Thomas Collignon. (markt)
Web applications
fix 63184: Expand the SSI documentation to provide more information on the supported directives and their attributes. Patch provided by nightwatchcyber. (markt)
fix 63320: Ensure that StatementCache caches statements that include arrays in arguments. (kfujino)
code Copy Apache Commons DBCP 1.4 and Apache Commons Pool 1.5.7 source code into the Tomcat 7.0.x tree to enable additional fixes to be pulled in. (markt)
fix Update the copy of Apache Commons DBCP 1.4.x and Apache Commons pool 1.5.x to the latest source code as of 2019-03-15 to pick up multiple bug fixes including 58338. (markt)
code Update the copy of Apache Commons Pool to 1.6.x to pick up the generics changes. (markt)
add Add JDBC 4.1 support to the default database connection pool provided by Tomcat. (markt)
update Switch from Checkstyle to the JRE6 backport and update to version 8.17. This allows Tomcat 7 to use the newer configuration format (required by Gump that uses the latest Checkstyle snapshot) while still building with Java 6. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.93 (violetagg)released 2019-02-21
fix 54741: Add a new method, Tomcat.addWebapp(String,URL), that allows a web application to be deployed from a URL when using Tomcat in embedded mode. (markt)
add 62897: Provide a property (clearReferencesThreadLocals) on the standard Context implementation that enables the check for memory leaks via ThreadLocals to be disabled because this check depends on the use of an API that has been deprecated in later versions of Java. (markt)
fix 62978: Update the RemoteIpValve to handle multiple values in the x-forwarded-proto header. Patch provided by Tom Groot. (markt)
fix Update the RemoteIpFilter to handle multiple values in the x-forwarded-proto header. Based on a patch provided by Tom Groot. (markt)
code 62986: Refactor the code that performs class scanning during web application start to make integration simpler for downstream users. Based on a patch provided by rmannibucau. (markt)
fix Implement the requirements of section 8.2.2 2c of the Servlet specification and prevent a web application from deploying if it has fragments with duplicate names and is configured to use relative ordering of fragments. (markt)
update Update the recommended minimum Tomcat Native version to 1.2.19. (markt)
fix Ensure that the ServletOutputStream implementation is consistent with the requirements of asynchronous I/O and that all of the write methods use a single write rather than multiple writes. (markt)
fix Correct the Javadoc for Context.getDocBase() and Context.setDocBase() and remove text that indicates that a URL may be used for the docBase as this has not been the case for quite some time. (markt)
add Ensure that Tomcat is fully terminated when running as a service. (markt)
fix 63003: Extend the unloadDelay attribute on a Context to include in-flight asynchronous requests. (markt)
add 63026: Add a new attribute, forceDnHexEscape, to the JNDIRealm that forces escaping in the String representation of a distinguished name to use the \nn form. This may avoid issues with realms using Active Directory which appears to be more tolerant of optional escaping when the \nn form is used. (markt)
update Update the recommended minimum Tomcat Native version to 1.2.21. (markt)
update Simplify the value of jarsToSkip property in file for tomcat-i18n jar files. Use prefix pattern instead of listing each language. (kkolinko)
fix 57974: Ensure implementation of Session.getOpenSessions() returns correct value for both client-side and server-side calls. (markt)
fix 63019: Use payload remaining bytes rather than limit when writing. Submitted by Benoit Courtilly. (remm)
fix When running under a SecurityManager, ensure that the ServiceLoader look-up for the default javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator implementation completes correctly rather than silently using the hard-coded fall-back. (markt)
fix Ensure that the network connection is closed if the client receives an I/O error trying to communicate with the server. (markt)
fix Ignore synthetic methods when scanning POJO methods. (markt)
fix Implement the requirements of section 5.2.1 of the WebSocket 1.1 specification and ensure that if the deployment of one Endpoint fails, no Endpoints are deployed for that web application. (markt)
fix Implement the requirements of section 4.3 of the WebSocket 1.1 specification and ensure that the deployment of an Endpoint fails if @PathParam is used with an invalid parameter type. (markt)
fix Ensure a DeploymentException rather than an IllegalArgumentException is thrown if a method annotated with @OnMessage does not conform to the requirements set out in the Javadoc. (markt)
fix Improve algorithm that determines if two @OnMessage annotations have been added for the same message type. Prior to this change some matches were missed. (markt)
code Remove the STREAMS_DROP_EMPTY_MESSAGES system property that was introduced to work-around four failing TCK tests. An alternative solution has been implemented. Sending messages via getSendStream() and getSendWriter() will now only result in messages on the wire if data is written to the OutputStream or Writer. Writing zero length data will result in an empty message. Note that sending a message via an Encoder may result in the message being send via getSendStream() or getSendWriter(). (markt)
Web applications
fix 63103: Remove the unused source.jsp file and associated tag from the examples web application as it is no longer used. (markt)
fix 63143: Ensure that the Manager web application respects the language preferences of the user as configured in the browser when the language of the default system locale is not English. (markt)
fix Use client's preferred language for the Server Status page of the Manager web application. Review and fix several cases when the client's language preference was not respected in Manager and Host Manager web applications. (kkolinko)
fix Fix messages used by Manager and Host Manager web applications. Disambiguate message keys used when adding or removing a host. Improve display of summary values on the status page: separate terms and values with a whitespace. Improve wording of messages for expire sessions command. (kkolinko)
fix Do not add CSRF nonce parameter and suppress Referer header for external links in Manager and Host Manager web applications. (kkolinko)
fix Prevent an error when running in a Cygwin shell and the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS system property is empty. Patch provided by Zemian Deng. (markt)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.19 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with APR 1.6.5 and OpenSSL 1.1.1a. (markt)
fix Correct AsyncFileHandler to FileHandler in (huxing)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.21 to pick up the memory leak fixes when using NIO/NIO2 with OpenSSL. (markt)
fix Enable compilation and test execution with Java 11. Note that the deprecated class org.apache.catalina.util.Base64 will be excluded from the build in this case as it depends on JRE classes that have been removed in Java 11 onwards. (markt)
update Update the NSIS Installer used to build the Windows installer to version 3.04. (markt)
add Expand the coverage and quality of the Russian translations provided with Apache Tomcat. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.92 (violetagg)released 2018-11-15
fix Add documentation about the files context.xml.default and web.xml.default that can be used to customize conf/context.xml and conf/web.xml on a per host basis. (fschumacher)
fix Ensure that a canonical path is always used for the docBase of a Context to ensure consistent behaviour. (markt)
fix 62788: Add explicit logging configuration to write log files using UTF-8 to align with Tomcat's use of UTF-8 by default elsewhere. (markt)
fix 62797: Pass throwable to keep client aborts with status 200 rather than 500. Patch submitted by zikfat. (remm)
fix 62809: Correct a regression in the implementation of DIGEST authentication support for the Deployer Ant tasks (bug 45832) that prevented the DeployTask from working when authentication was required. (markt)
update Update the recommended minimum Tomcat Native version to 1.2.18. (markt)
add Ignore an attribute named source on Context elements provided by StandardContext. This is to suppress warnings generated by the Eclipse / Tomcat integration provided by Eclipse. Based on a patch by mdfst13. (markt)
add 62830: Added JniLifeCycleListener and static methods Library.loadLibrary(libraryName) and Library.load(filename) to load a native library by a shared class loader so that more than one Webapp can use it. (isapir)
fix Correct a typo in the Spanish resource files. Patch provided by Diego Agulló. (markt)
fix 62868: Order the Enumeration<URL> provided by WebappClassLoaderBase.getResources(String) according to the setting of the delegate flag. (markt)
add Add TLSv1.3 to the default protocols and to the all alias for JSSE based TLS connectors when running on a JVM that supports TLS version 1.3. One such JVM is OpenJDK version 11. (rjung)
fix 62739: Do not reject requests with an empty HTTP Host header. Such requests are unusual but not invalid. Patch provided by Michael Orr. (markt)
add 62748: Add TLS 1.3 support for the APR/Native connector. (schultz/markt)
fix 62791: Remove an unnecessary check in the NIO TLS implementation that prevented from secure WebSocket connections from being established. (markt)
fix 62674: Correct a regression in the stand-alone JSP compiler utility, JspC, caused by the fix for 53492, that caused the JSP compiler to hang. (markt)
fix 62721: Correct generation of web.xml header when using JspC. (markt)
fix Fix a regression in the TLD whitespace parsing fix that broke parsing when whitespace was present between the method name and the parameters. (markt)
fix 62757: Correct a regression in the fix for 62603 that caused NullPointerExceptions when compiling tag files on first access when development mode was disabled and background compilation was enabled. Based on a patch by Jordi Llach. (markt)
fix 62808: Fix a regression in the TLD whitespace parsing fix that broke parsing when new lines were present in the method signature. (markt)
fix 62731: Make the URI returned by HandshakeRequest.getRequestURI() and Session.getRequestURI() absolute so that the scheme, host and port are accessible. (markt)
Web applications
fix 62761: Correct the advanced CORS example in the Filter documentation to use a valid configuration. (markt)
fix 62786: Add a note to the Context documentation to explain that, by default, settings for a Context element defined in server.xml will be overwritten by settings specified in a default context file such as conf/context.xml. (markt)
fix Create a little visual separation between the Undeploy button and the other buttons in the Manager application. Patch provided by Łukasz Jąder. (markt)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.18 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with APR 1.6.5 and OpenSSL 1.1.1. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.91 (violetagg)released 2018-09-19
add 61692: Add the ability to control which HTTP methods are handled by the CGI Servlet via a new initialization parameter cgiMethods. (markt)
fix Ensure that the HTTP Vary header is set correctly when using the CORS filter and improve the cacheability of requests that pass through the COPRS filter. (markt)
fix 62527: Revert restriction of JNDI to the java: namespace. (remm)
add Introduce a new class - MultiThrowable - to report exceptions when multiple actions are taken where each action may throw an exception but all actions are taken before any errors are reported. Use this new class when reporting multiple container (e.g. web application) failures during start. (markt)
fix Correctly decode URL paths (+ should not be decoded to a space in the path) in the RequestDispatcher and the web application class loader. (markt)
add 62559: Add jaxb-*.jar to the list of JARs ignored by StandardJarScanner. (markt)
add 62560: Add oraclepki.jar to the list of JARs ignored by StandardJarScanner. (markt)
add 62607: Return a non-zero exit code from catalina.[bat|sh] run if Tomcat fails to start. (markt)
code Remove ServletException from declaration of Tomcat.addWebapp(String,String) since it is never thrown. Patch provided by Tzafrir. (markt)
fix Use short circuit logic to prevent potential NPE in CorsFilter. (fschumacher)
code Simplify construction of appName from container name in JAASRealm. (fschumacher)
fix Improve the handling of path parameters when working with RequestDispatcher objects. (markt)
fix 62664: Process requests with content type multipart/form-data to servlets with a @MultipartConfig annotation regardless of HTTP method. (markt)
fix 62669: When using the SSIFilter and a resource does not specify a content type, do not force the content type to application/x-octet-stream. (markt)
fix When generating a redirect to a directory in the Default Servlet, avoid generating a protocol relative redirect. (markt)
fix Refactor code that adds an additional header name to the Vary HTTP response header to use a common utility method that addresses several additional edge cases. (markt)
fix 62526: Correctly handle PKCS12 format key stores when the key store password is configured to be the empty string. Note that Java 6 does not support PKCS12 key stores configured to use a store password of the empty string. (markt)
fix 62670: Adjust the memory leak protection for the DriverManager so that JDBC drivers located in $CATALINA_HOME/lib and $CATALINA_BASE/lib are loaded via the service loader mechanism when the protection is enabled. (markt)
fix 62685: Correct an error in host name validation parsing that did not allow a fully qualified domain name to terminate with a period. Patch provided by AG. (markt)
fix 53011: When pre-compiling with JspC, report all compilation errors rather than stopping after the first error. A new option -failFast can be used to restore the previous behaviour of stopping after the first error. Based on a patch provided by Marc Pompl. (markt)
add 53492: Make the Java file generation process multi-threaded. By default, one thread will be used per core. Based on a patch by Dan Fabulich. (markt)
fix 62603: Fix a potential race condition when development mode is disabled and background compilation checks are enabled. It was possible that some updates would not take effect and/or ClassNotFoundExceptions would occur. (markt)
fix Correct the JSP version in the X-PoweredBy HTTP header generated when the xpoweredBy option is enabled. (markt)
fix 62662: Fix the corruption of web.xml output during JSP compilation caused by the fix for 53492. Patch provided by Bernhard Frauendienst. (markt)
fix Correct parsing of XML whitespace in TLD function signatures that incorrectly only looked for the space character. (markt)
fix 62596: Remove the limit on the size of the initial HTTP upgrade request used to establish the web socket connection. (markt)
Web applications
add 62558: Add Russian translations for the Manager and Host Manager web applications. Based on a patch by Ivan Krasnov. (markt)
add 62561: Add advanced class loader configuration information regarding the use of the Server and Shared class loaders to the documentation web application. (markt)
add Expand the information in the documentation web application regarding the use of CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE. Patch provided by Marek Czernek. (markt)
fix 62652: Make it clearer that the version of DBCP that is packaged in Tomcat 7.0.x is DBCP 1. (markt)
add 62666: Expand internationalisation support in the Manager application to include the server status page and provide Russian translations in addition to English. Patch provided by Artem Chebykin. (markt)
fix 62676: Expand the CORS filter documentation to make it clear that explicit configuration is required to enable support for cross-origin requests. (markt)
fix Ensures that the specified rxBufSize is correctly set to receiver buffer size. (kfujino)
fix Fixed spelling. Patch provided by Jimmy Casey via GitHub. (violetagg)
fix Correct various spelling errors throughout the source code and documentation. Patch provided by Kazuhiro Sera. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.90 (violetagg)released 2018-07-06
fix 62498: Correct a regression in the fix for CVE-2017-12617 that caused request failures for some requests when using the VirtualDirContext. (markt)
fix Delete reference to removed class that prevented Tomcat from starting when running under a security manager. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.89 (violetagg)not released
fix JNDI resources that are defined with injection targets but no value are now treated as if the resource is not defined. (markt)
fix Ensure that JNDI names used for <lookup-name> entries in web.xml and for lookup elements of @Resource annotations specify a name with an explicit java: namespace. (markt)
add 51953: Add the RemoteCIDRFilter and RemoteCIDRValve that can be used to allow/deny requests based on IPv4 and/or IPv6 client address where the IP ranges are defined using CIDR notation. Based on a patch by Francis Galiegue. (markt)
fix 62343: Make CORS filter defaults more secure. This is the fix for CVE-2018-8014. (markt)
fix Make all loggers associated with Tomcat provided Filters non-static to ensure that log messages are not lost when a web application is reloaded. (markt)
fix Correct the manifest for the annotations-api.jar. The JAR implements the Common Annotations API 1.1 and the manifest should reflect that. (markt)
fix Switch to non-static loggers where there is a possibility of a logger becoming associated with a web application class loader causing log messages to be lost if the web application is stopped. (markt)
add 62389: Add the IPv6 loopback address to the default internalProxies regular expression. Patch by Craig Andrews. (markt)
fix In the RemoteIpValve and RemoteIpFilter, correctly handle the case when the request passes through one or more trustedProxies but no internalProxies. Based on a patch by zhanhb. (markt)
fix Correct the logic in MBeanFactory.removeConnector() to ensure that the correct Connector is removed when there are multiple Connectors using different addresses but the same port. (markt)
fix Make JAASRealm mis-configuration more obvious by requiring the authenticated Subject to include at least one Principal of a type specified by userClassNames. (markt)
fix 62476: Use GMT timezone for the value of Expires header as required by HTTP specification (RFC 7231, 7234). (kkolinko)
fix Log an error message if the AJP connector detects that the reverse proxy is sending AJP messages that are too large for the configured packetSize. (markt)
fix 62371: Improve logging of Host validation failures. (markt)
fix Correctly handle a digest authorization header when the user name contains an escaped character. (markt)
fix Correctly handle a digest authorization header when one of the hex field values ends the header with in an invalid character. (markt)
fix Update web.xml, web-fragment.xml and web.xml extracts generated by JspC to use the Servlet 3.0 version of the relevant schemas. (markt)
fix Improve IPv6 validation by ensuring that IPv4-Mapped IPv6 addresses do not contain leading zeros in the IPv4 part. Based on a patch by Katya Stoycheva. (markt)
fix 62080: Ensure that all reads of the current thread's context class loader made by the UEL API and implementation are performed via a PrivilegedAction to ensure that a SecurityException is not triggered when running under a SecurityManager. (mark)
fix When decoding of path parameter failed, make sure to throw DecodeException instead of throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. (kfujino)
fix Enable host name verification when using TLS with the WebSocket client. (markt)
Web applications
62395: Clarify the meaning of the connector attribute minSpareThreads in the documentation web application. (markt)
fix When logValidationErrors is set to true, the connection validation error is logged as SEVERE instead of WARNING. (kfujino)
fix 62391: Remove references to javaw.exe as this file is not required by Tomcat and the references prevent the use of the Server JRE. (markt)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.17 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with APR 1.6.3 and OpenSSL 1.0.2o. (markt)
add Implement checksum checks when downloading dependencies that are used to build Tomcat. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.88 (violetagg)released 2018-05-11
fix Treat the <mapped-name> element of a <env-entry> in web.xml in the same way as the mappedName element of the equivalent @Resource annotation. Both now attempt to set the mappedName property of the resource. (markt)
fix Correct the processing of resources with <injection-target>s defined in web.xml. First look for a match using JavaBean property names and then, only if a match is not found, look for a match using fields. (markt)
fix When restoring a saved request with a request body after FORM authentication, ensure that calls to the HttpServletRequest methods getRequestURI(), getQueryString() and getProtocol() are not corrupted by the processing of the saved request body. (markt)
fix Fix startup failure when running under SecurityManager, a regression from the fix for bug 62273. (kkolinko)
fix 62353: Correct a regression introduced in Tomcat 7.0.86. Restore the ability for Tomcat 7 to run on Java 6 where Common Annotations 1.0 is available. Document the requirement to use the Java endorsed mechanism to use Common Annotations 1.1. (markt)
code Refactor the org.apache.naming package to reduce duplicate code. Duplicate code identified by the Simian tool. (markt)
fix 50019: Add support for <lookup-name>. Based on a patch by Gurkan Erdogdu. (markt)
fix 60490: Various formatting and layout improvements for the ErrorReportValve. Patch provided by Michael Osipov. (markt)
fix Relax Host validation by removing the requirement that the final component of a FQDN must be alphabetic. (markt)
add 50234: Add the capability to generate a web-fragment.xml file to JspC. (markt)
fix 62350: Refactor org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl so a SecurityException is not thrown when running under a SecurityManger and additional permissions are not required in the catalina.policy file. This is a follow-up to the fix for 43925. (kkolinko/markt)
fix Remove duplicate calls when creating a replicated session to reduce the time taken to create the session and thereby reduce the chances of a subsequent session update message being ignored because the session does not yet exist. (markt)
fix Ensure that the correct default value is returned when retrieve unset properties in McastService. (kfujino)
fix Add a .gitattributes file to make sure that Git handles test data files for bug 52121 as binary. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.87 (violetagg)not released
fix 62316: Correct a regression in some refactoring that broke the default factory for JDBC datasources. (markt)
fix Fix a rare edge case that is unlikely to occur in real usage. This edge case meant that writing long streams of UTF-8 characters to the HTTP response that consisted almost entirely of surrogate pairs could result in one surrogate pair being dropped. (markt)
fix Register MBean when DataSource Resource type="javax.sql.XADataSource". Patch provided by Masafumi Miura. (csutherl)
add Update the internal fork of Apache Commons BCEL to r1829827 to add early access Java 11 support to the annotation scanning code. (markt)
fix 62297: Enable the CrawlerSessionManagerValve to correctly handle bots that crawl multiple hosts and/or web applications when the Valve is configured on a Host or an Engine. (fschumacher)
add Collapse multiple leading / characters to a single / in the return value of HttpServletRequest#getContextPath() to avoid issues if the value is used with HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect(). This behaviour is enabled by default and configurable via the new Context attribute allowMultipleLeadingForwardSlashInPath. (markt)
fix Improve handing of overflow in the UTF-8 decoder with supplementary characters. (markt)
add Enable strict validation of the provided host name and port for all connectors. Requests with invalid host names and/or ports will be rejected with a 400 response. (markt)
fix Implement the requirements of RFC 7230 (and RFC 2616) that HTTP/1.1 requests must include a Host header and any request that does not must be rejected with a 400 response. (markt)
fix Implement the requirements of RFC 7230 that any HTTP/1.1 request that specifies a host in the request line, must specify the same host in the Host header and that any such request that does not, must be rejected with a 400 response. This check is optional and disabled by default. It may be enabled with the allowHostHeaderMismatch attribute of the Connector. (markt)
fix Implement the requirements of RFC 7230 that any HTTP/1.1 request that contains multiple Host headers is rejected with a 400 response. (markt)
add 62273: Implement configuration options to work-around specification non-compliant user agents (including all the major browsers) that do not correctly %nn encode URI paths and query strings as required by RFC 7230 and RFC 3986. (markt)
fix Enable ECJ version 4.7 and later to be used as a drop in replacement for the ECJ version that ships with Apache Tomcat. (markt)
fix Enable Java 10 to be specified as a JSP source and/or target if a newer ECJ version is used. (markt)
fix 62287: Do not rely on hash codes to test instances of ValueExpressionImpl for equality. Patch provided by Mark Struberg. (markt)
fix 62301: Correct a regression in the fix for 61491 that didn't correctly handle a final empty message part in all circumstances when using PerMessageDeflate. (markt)
fix Avoid warning when running under Cygwin when the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS environment variable is not set. Patch provided by Zemian Deng. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.86 (violetagg)released 2018-04-13
fix 51195: Avoid a false positive report of a web application memory leak by clearing ObjectStreamClass$Caches of classes loaded by the web application when the web application is stopped. (markt)
fix 52688: Add support for the maxDays attribute to the AccessLogValve and ExtendedAccessLogValve. This allows the maximum number of days for which rotated access logs should be retained before deletion to be defined. (markt)
fix Prevent Tomcat from applying gzip compression to content that is already compressed with brotli compression. Based on a patch provided by burka. (markt)
fix 62090: Null container names are not allowed. (remm)
fix 62104: Fix programmatic login regression as the NonLoginAuthenticator has to be set for it to work (if no login method is specified). (remm)
fix 62117: Improve error message in when calling kill -0 <pid> fails. Based on a suggestion from Mark Morschhaeuser. (markt)
fix 62118: Correctly create a JNDI ServiceRef using the specified interface rather than the concrete type. Based on a suggestion by Ángel Álvarez Páscua. (markt)
fix Fix for RequestDumperFilter log attribute. Patch provided by Kirill Romanov via Github. (violetagg)
fix 62123: Avoid ConcurrentModificationException when attempting to clean up application triggered RMI memory leaks on web application stop. (markt)
fix 62168: When using the PersistentManager honor a value of -1 for minIdleSwap and do not swap out sessions to keep the number of active sessions under maxActive. Patch provided by Holger Sunke. (markt)
fix 62172: Improve Javadoc for org.apache.catalina.startup.Constants and ensure that the constants are correctly used. (markt)
fix 62175: Avoid infinite recursion, when trying to validate a session while loading it with PersistentManager. (fschumacher)
fix Ensure that NamingContextListener instances are only notified once of property changes on the associated naming resources. (markt)
add 62224: Disable the forkJoinCommonPoolProtection of the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener when running on Java 9 and above since the underlying JRE bug has been fixed. (markt)
fix 62263: Avoid a NullPointerException when the RemoteIpValve processes a request for which no Context can be found. (markt)
fix Correct off-by-one error in thread pool that allowed thread pools to increase in size to one more than the configured limit. Patch provided by usc. (markt)
Web applications
add Work-around a known, non-specification compliant behaviour in some versions of IE that can allow XSS when the Manager application generates a plain text response. Based on a suggestion from Muthukumar Marikani. (markt)
add Add document for FragmentationInterceptor. (kfujino)
add Document how the roles for an authenticated user are determined when the CombinedRealm is used. (markt)
fix Ensure that SQLWarning has been cleared when connection returns to the pool. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that parameters have been cleared when PreparedStatement and/or CallableStatement are cached. (kfujino)
fix Enable PoolCleaner to be started even if validationQuery is not set. (kfujino)
update Update the build script so MD5 hashes are no longer generated for releases as per the change in the ASF distribution policy. (markt)
fix 62164: Switch the build script to use TLS for downloads from SourceForge and Maven Central to avoid failures due to HTTP to HTTPS redirects. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.85 (violetagg)released 2018-02-13
fix Prevent a stack trace being written to standard out when running on Java 10 due to changes in the LogManager implementation. (markt)
fix Avoid duplicate load attempts if one has been made already. (remm)
fix Avoid NPE in ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener if there is no Engine. (remm)
fix 58143: Fix calling classloading transformers broken in 7.0.70 by the fix for 59619. This was observed when using Spring weaving. (rjung)
fix 62000: When a JNDI reference cannot be resolved, ensure that the root cause exception is reported rather than swallowed. (markt)
fix 62036: When caching an authenticated user Principal in the session when the web application is configured with the NonLoginAuthenticator, cache the internal Principal object rather than the user facing Principal object as Tomcat requires the internal object to correctly process later authorization checks. (markt)
fix 62067: Correctly apply security constraints mapped to the context root using a URL pattern of "". (markt)
fix When using Tomcat embedded, only perform Authenticator configuration once during web application start. (markt)
fix Process all ServletSecurity annotations at web application start rather than at servlet load time to ensure constraints are applied consistently. (markt)
fix Minor optimization when calling class transformers. (rjung)
Web applications
add 48672: Add documentation for the Host Manager web application. Patch provided by Marek Czernek. (markt)
update Update the NSIS Installer used to build the Windows installer to version 3.03. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.84 (violetagg)released 2018-01-24
fix 47214: Use a loop to preload anonymous inner classes when running under a SecurityManager, to be safe for future changes in the code or using a different compiler. (kkolinko)
add 57619: Implement a small optimisation to how JAR URLs are processed to reduce the storage of duplicate String objects in memory. Patch provided by Dmitri Blinov. (markt)
add 61810: Support configure the interval to keep all jars open if no jar is accessed, a non-positive interval indicates keeping jars always open. (huxing)
fix 61886: Pre-load additional classes to prevent SecurityExceptions if the first request received when running under a SecurityManager is an asynchronous Servlet. (markt)
fix 61916: Extend the AddDefaultCharsetFilter to add a character set when the content type is set via setHeader() or addHeader() as well as when it is set via setContentType(). (markt)
fix 61999: maxSavePostSize set to 0 should disable saving POST data during authentication. (remm)
fix 61886: Log errors on non-container threads at DEBUG rather than INFO. The exception will be made available to the application via the asynchronous error handling mechanism. (markt)
fix 61993: Improve handling for ByteChunk and CharChunk instances that grow close to the maximum size allowed by the JRE. (markt)
add 43925: Add a new system property (org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.BUFFER_SIZE) to control the size of the buffer used by Jasper when buffering tag bodies. (markt)
Web applications
add 61223: Add the mbeans-descriptors.dtd file to the custom MBean documentation so users have a reference to use when constructing mbeans-descriptors.xml files for custom components. (markt)
fix Partial fix for 61886. Ensure that multiple threads do not attempt to complete the AsyncContext if an I/O error occurs in the stock ticker example Servlet. (markt)
fix 61886: Prevent ConcurrentModificationException when running the asynchronous stock ticker in the examples web application. (markt)
fix 61886: Prevent NullPointerException and other errors if the stock ticker example is running when the examples web application is stopped. (markt)
fix 61910: Clarify the meaning of the allowLinking option in the documentation web application. (markt)
add Add OCSP configuration information to the SSL How-To. Patch provided by Marek Czernek. (markt)
fix 62006: Document the new JvmOptions9 command line parameter for tomcat7.exe. (markt)
fix 61312: Prevent NullPointerException when using the statement cache of connection that has been closed. (kfujino)
update Update the internal fork of Commons FileUpload to 6c00d57 (2017-11-23) to pick up some code clean-up. (markt)
update Update the internal fork of Commons Codec to r1817136 to pick up some code clean-up. (markt)
fix The native source bundles (for Commons Daemon and Tomcat Native) are no longer copied to the bin directory for the deploy target. They are now only copied to the bin directory for the release target. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.83 (violetagg)not released
add When running under Java 9 or later, and the urlCacheProtection option of the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener is enabled, use the API added in Java 9 to only disable the caching for JAR URL connections. (markt)
fix 61581: Fix possible SecurityException when using the APR/native connector with a SecurityManager. (markt)
fix 61597: Extend the StandardJarScanner to scan JARs on the module path when running on Java 9 and class path scanning is enabled. (markt)
fix Fix the JMX descriptor for Wrapper.findInitParameter(). (rjung)
fix 61601: Add support for multi-release JARs in JAR scanning and web application class loading. (markt)
fix Revert the change from 7.0.80 that called ServletResponse.setLocale() if the Content-Language HTTP header was set directly. (markt)
add Provide the SessionInitializerFilter that can be used to ensure that an HTTP session exists when initiating a WebSocket connection. Patch provided by isapir. (markt)
fix Avoid a possible NullPointerException when timing out AsyncContext instances during shut down. (markt)
fix 57870: When running on Java 7 or later, take advantage of the new syncFlush parameter when constructing a GZIPOutputStream rather than using the custom FlushableGZIPOutputStream implementation as a work-around. (markt)
fix 61736: Improve performance of NIO connector when clients leave large time gaps between network packets. Patch provided by Zilong Song. (markt)
add Enable Jasper to compile JSPs for Java 9. In addition to configuring the JSP servlet with for Java 9 via the compilerSourceVM and compilerTargetVM, it is necessary to replace ecj-4.4.2.jar with a more recent version that supports Java 9. (markt)
fix 61816: Invalid expressions in attribute values or template text should trigger a translation (compile time) error, not a run time error. (markt)
fix 61604: Add support for authentication in the websocket client. Patch submitted by J Fernandez. (remm)
Web applications
fix 61603: Add XML filtering for the status servlet output where needed. (remm)
fix Correct the description of how the CGI servlet maps a request to a script in the CGI How-To. (markt)
fix Fix incorrect behavior that attempts to resend channel messages more than the actual setting value of maxRetryAttempts. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that the remaining Sender can send channel messages by avoiding unintended ChannelException caused by comparing the number of failed members and the number of remaining Senders. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that remaining SelectionKeys that were not handled by throwing a ChannelException during SelectionKey processing are handled. (kfujino)
fix Improve the fix for 61439 and exclude the JPA, JAX-WS and EJB annotations completely from the Tomcat distributions. (markt)
fix Improve handling of endorsed directories. The endorsed directory mechanism will only be used if the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS system property is explicitly set or if $CATALINA_HOME/endorsed exists. When running on Java 9, any such attempted use of the endorsed directory mechanism will trigger an error and Tomcat will fail to start. (rjung)
code Refactoring in preparation for Java 9. Refactor to avoid using some methods that will be deprecated in Java 9 onwards. (markt)
add 51496: When using the Windows installer, check if the requested service name already exists and, if it does, prompt the user to select an alternative service name. Patch provided by Ralph Plawetzki. (markt)
fix Add necessary Java 9 configuration options to the startup scripts to prevent warnings being generated on web application stop. (markt)
fix 61590: Enable service.bat to recognise when JAVA_HOME is configured for a Java 9 JDK. (markt)
fix 61598: Update the Windows installer to search the new (as of Java 9) registry locations when looking for a JRE. (markt)
add Add generation of a SHA-512 hash for release artifacts to the build script. (markt)
fix 61658: Update MIME mappings for fonts to use font/* as per RFC8081. (markt)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.16 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with APR 1.6.3 and OpenSSL 1.0.2m. (markt)
update Update the NSIS Installer used to build the Windows installer to version 3.02.1. (kkolinko)
update Update the Windows installer to use "The Apache Software Foundation" as the Publisher when Tomcat is displayed in the list of installed applications in Microsoft Windows. (kkolinko)
fix 61803: Remove outdated SSL information from the Security documentation. (remm)
Tomcat 7.0.82 (violetagg)released 2017-10-03
fix 61210: When running under a SecurityManager, do not print a warning about not being able to read a logging configuration file when that file does not exist. (markt)
add 61280: Add RFC 7617 support to the BasicAuthenticator. Note that the default configuration does not change the existing behaviour. (markt)
fix 61452: Fix a copy paste error that caused an UnsupportedEncodingException when using WebDAV. (markt)
fix Correct regression in 7.0.80 that broke the use of relative paths with the extraResourcePaths attribute of a VirtualDirContext. (markt)
add 61489: When using the CGI servlet, make the generation of command line arguments from the query string (as per section 4.4 of RFC 3875) optional. The feature is enabled by default for consistency with previous releases. Based on a patch by jm009. (markt)
fix Correct a regression in 7.0.80 and 7.0.81 that wrapped the DirContext that represented the web application in a ProxyDirContext twice rather than just once. (markt)
fix 61542: Fix CVE-2017-12617 and prevent JSPs from being uploaded via a specially crafted request when HTTP PUT was enabled. (markt)
fix Use the correct path when loading the JVM file for Java 9. (rjung)
fix 61554: Exclude test files in unusual encodings and markdown files intended for display in GitHub from RAT analysis. Patch provided by Chris Thistlethwaite. (markt)
fix 48655: Enable Tomcat to shutdown cleanly when using sendfile, the APR/native connector and a multi-part download is in progress. (markt)
fix 58244: Handle the case when OpenSSL resumes a TLS session using a ticket and the full client certificate chain is not available. In this case the client certificate without the chain will be presented to the application. (markt)
fix Fix random SocketTimeoutExceptions when reading the request InputStream. Based on a patch by Peter Major. (markt)
fix 60900: Avoid a NullPointerException in the APR Poller if a connection is closed at the same time as new data arrives on that connection. (markt)
add Add an option to reject requests that contain HTTP headers with invalid (non-token) header names with a 400 response. (markt)
fix 61491: When using the permessage-deflate extension, correctly handle the sending of empty messages after non-empty messages to avoid the IllegalArgumentException. (markt)
fix To avoid unexpected session timeout notification from backup session, update the access time when receiving the map member notification message. (kfujino)
fix Add member info to the log message when the failure detection check fails in TcpFailureDetector. (kfujino)
fix Avoid Ping timeout until the added map member by receiving MSG_START message is completely started. (kfujino)
fix When sending a channel message, make sure that the Sender has connected. (kfujino)
fix Correct the backup node selection logic that node 0 is returned twice consecutively. (kfujino)
fix Fix race condition of responseMap in RpcChannel. (kfujino)
fix 61391: Ensure that failed queries are logged if the SlowQueryReport interceptor is configured to do so and the connection has been abandoned. Patch provided by Craig Webb. (markt)
fix 61425: Ensure that transaction of idle connection has terminated when the testWhileIdle is set to true and defaultAutoCommit is set to false. Patch provided by WangZheng. (kfujino)
fix 61545: Correctly handle invocations of methods defined in the PooledConnection interface when using pooled XA connections. Patch provided by Nils Winkler. (markt)
fix 61439: Remove the Java Annotation API classes from tomcat-embed-core.jar and package them in a separate JAR in the embedded distribution to provide end users with greater flexibility to handle potential conflicts with the JRE and/or other JARs. (markt)
fix 61441: Improve the detection of JAVA_HOME by the script when running on a platform where Java has been installed from an RPM. (rjung)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.14 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with APR 1.6.2 and OpenSSL 1.0.2l. (markt)
fix Update fix for 59904 so that values less than zero are accepted instead of throwing a NegativeArraySizeException. (remm)
fix 61563: Correct typos in Spanish translation. Patch provided by Gonzalo Vásquez. (csutherl)
Tomcat 7.0.81 (violetagg)released 2017-08-16
fix Correct regression in 7.0.80 that broke WebDAV. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.80 (violetagg)not released
fix 56785: Avoid NullPointerException if directory exists on the class path that is not readable by the Tomcat user. (markt)
fix Additional permission for deleting files is granted to JULI as it is required by FileHandler when running under a Security Manager. The thread that cleans the log files is marked as daemon thread. (violetagg)
fix 61229: Correct a regression in 7.0.78 that broke WebDAV handling for resources with names that included a & character. (markt)
add If the Content-Language HTTP header is set directly, attempt to determine the Locale from the header value and call ServletResponse.setLocale() with the derived Locale. (markt)
fix 61232: When log rotation is disabled only one separator will be used when generating the log file name. For example if the prefix is catalina. and the suffix is .log then the log file name will be catalina.log instead of catalina..log. Patch provided by Katya Stoycheva. (violetagg)
fix 61253: Add warn message when Digester.updateAttributes throws an exception instead of ignoring it. (csutherl)
fix 61313: Make the read timeout configurable in the JNDIRealm and ensure that a read timeout will result in an attempt to fail over to the alternateURL. Based on patches by Peter Maloney and Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 61086: Ensure to explicitly signal an empty request body for HTTP 205 responses. Additional fix to r1795278. Based on a patch provided by Alexandr Saperov. (violetagg)
fix 61322: Correct two regressions caused by the fix for 60319 when using BIO with an external Executor. Firstly, use the maxThreads setting from the Executor as the default for maxConnections if none is specified. Secondly, use maxThreads from the Executor when calculating the point at which to disable keep-alive. (markt)
add Add additional logging to record problems that occur while waiting for the NIO pollers to stop during the Connector stop process. (markt)
fix Prevent exceptions being thrown during normal shutdown of NIO connections. This enables TLS connections to close cleanly. (markt)
add 53031: Add support for the fork option when compiling JSPs with the Jasper Ant task and javac. (markt)
add 57767: Add support to the WebSocket client for following redirects when attempting to establish a WebSocket connection. Patch provided by J Fernandez. (markt)
add 52791: Add the ability to set the defaults used by the Windows installer from a configuration file. Patch provided by Sandra Madden. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.79 (violetagg)released 2017-07-01
fix 61101: CORS filter should set Vary header in response. Submitted by Rick Riemer. (remm)
add 61105: Add a new JULI FileHandler configuration for specifying the maximum number of days to keep the log files. (violetagg)
fix Improve the SSLValve so it is able to handle client certificate headers from Nginx. Based on a patch by Lucas Ventura Carro. (markt)
fix 61154: Allow the Manager and Host Manager web applications to start by default when running under a security manager. This was accomplished by adding a custom permission,, that permits an application to use a META-INF/context.xml file and then granting that permission to the Manager and Host Manager. (markt)
fix 61173: Polish the javadoc for o.a.catalina.startup.Tomcat. Patch provided by peterhansson_se. (violetagg)
add A new configuration property crawlerIps is added to the o.a.catalina.valves.CrawlerSessionManagerValve. Using this property one can specify a regular expression that will be used to identify crawlers based on their IP address. Based on a patch provided by Tetradeus. (violetagg)
fix 61180: Log a warning message rather than an information message if it takes more than 100ms to initialised a SecureRandom instance for a web application to use to generate session identifiers. Patch provided by Piotr Chlebda. (markt)
fix 61185: When an asynchronous request is dispatched via AsyncContext.dispatch() ensure that getRequestURI() for the dispatched request matches that of the original request. (markt)
fix 61201: Ensure that the SCRIPT_NAME environment variable for CGI executables is populated in a consistent way regardless of how the CGI servlet is mapped to a request. (markt)
fix 61215: Correctly define addConnectorPort and invalidAuthenticationWhenDeny in the mbean-descriptors.xml file for the org.apache.catalina.valves package so that the attributes are accessible via JMX. (markt)
fix 61086: Explicitly signal an empty request body for HTTP 205 responses. (markt)
fix Revert a change introduced in the fix for bug 60718 that changed the status code recorded in the access log when the client dropped the connection from 200 to 500. (markt)
fix Make asynchronous error handling more robust. In particular ensure that onError() is called for any registered AsyncListeners after an I/O error on a non-container thread. (markt)
fix 44787: Improve error message when JSP compiler configuration options are not valid. (markt)
fix Correct the log message when a MessageHandler for PongMessage does not implement MessageHandler.Whole. (rjung)
fix Improve thread-safety of Futures used to report the result of sending WebSocket messages. (markt)
fix 61183: Correct a regression in the previous fix for 58624 that could trigger a deadlock depending on the locking strategy employed by the client code. (markt)
Web applications
fix Better document the meaning of the trimSpaces option for Jasper. (markt)
fix 61150: Configure the Manager and Host-Manager web applications to permit serialization and deserialization of CRSFPreventionFilter related session objects to avoid warning messages and/or stack traces on web application stop and/or start when running under a security manager. (markt)
add Add JMX support for Tribes components. (kfujino)
add 45832: Add HTTP DIGEST authentication support to the Catalina Ant tasks used to communicate with the Manager application. (markt)
fix 45879: Add the RELEASE-NOTES file to the root of the installation created by the Tomcat installer for Windows to make it easier for users to identify the installed Tomcat version. (markt)
fix 61076: Document the altDDName attribute for the Context element. (markt)
fix 61145: Add missing @Documented annotation to annotations in the annotations API. Patch provided by Katya Todorova. (markt)
fix 61146: Add missing lookup() method to @EJB annotation in the annotations API. Patch provided by Katya Todorova. (markt)
fix Correct typo in Context Container Configuration Reference. Patch provided by Katya Todorova. (violetagg)
Tomcat 7.0.78 (violetagg)released 2017-05-16
add Allow to exclude JUnit test classes using the build property test.exclude and document the property in BUILDING.txt. (rjung)
fix Review those places where Tomcat re-encodes a URI or URI component and ensure that the correct encoding (path differs from query string) is applied and that the encoding is applied consistently. (markt)
fix Use a more reliable mechanism for the DefaultServlet when determining if the current request is for custom error page or not. (markt)
fix Ensure that when the Default or WebDAV servlets process an error dispatch that the error resource is processed via the doGet() method irrespective of the method used for the original request that triggered the error. (markt)
fix If a static custom error page is specified that does not exist or cannot be read, ensure that the intended error status is returned rather than a 404. (markt)
fix When the WebDAV servlet is configured and an error dispatch is made to a custom error page located below WEB-INF, ensure that the target error page is displayed rather than a 404 response. (markt)
add 61047: Add MIME mapping for woff2 fonts in the default web.xml. Patch provided by Justin Williamson. (violetagg)
fix Correct the logic that selects the encoding to use to decode the query string in the SSIServletExternalResolver so that the useBodyEncodingForURI attribute of the Connector is correctly taken into account. (markt)
fix 61072: Respect the documentation statements that allow using the platform default secure random for session id generation. (remm)
fix Correct the javadoc for o.a.c.connector.CoyoteAdapter#parseSessionCookiesId. Patch provided by John Andrew (XUZHOUWANG) via Github. (violetagg)
fix 60925: Improve the handling of access to properties defined by interfaces when a BeanELResolver is used under a SecurityManager. (markt)
fix 61003: Ensure the flags for reading/writing in o.a.t.websocket.AsyncChannelWrapperSecure are correctly reset even if some exceptions occurred during processing. (markt/violetagg)
Web applications
add Document the property test.excludePerformance in BUILDING.txt. (rjung)
add Add documents for maxIdleTime attribute to Channel Receiver docs. (kfujino)
code Refactor the creating a constructor for a proxy class to reduce duplicate code. (kfujino)
fix In StatementFacade, the method call on the statements that have been closed throw SQLException rather than NullPointerException. (kfujino)
fix Correct comments about Java 8 in Jre8Compat. Patch provided by fibbers via Github. (violetagg)
fix 60932: Correctly escape single quotes when used in i18n messages. Based on a patch by Michael Osipov. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.77 (violetagg)released 2017-04-02
add 54618: Add support to the HttpHeaderSecurityFilter for the HSTS preload parameter. (markt)
fix 60911: Ensure NPE will not be thrown when looking for SSL session ID. Based on a patch by Didier Gutacker. (violetagg)
fix When using the NIO2 connector, ensure a WebSocket close frame is processed before the end of stream is processed to ensure that the end of stream is processed correctly. (markt)
fix 60852: Correctly spell compressible when used in configuration attributes and internal code. Based on a patch by Michael Osipov. (markt)
fix Improve sendfile handling when requests are pipelined. (markt)
fix Improve the error handling for simple tags to ensure that the tag is released and destroyed once used. (remm, violetagg)
fix 60844: Correctly handle the error when fewer parameter values than required by the method are used to invoke an EL method expression. Patch provided by Daniel Gray. (markt)
fix 60764: Implement equals() and hashCode() in the StatementFacade in order to enable these methods to be called on the closed statements if any statement proxy is set. This behavior can be changed with useStatementFacade attribute. (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.76 (markt)released 2017-03-16
code Make it easier for sub-classes of Tomcat to modify the default web.xml settings by over-riding getDefaultWebXmlListener(). Patch provided by Aaron Anderson. (markt)
fix Reduce the contention in the default InstanceManager implementation when multiple threads are managing objects and need to reference the annotation cache. (markt)
code 60674: Remove final marker from CorsFilter to enable sub-classing. (markt)
fix 60683: Security manager failure causing NPEs when doing IO on some JVMs. (csutherl)
fix 60688: Update the internal fork of Apache Commons BCEL to r1782855 to add early access Java 9 support to the annotation scanning code. (markt)
fix 60718: Improve error handling for asynchronous processing and correct a number of cases where the requestDestroyed() event was not being fired and an entry wasn't being made in the access logs. (markt)
fix 60808: Ensure that the Map returned by ServletRequest.getParameterMap() is fully immutable. Based on a patch provided by woosan. (markt)
fix 60824: Correctly cache the Subject in the session - if there is a session - when running under a SecurityManager. Patch provided by Jan Engehausen. (markt)
fix Ensure request and response facades are used when firing application listeners. (markt/remm)
fix When HTTP TRACE requests are disabled on the Connector, ensure that the HTTP OPTIONS response from the WebDAV servlet does not include TRACE in the returned Allow header. (markt)
fix Ensure that executor thread pools used with connectors pre-start the configured minimum number of idle threads. (markt)
add 60594: Allow some invalid characters that were recently restricted to be processed in requests by using the system property tomcat.util.http.parser.HttpParser.requestTargetAllow. (csutherl)
fix Refactor code generated for JSPs to reduce the size of the code required for tags. (markt)
add Make the accessTimeout configurable in ClusterSingleSignOn. The accessTimeout is used as a timeout period for PING in replication map. (kfujino)
fix 60806: To avoid ClassNotFoundException, make sure that the web application class loader is passed to ReplicatedContext. (kfujino)
fix 60617: Correctly create a CONNECT request when establishing a WebSocket connection via a proxy. Patch provided by Svetlin Zarev. (markt)
fix Ensure that NoRpcChannelReply messages are not received on RpcCallback. (kfujino)
fix 60722: Take account of the dispatchersUseEncodedPaths setting on the current Context when generating paths for dispatches triggered by AsyncContext.dispatch(). (markt)
fix 60620: Fix configuration of Eclipse projects, broken by introduction of SafeForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory helper class. This class cannot be built with Java 6. (kkolinko)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.12 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with OpenSSL 1.0.2k. (violetagg)
add 60784: Update all unit tests that test the HTTP status line to check for the required space after the status code. Patch provided by Michael Osipov. (markt)
update Update the NSIS Installer used to build the Windows installer to version 3.01. (markt)
fix Refactor the build script and the NSIS installer script so that either NSIS 2.x or NSIS 3.x can be used to build the installer. This is primarily to re-enable building the installer on the Linux based CI system where the combination of NSIS 3.x and wine leads to failed installer builds. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.75 (violetagg)released 2017-01-24
add Make the accessTimeout configurable in BackupManager. The accessTimeout is used as a timeout period for PING in replication map. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix Ensure the ASF logo image is correctly displayed in docs and host-manager applications. (violetagg)
Tomcat 7.0.74 (violetagg)not released
add 53602: Add HTTP status code 451 (RFC 7725) to the list of HTTP status codes recognised by Tomcat. (markt)
fix Correctly handle the configClass attribute of a Host when embedding Tomcat. (markt)
fix 60379: Dispose of the GSS credential once it is no longer required. Patch provided by Michael Osipov. (markt)
fix 60380: Ensure that a call to HttpServletRequest#logout() triggers a call to TomcatPrincipal#logout(). Based on a patch by Michael Osipov. (markt)
fix 60387: Correct the javadoc for o.a.catalina.AccessLog.setRequestAttributesEnabled. The default value is different for the different implementations. (violetagg)
code 60393: Use consistent parameter naming in implementations of Realm#authenticate(GSSContext, boolean). (markt)
fix 60395: Log when an Authenticator passes an incomplete GSSContext to a Realm since it indicates a bug in the Authenticator. Patch provided by Michael Osipov. (markt)
update Update the warnings that reference required options for running on Java 9 to use the latest syntax for those options. (markt)
fix 60513: Fix thread safety issue with RMI cleanup code. (remm)
add 60620: Extend the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to provide protection against ForkJoinPool.commonPool() related memory leaks. (markt)
fix Ensure that the endpoint is able to unlock the acceptor thread during shutdown if the endpoint is configured to listen to any local address of a specific type such as or ::. (markt)
fix Ensure sendfile is enabled by default for APR. (markt)
fix Prevent read time out when the file is deleted while serving the response. The issue was observed only with APR Connector and sendfile enabled. (violetagg)
fix Improve the logic that selects an address to use to unlock the Acceptor to take account of platforms what do not listen on all local addresses when configured with an address of or ::. (markt)
fix 60409: When unable to complete sendfile request, ensure the Processor will be added to the cache only once. (markt/violetagg)
add 44294: Add support for varargs in UEL expressions. (markt)
fix 60356: Fix pre-compilation of JSPs that depend on nested tag files packaged in a JAR. (markt)
fix 60431: Improve handling of varargs in UEL expressions. Based on a patch by Ben Wolfe. (markt)
fix 60497: Restore previous tag reuse behavior following the use of try/finally. (remm)
fix Improve the error handling for simple tags to ensure that the tag is released and destroyed once used. (remm)
fix 60497: Follow up fix using a better variable name for the tag reuse flag. (remm)
fix Revert use of try/finally for simple tags. (remm)
Web applications
fix Correct a typo in Host Configuration Reference. Issue reported via (violetagg)
add In the documentation web application, be explicit that clustering requires a secure network for all of the cluster network traffic. (markt)
update Update the ASF logos to the new versions.
fix Reduce the warning logs for a message received from a different domain in order to avoid excessive log outputs. (kfujino)
add Add log message that PING message has received beyond the timeout period. (kfujino)
fix When a PING message that beyond the time-out period has been received, make sure that valid member is added to the map membership. (kfujino)
fix 60437: Avoid possible handshake overflows in the websocket client. (remm)
add 58816: Implement the statistics of jdbc-pool. The stats infos are borrowedCount, returnedCount, createdCount, releasedCount, reconnectedCount, releasedIdleCount and removeAbandonedCount. (kfujino)
fix 60194: If validationQuery is not specified, connection validation is done by calling the isValid() method. (kfujino)
fix 60398: Fix testcase of TestSlowQueryReport. (kfujino)
add Enable reset the statistics without restarting the pool. (kfujino)
fix 60366: Change catalina.bat to use directly LOGGING_MANAGER and LOGGING_CONFIG variables in order to configure logging, instead of modifying JAVA_OPTS. Patch provided by Petter Isberg. (violetagg)
add New property is added test.verbose in order to control whether the output of the tests is displayed on the console or not. Patch provided by Emmanuel Bourg. (violetagg)
update Update the ASF logos used in the Apache Tomcat installer for Windows to use the new versions.
fix Spelling corrections provided by Josh Soref. (violetagg)
Tomcat 7.0.73 (violetagg)released 2016-11-14
fix 60117: Ensure that the name of LogLevel is localized when using OneLineFormatter. Patch provided by Tatsuya Bessho. (kfujino)
add 60151: Improve the exception error messages when a ResourceLink fails to specify the type, specifies an unknown type or specifies the wrong type. (markt)
fix 60167: Ignore empty lines in /etc/passwd files when using the PasswdUserDatabase. (markt)
fix Improve the access checks for linked global resources to handle the case where the current class loader is a child of the web application class loader. (markt)
fix 60199: Log a warning if deserialization issues prevent a session attribute from being loaded. (markt)
fix Correctly test for control characters when reading the provided shutdown password. (markt)
fix When configuring the JMX remote listener, specify the allowed types for the credentials. (markt)
fix 60123: Avoid potential threading issues that could cause excessively large vales to be returned for the processing time of a current request. (markt)
fix 60174: Log instances of HeadersTooLargeException during request processing. (markt)
fix Correct the HTTP header parser so that DEL is not treated as a valid token character. (markt)
fix 60319: When using an Executor, disconnect it from the Connector attributes maxThreads, minSpareThreads and threadPriority to enable the configuration settings to be consistently reported. These Connector attributes will be reported as -1 when an Executor is in use. The values used by the executor may be set and obtained via the Executor. (markt)
fix If an I/O error occurs during async processing on a non-container thread, ensure that the onError() event is triggered. (markt)
fix Improve detection of I/O errors during async processing on non-container threads and trigger async error handling when they are detected. (markt)
add Add additional checks for valid characters to the HTTP request line parsing so invalid request lines are rejected sooner. (markt)
Web applications
add Add an example of using the classesToInitialize attribute of the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to the documentation web application. Based on a patch by Cris Berneburg. (markt)
fix 60192: Correct a typo in the status output of the Manager application. Patch provided by Radhakrishna Pemmasani. (markt)
fix Correct a typo in HTTP Connector How-To. Issue reported via (violetagg)
fix Fix default value of validationInterval attribute in jdbc-pool. (kfujino)
fix Correct a typo in CGI How-To. Issue reported via (violetagg)
fix 60344: Add a note to BUILDING.txt regarding using the source bundle with the correct line endings. (markt)
fix When the proxy node sends a backup retrieve message, ensure that using the channelSendOptions that has been set rather than the default channelSendOptions. (kfujino)
fix 60099: Ensure that use all method arguments as a cache key when using StatementCache. (kfujino)
fix 60139: Correct Javadocs for PoolConfiguration.getValidationInterval and setValidationInterval. Reported by Phillip Webb. (kfujino)
add Add documentation to the bin/catalina.bat script to remind users that environment variables don't affect the configuration of Tomcat when run as a Windows Service. Based upon a documentation patch by James H.H. Lampert. (schultz)
Tomcat 7.0.72 (violetagg)released 2016-09-19
fix Ensure Digester.useContextClassLoader is considered in case the class loader is used. (violetagg)
fix 60101: Remove preloading of the class that was deleted. (violetagg)
fix Notify jmx when returning the connection that has been marked suspect. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that the POOL_EMPTY notification has been added to the jmx notification types. (kfujino)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.10 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with OpenSSL 1.0.2j. (markt)
update 61599: Update to Commons Daemon 1.1.0 for improved Java 9 support. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.71 (violetagg)not released
fix 57705: Add debug logging for requests denied by the remote host and remote address valves and filters. Based on a patch by Graham Leggett. (markt)
update Change the default of the sessionCookiePathUsesTrailingSlash attribute of the Context element to false since the problems caused when a Servlet is mapped to /* are more significant than the security risk of not enabling this option by default. (markt)
fix 59708: Modify the LockOutRealm logic. Valid authentication attempts during the lock out period will no longer reset the lock out timer to zero. (markt)
fix Improve error handling around user code prior to calling InstanceManager.destroy() to ensure that the method is executed. (markt)
fix Ensure that reading the singleThreadModel attribute of a StandardWrapper via JMX does not trigger initialisation of the associated servlet. With some frameworks this can trigger an unexpected initialisation thread and if initilisation is not thread-safe the initialisation can then fail. (markt)
fix By default, treat paths used to obtain a request dispatcher as encoded. This behaviour can be changed per web application via the dispatchersUseEncodedPaths attribute of the Context. (markt)
fix 59839: Apply roleSearchAsUser to all nested searches in JNDIRealm. (fschumacher)
add Provide a mechanism that enables the container to check if a component (typically a web application) has been granted a given permission when running under a SecurityManager without the current execution stack having to have passed through the component. Use this new mechanism to extend SecurityManager protection to the system property replacement feature of the digester. (markt)
add When retrieving an object via a ResourceLink, ensure that the object obtained is of the expected type. (markt)
fix 59866: When scanning WEB-INF/classes for annotations, don't scan the contents of WEB-INF/classes/META-INF (if present) since classes will never be loaded from that location. (markt)
fix 59912: Fix an edge case in input stream handling where an IOException could be thrown when reading a POST body. (markt)
fix 59966: Do not start the web application if the error page configuration in web.xml is invalid. (markt)
fix Switch the CGI servlet to the standard logging mechanism and remove support for the debug attribute. (markt)
add Add a new initialisation parameter, envHttpHeaders, to the CGI Servlet to mitigate httpoxy (CVE-2016-5388) by default and to provide a mechanism that can be used to mitigate any future, similar issues. (markt)
add When adding and removing ResourceLinks dynamically, ensure that the global resource is only visible via the ResourceLinkFactory when it is meant to be. (markt)
fix 60008: When processing CORs requests, treat any origin with a URI scheme of file as a valid origin. (markt)
fix Improve handling of exceptions during a Lifecycle events triggered by a state transition. The exception is now caught and the component is now placed into the FAILED state. (markt)
fix Fix a file descriptor leak when reading the global web.xml. (markt)
fix 60041: Better error message if a JAR is deleted while a web application is running. Note: Deleting a JAR while the application is running is not supported and errors are expected. Based on a patch by gehui. (markt)
fix Improve error handling around user code prior to calling InstanceManager.destroy() to ensure that the method is executed. (markt)
fix 59904: Add a limit (default 200) for the number of cookies allowed per request. Based on a patch by gehui. (markt)
fix Make timing attacks against the Realm implementations harder. (schultz)
add Refactor the code that implements the requirement that a call to complete() or dispatch() made from a non-container thread before the container initiated thread that called startAsync() completes must be delayed until the container initiated thread has completed. Rather than implementing this by blocking the non-container thread, extend the internal state machine to track this. This removes the possibility that blocking the non-container thread could trigger a deadlock. (markt)
fix Improve error handling around user code prior to calling InstanceManager.destroy() to ensure that the method is executed. (markt)
fix Improve the error handling for custom tags to ensure that the tag is returned to the pool or released and destroyed once used. (markt)
fix Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. Based on a patch provided by wuwen via Github. (violetagg)
fix Improve error handling around user code prior to calling InstanceManager.destroy() to ensure that the method is executed. (markt)
fix 59868: Clarify the documentation for the Manager web application to make clearer that the host name and IP address in the server section are the primary host name and IP address. (markt)
fix 59908: Ensure that a reason phrase is included in the close message if a session is closed due to a timeout. (markt)
Web Applications
fix Do not log an additional case of IOExceptions in the error handler for the Drawboard WebSocket example when the root cause is the client disconnecting since the logs add no value. (markt)
fix 59642: Mention the localDataSource in the DataSourceRealm section of the Realm How-To. (markt)
fix Follow-up to the fix for 59399. Ensure that the new attribute transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus is documented for all Realms. Also document the NullRealm and when it is automatically created for an Engine. (markt)
fix MBeans Descriptors How-To is moved to mbeans-descriptors-howto.html. Patch provided by Radoslav Husar. (violetagg)
fix 60034: Correct a typo in the Manager How-To page of the documentation web application. (markt)
add Add log message when the ping has timed-out. (kfujino)
fix If the ping message has been received at the AbstractReplicatedMap#leftOver method, ensure that notify the member is alive than ignore it. (kfujino)
fix Fix the duplicated connection release when connection verification failed. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that do not remove the abandoned connection that has been already released. (kfujino)
fix In order to avoid the unintended skip of PoolCleaner, remove the check code of the execution interval in the task that has been scheduled. (kfujino)
fix 59849: Ensure that the connection verification is executed by initSQL (if required) if the borrowing PooledConnection has not been initialized. (kfujino)
fix 59850: Ensure that the ResultSet is closed when enabling the StatementCache interceptor. (kfujino)
fix 59923: Reduce the default value of validationInterval in order to avoid the potential issue that continues to return an invalid connection after database restart. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that the ResultSet is returned as Proxy object when enabling the StatementDecoratorInterceptor. (kfujino)
fix 60043: Ensure that the suspectTimeout works without removing connection when the removeAbandoned is disabled. (kfujino)
fix Add log message of when returning the connection that has been marked suspect. (kfujino)
fix Correct Javadoc for ConnectionPool.suspect(). Based on a patch by Yahya Cahyadi. (markt)
add Use the mirror network rather than the ASF master site to download the current ASF dependencies. (markt)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.8 to pick up the latest fixes and make 1.2.8 the minimum recommended version. (markt)
fix Fixed typos in mbeans-descriptors.xml files. (violetagg)
update Update the internal fork of Commons BCEL to r1757132 to align with the BCEL 6 release. (markt)
update Update the internal fork of Commons Codec to r1757174. Code formatting changes only. (markt)
update Update the internal fork of Commons FileUpload to afdedc9. This pulls in a fix to improve the performance with large multipart boundaries. (markt)
fix Update the download location for Objenesis. (violetagg)
Tomcat 7.0.70 (violetagg)released 2016-06-20
fix 59219: Ensure AsyncListener.onError() is called if an Exception is thrown during async processing. (markt)
fix 59220: Ensure that AsyncListener.onComplete() is called if the async request times out and the response is already committed. (markt)
fix 59261: ServletRequest.getAsyncContext() now throws an IllegalStateException as required by the Servlet specification if the request is not in asynchronous mode when called. (markt)
fix 59310: Do not add a Content-Length: 0 header for custom responses to HEAD requests that do not set a Content-Length value. (markt)
fix When normalizing paths, improve the handling when paths end with /. or /.. and ensure that input and output are consistent with respect to whether or not they end with /. (markt)
fix 59317: Ensure that HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI() returns an encoded URI rather than a decoded URI after a dispatch. (markt)
fix Ensure that the value for the header X-Frame-Options is constructed correctly according to the specification when ALLOW-FROM option is used. (violetagg)
add 59399: Add a new option to the Realm implementations that ship with Tomcat that allows the HTTP status code used for HTTP -> HTTPS redirects to be controlled per Realm. (markt)
fix 59449: In ContainerBase, ensure that the process to remove a child container is the reverse of the process to add one. Patch provided by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
fix RMI Target related memory leaks are avoidable which makes them an application bug that needs to be fixed rather than a JRE bug to work around. Therefore, start logging RMI Target related memory leaks on web application stop. Add an option that controls if the check for these leaks is made. Log a warning if running on Java 9 with this check enabled but without the command line option it requires. (markt)
fix Fix a potential concurrency issue with the web application class loader and concurrent reads and writes of the resource cache. (markt)
fix 59619: Within the web application class loader, always use path as the key for the resource cache to improve the hit ratio. This also fixes a problem exposed by the fix for 56777 that enabled file based configuration resources to be loaded from the class path. (markt)
fix Fix error message when failed to register MBean. (kfujino)
fix 58970: Fix a connection counting bug in the NIO connector that meant some dropped connections were not removed from the current connection count. (markt)
fix 59289: Do not recycle upgrade processors in unexpected close situations. (remm)
fix Ensure that requests with HTTP method names that are not tokens (as required by RFC 7231) are rejected with a 400 response. (markt)
fix When an asynchronous request is processed by the AJP connector, ensure that request processing has fully completed before starting the next request. (markt)
fix If an async dispatch results in the completion of request processing, ensure that any remaining request body is swallowed before starting the processing of the next request else the remaining body may be read as the start of the next request leading to a 400 response. (markt)
fix Fix a memory leak in the expression language implementation that caused the class loader of the first web application to use expressions to be pinned in memory. (markt)
fix 59654: Enforce the requirements of section 7.3.1 of the JSP specification regarding the permitted locations for TLD files. Patch provided by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
fix Ensure that a client disconnection triggers the error handling for the associated WebSocket end point. (markt)
Web Applications
fix Correct a typo in SSL/TLS Configuration How-To. Issue reported via (violetagg)
fix 58891: Update the SSL how-to. Based on a suggestion by Alexander Kjäll. (markt)
fix Fix potential NPE that depends on the setting order of attributes of static member when using the static cluster. (kfujino)
add Add get/set method for the channel that is related to ChannelInterceptorBase. (kfujino)
fix As with the multicast cluster environment, in the static cluster environment, the local member inherits properties from the cluster receiver. (kfujino)
add Add get/set method for the channel that is related to each Channel services. (kfujino)
add Add name to channel in order to identify channels. In tomcat cluster environment, it is set the cluster name + "-Channel" as default value. (kfujino)
add Add the channel name to the thread which is invoked by channel services in order to identify the associated channel. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that clear the channel instance from channel services when stopping channel. (kfujino)
add Implement map state in the replication map. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that the ping is not executed during the start/stop of the replication map. (kfujino)
fix In ping processing in the replication map, send not the INIT message but the newly introduced PING message. (kfujino)
fix Fix a memory leak with the pool cleaner thread that retained a reference to the web application class loader for the first web application to use a connection pool. (markt)
update Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.7 to pick up the Windows binaries that are based on OpenSSL 1.0.2h and APR 1.5.2. (violetagg/markt)
update Remove native code (Windows Service Wrapper, APR/native connector) support for Windows Itanium. (markt)
update Update the internal fork of Commons File Upload to r1743698 (1.3.1 plus additional fixes). (markt)
fix 58626: Add support for a new environment variable (USE_NOHUP) that causes nohup to be used when starting Tomcat. It is disabled by default except on HP-UX where it is enabled by default since it is required when starting Tomcat at boot on HP-UX. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.69 (violetagg)released 2016-04-15
fix Fix the type of InstanceManager attribute of mbean definition of StandardContext. (kfujino)
add 58351: Make the server build date and server version number accessible via JMX. Patch provided by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
fix 59001: Correctly handle the case when Tomcat is installed on a path where one of the segments ends in an exclamation mark. (markt)
fix Expand the fix for 59001 to cover the special sequences used in Tomcat's custom jar:war: URLs. (markt)
fix 59043: Avoid warning while expiring sessions associated with a single sign on if HttpServletRequest.logout() is used. (markt)
fix 59054: Ensure that using the CrawlerSessionManagerValve in a distributed environment does not trigger an error when the Valve registers itself in the session. (markt)
add Log a warning message if a user tries to configure the default session timeout via the deprecated (and ignored) Manager.setMaxInactiveInterval() method. (markt)
fix Correct a regression introduced in 7.0.68 where the deprecated Manager.getMaxInactiveInterval() method returned the current default session timeout in minutes rather than seconds. (markt)
fix When a Host is configured with an appBase that does not exist, create the appBase before trying to expand an external WAR file into it. (markt)
fix 59115: When using the Servlet 3.0 file upload, the submitted file name may be provided as a token or a quoted-string. If a quoted-string, unquote the string before returning it to the user. (markt)
fix 59123: Close NamingEnumeration objects used by the JNDIRealm once they are no longer required. (fschumacher/markt)
fix 59138: Correct a false positive warning for ThreadLocal related memory leaks when the key class but not the value class has been loaded by the web application class loader. (markt)
fix 59145: Don't log an invalid warning when a user logs out of a session associated with SSO. (markt)
fix 59151: Fix a regression in the fix for 56917 that added additional (and arguably unnecessary) validation to the provided redirect location. (markt)
fix 59206: Ensure NPE will not be thrown by o.a.tomcat.util.file.ConfigFileLoader when catalina.base is not specified. (violetagg)
fix 59213: Async dispatches should be based off a wrapped request. (remm)
fix 59217: Remove duplication in the recycling of the path in o.a.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie. Patch is provided by Kyohei Nakamura. (violetagg)
fix Ensure that javax.servlet.ServletRequest and javax.servlet.ServletResponse provided during javax.servlet.AsyncListener registration are made available via javax.servlet.AsyncEvent.getSuppliedRequest and javax.servlet.AsyncEvent.getSuppliedResponse (violetagg)
fix Clarify the log message that specifying both urlPatterns and value attributes in WebServlet and WebFilter annotations is not allowed. (violetagg)
fix Ensure the exceptions caused by Valves will be available in the log files so that they can be evaluated when o.a.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.showReport is disabled. Patch is provided by Svetlin Zarev. (violetagg)
fix 59247: Preload ResourceEntry as a workaround for security manager issues on some JVMs. (kkolinko/remm)
fix 59269: Correct the implementation of PersistentManagerBase so that minIdleSwap functions as designed and sessions are swapped out to keep the active session count below maxActiveSessions. (markt)
fix 58646: Correct a problem with sendfile that resulted in a Processor being added to the cache twice leading to broken responses. (markt)
fix 59015: Fix potential cause of endless APR Poller loop during shutdown if the Poller experiences an error during the shutdown process. (markt)
fix Limit the default TLS ciphers for JSSE (BIO, NIO) and OpenSSL (APR) to those currently considered secure. (markt)
add Add a new environment variable JSSE_OPTS that is intended to be used to pass JVM wide configuration to the JSSE implementation. The default value is -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 which protects against weak Diffie-Hellman keys. (markt)
fix 59014: Ensure that a WebSocket close message can be sent after a close message has been received. (markt)
fix Correctly handle compression of partial messages when the final message fragment has a zero length payload. (markt)
add Extend the WebSocket programmatic echo endpoint provided in the examples to handle binary messages and also partial messages. This aligns the code with Tomcat 8 and makes it easier to run the Autobahn testsuite against the WebSocket implementation. (markt)
fix 59119: Correct read logic for WebSocket client when using secure connections. (markt)
fix 59134: Correct client connect logic for secure connections made through a proxy. (markt)
fix 59189: Explicitly release the native memory held by the Inflater and Deflater when using PerMessageDeflate and the WebSocket session ends. Based on a patch by Henrik Olsson. (markt)
Web Applications
fix Correct the description of the ServletRequest.getServerPort() in Proxy How-To. Issue reported via (violetagg)
fix Fix a potential indefinite wait in the Comet Chat servlet in the examples web application. (markt)
fix 59229: Fix error in HTTP docs and make clear that the HTTP NIO connector uses non-blocking I/O to read the HTTP request headers. (markt)
fix Update in the documentation the link to the maven repository where Tomcat snapshot artifacts are deployed. (markt/violetagg)
fix Clarify in the documentation that calls to ServletContext.log(String, Throwable) or GenericServlet.log(String, Throwable) are logged at the SEVERE level. (violetagg)
fix If promoting a proxy node to a primary node when getting a session, notify the change of the new primary node to the original backup node. (kfujino)
fix Avoid NPE when a proxy node failed to retrieve a backup entry. (kfujino)
add Add log of when received an unexpected messages. (kfujino)
add Add the flag indicating that member is a localMember. (kfujino)
fix 58283: Change the default download location for libraries during the build process from /usr/share/java to ${user.home}/tomcat-build-libs. Patch provided by Ahmed Hosni. (markt)
fix 59031: When using the Windows uninstaller, do not remove the contents of any directories that have been symlinked into the Tomcat directory structure. (markt)
update Modify the default tomcat-users.xml file to make it harder for users to configure the entries intended for use with the examples web application for the Manager application. (markt)
fix 59211: Add hamcrest to Eclipse classpath. Patch is provided by Huxing Zhang. (violetagg)
update 59280: Update the NSIS Installer used to build the Windows Installers to version 2.51. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.68 (violetagg)released 2016-02-16
add Allow to configure multiple JUnit test class patterns with the build property and document the property in BUILDING.txt. (rjung)
fix Correct implementation of validateClientProvidedNewSessionId so client provided session IDs may be rejected if validation is enabled. (markt)
fix 56785: Avoid NullPointerException if directory exists on the class path that is not readable by the Tomcat user. (kkolinko)
fix 57906: Suppress WebappClassLoader log messages when running with a security manager on Java 6, caused by java.beans.Introspector.findExplicitBeanInfo() calls during evaluation of EL expressions. (kkolinko)
fix 58692: Make StandardJarScanner more robust. Log a warning if a class path entry cannot be scanned rather than triggering the failure of the web application. (markt)
fix 58701: Reset the instanceInitialized field in StandardWrapper when unloading a Servlet so that a new instance may be correctly initialized. (markt)
fix 58702: Ensure an access log entry is generated if the client aborts the connection. (markt)
fix Fixed various issues reported by Findbugs. (violetagg)
fix 58735: Add support for the X-XSS-Protection header to the HttpHeaderSecurityFilter. Patch provided by Jacopo Cappellato. (markt)
fix 58751: Correctly handle the case where an AsyncListener dispatches to a Servlet on an asynchronous timeout and the Servlet uses sendError() to trigger an error page. Includes a test case based on code provided by Andy Wilkinson.(markt)
fix 58765: Change default for mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled to true since this is required for correct session management because of the default for sessionCookiePathUsesTrailingSlash. (markt)
fix Add the StatusManagerServlet to the list of Servlets that can only be loaded by privileged applications. (markt)
fix Simplify code and fix messages in org.apache.catalina.core.DefaultInstanceManager class. (kkolinko)
fix Ensure that the proper file encoding if specified will be used when a readme file is served by DefaultServlet. (violetagg)
fix Fix declaration of localPort attribute of Connector MBean: it is read-only. (kkolinko)
fix 58766: Make skipping non-class files during annotation scanning faster by checking the file name first. Improve debug logging. (kkolinko)
fix 58768: Log a warning if a redirect fails because of an invalid location. (markt)
fix 58836: Correctly merge query string parameters when processing a forwarded request where the target includes a query string that contains a parameter with no value. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Make sure that shared Digester is reset in an unlikely error case in HostConfig.deployWAR(). (kkolinko)
fix Fix a potential JDBC resource leak in DataSourceRealm. (schultz)
fix 58900: Correctly undeploy symlinked resources and prevent an infinite cycle of deploy / undeploy. (markt)
fix Protect initialization of ResourceLinkFactory when running with a SecurityManager. (kkolinko)
add Extend the feature available in the cluster session manager implementations that enables session attribute replication to be filtered based on attribute name to all session manager implementations. Note that configuration attribute name has changed from sessionAttributeFilter to sessionAttributeNameFilter. Apply the filter on load as well as unload to ensure that configuration changes made while the web application is stopped are applied to any persisted data. (markt)
add Extend the session attribute filtering options to include filtering based on the implementation class of the value and optional WARN level logging if an attribute is filtered. These options are available for all of the Manager implementations that ship with Tomcat. When a SecurityManager is used filtering will be enabled by default. (markt)
fix 58905: Ensure that Tomcat.silence() silences the correct logger and respects the current setting. (markt)
fix 58946: Ensure that the request parameter map remains immutable when processing via a RequestDispatcher. (markt)
add New configuration option ajpFlush for the AJP connectors to disable the sending of AJP flush packets. (rjung)
fix Fix handling of missing messages in org.apache.el.util.MessageFactory. (violetagg)
fix Ignore engineOptionsClass and scratchdir when running under a security manager. (markt)
fix In order to avoid that the heartbeat thread and the background thread to run Channel.heartbeat simultaneously, if heartbeatBackgroundEnabled of SimpleTcpCluster set to true, ensure that the heartbeat thread does not start. (kfujino)
fix 57489: Ensure onClose() is called when a WebSocket connection is closed even if the sending of the close message fails. Includes test cases by Barry Coughlan. (markt)
fix Fix a timing issue on session close that could result in an exception being thrown for an incomplete message even through the message was completed. (markt)
Web Applications
fix Correct some typos in the JNDI resources How-To. (markt)
fix Don't create sessions unnecessarily in the Manager application. (markt)
fix Don't create sessions unnecessarily in the Host Manager application. (markt)
fix 58723: Clarify documentation and error messages for the text interface of the manager to make clear that version must be used with path when referencing contexts deployed using parallel deployment. (markt)
fix Correct an error in the documentation of the expected behaviour for automatic deployment. If a WAR is updated and an expanded directory is present, the directory will always be deleted and recreated by expanding the WAR if unpackWARs is true. (markt)
fix 58935: Remove incorrect references in the documentation to using jar:file: URLs with the Manager application. (markt)
fix Add support for the startup notification of local members in the static cluster. (kfujino)
fix Ignore the unnecessary member remove operation from different domain. (kfujino)
fix Add support for the shutdown notification of local members in the static cluster. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that asynchronous session replication thread is a daemon thread. (kfujino)
update Update the NSIS Installer used to build the Windows Installers to version 2.50. (markt/kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.67 (violetagg)released 2015-12-10
add 56917: As per RFC7231 (HTTP/1.1), allow HTTP/1.1 and later redirects to use relative URIs. This is controlled by a new attribute useRelativeRedirects on the Context and defaults to true. (markt)
fix 58660: Correct a regression in 7.0.66 caused by the change that moved the redirection for context roots from the Mapper to the Default Servlet. (markt)
fix Fixed potential NPE in HostConfig while deploying an application. Issue reported by coverity scan. (violetagg)
fix 58655: Fix an IllegalStateException when calling HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() with the RemoteIpFilter. This was caused by trying to correctly generate the absolute URI for the redirect. With the fix for 56917, redirects may now be relative making the sendRedirect() implementation for the RemoteIpFilter much simpler. This also addresses issues where the redirect may not have behaved as expected when redirecting from http to https to from https to http. (markt)
fix 58658: Correct a regression in 7.0.66 that prevented Tomcat from starting on Java 6 unless the WebSocket JARs (that require Java 7) were removed. (markt)
Web Applications
add Add a description of the default value of heartbeatSleeptime attribute and optionCheck attribute in the cluster channel docs. (kfujino)
fix Fix potential NPE in AbstractReplicatedMap.breakdown(). (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.66 (violetagg)not released
update 58596: Clarify the description in RUNNING.txt of how environment variables are used. (markt)
fix 34319: Only load those keys in StoreBase.processExpire from JDBCStore, that are old enough, to be expired. Based on a patch by Tom Anderson. (fschumacher)
fix 56777: Allow file based configuration resources (user database, certificate revocation lists, keystores and trust stores) to be configured using URLs as well as files. Back-port provided by Huxing Zhang. (markt/violetagg)
add 57741: Enable the CGI servlet to use the standard error page mechanism. Note that if the CGI servlet's debug init parameter is set to 10 or higher then the standard error page mechanism will be bypassed and a debug response generated by the CGI servlet will be returned instead. (markt)
add 58486: Protect against two further possible memory leaks associated with XML parsing. (markt)
code 58497: Make AbstractHttp11Processor easy to extend. (markt)
fix 58508: Escape role names when generating associated MBeans in case the role name contains characters not permitted in an MBean name. (markt)
fix 58522: Fixed concurrency issue when iterating web application's resources. (violetagg)
fix 58534: Removed repeated conditional tests in o.a.tomcat.websocket.pojo.PojoMethodMapping and Patch provided by Anthony Whitford. (violetagg)
fix 58535: Use Collections.reverseOrder when a reverse ordering is needed. (violetagg)
fix 58537: Some of the inner classes in o.a.catalina.valves.ExtendedAccessLogValve are made static. Patch provided by Anthony Whitford. (violetagg)
fix 58540: Removed unused code from o.a.catalina.connector.Request. Patch provided by Anthony Whitford. (violetagg)
fix 58541, 58544: It is more efficient to call Integer.toString(int) instead of Integer.valueOf(int).toString() when only a string representation of a primitive is needed. Based on a patch provided by Anthony Whitford. (violetagg)
fix 58541, 58547: It is more efficient to call valueOf(...) instead of Number constructor. Based on a patch provided by Anthony Whitford. (violetagg)
fix 58545: In some use cases it is more efficient to use Map.entrySet() instead of Map.keySet() Based on a patch provided by Anthony Whitford. (violetagg)
add Add a new RestCsrfPreventionFilter that provides basic CSRF protection for REST APIs. (violetagg)
fix 58581: If a custom error page fails, fall back to the standard error page rather than throwing an NPE. Based on a patch by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
fix 58582: Combined realm should perform background processing on its sub-realms. Based upon a patch provided by Aidan. (kkolinko)
fix Handle the unlikely case where different versions of a web application are deployed with different session settings. (markt)
add Add a new Context option, enabled by default, that enables an additional check that a client provided session ID is in use in at least one other web application before allowing it to be used as the ID for a new session in the current web application. (markt)
add Add support for DIGEST authentication to the JNDIRealm. Based on a patch by Alexis Hassler. (markt)
fix 58603: Ensure that HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL() returns the correct value when using the RemoteIpFilter. (markt)
fix Ensure that in an embedded Tomcat the logging configuration is not lost during garbage collection. (violetagg)
add Move the functionality that provides redirects for context roots and directories where a trailing / is added from the Mapper to the DefaultServlet. This enables such requests to be processed by any configured Valves and Filters before the redirect is made. This behaviour is configurable via the mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled and mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled attributes of the Context which may be used to restore the previous behaviour. (markt)
fix 58635: Enable break points to be set within agent code when running Tomcat with a Java agent. Based on a patch by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
fix Add path parameter handling to HttpServletRequest.getContextPath(). This is a follow-up to the fix for 57215. (markt)
fix 57136#c25: Implement a setting that controls what quoting rule is used when parsing EL expressions in attributes on a JSP page (chapter JSP.1.6 of specification). The setting name is quoteAttributeEL and it is configured as initialisation parameter of JSP Servlet (per web application configuration is possible) and as a command line option for JspC. The default value was changed to true, which restores behaviour implemented in Tomcat 7.0.64. It means that attribute quoting is applied on top of EL quoting. This provides better compatibility with older versions of Tomcat and other implementations. (kkolinko)
fix Optimize the session lock range in DeltaManager.requestCompleted. (kfujino)
fix Enable an explicit configuration of local member in the static cluster membership. (kfujino)
fix Fix potential integer overflow in DeltaSession. Reported by coverity scan. (fschumacher)
code Distinguish the handling of the shutdown payload and member verification clearly. When handling shutdown payload, verification completion message is not required. (kfujino)
fix When starting the StaticMembershipInterceptor, StaticMembershipInterceptor checks the required Interceptors. If the required Interceptor does not exist, it issues warning logs. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that the static member is registered to the add suspect list even if the static member that is registered to the remove suspect list has disappeared. (kfujino)
fix Correct the warning log of when the member that is not registered in the membership is detected. (kfujino)
fix When using a static cluster, add the members that have been cached in the membership service to the map members list in order to ensure that the map member is a static member. (kfujino)
fix Use instance manager for server endpoint instances. (remm)
add 55006: The WebSocket client now honors the configuration (using the HTTP type) when establishing WebSocket connections to servers. Based on a patch by Niki Dokovski. (markt)
fix 58624: Correct a thread safety issue that meant that blocking message writes could block indefinitely if the WebSocket connection was closed while a message write was in progress. (markt)
Web applications
add Make it clear in the documentation for the CGI servlet that the debug page is not considered secure and should not be used in production. (markt)
fix The domain attribute of StaticMember is not required but optional. (kfujino)
fix 58631: Correct the continuation character use in the Windows Service How-To page of the documentation web application. (markt)
fix 58489: Correct QueryStatsComparator to hold up the general contract for Comparator. (fschumacher)
fix When creating a QueryStats object, ensure that maxQueries is checked. If maxQueries is a value less than or equal to 0, QueryStats are never created. (kfujino)
fix Fix potential integer overflow in ConnectionPool and PooledConnection. Reported by coverity scan. (fschumacher)
Tomcat 7.0.65 (violetagg)released 2015-10-19
add 57681: Add a web application class loader implementation that supports the parallel loading of web application classes. Use of this feature requires a Java 7 or later JRE. Based on a patch by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
fix 58187: Correct a regression in the fix for 57765 that meant that deployment of web applications deployed via the Manager application was delayed until the next execution of the automatic deployment background process. (markt)
fix 58284: Correctly implement session serialization so non-serializable attributes are skipped with a warning. Patch provided by Andrew Shore. (markt)
fix 58313: Fix concurrent access of encoders map when clearing encoders prior to switch to async. (markt)
fix 58320: Fix concurrent access of request attributes which is possible during asynchronous processing. (markt)
code In preparation for implementing enhancement 57681, replace the use of the StandardClassLoader with URLClassLoader. This removes the server class loader from JMX. (markt)
fix 58352: Always trigger a thread dump if Tomcat fails to stop gracefully from even if using -force. Patch provided by Alexandre Garnier. (markt)
fix 58416: Correctly detect when a forced stop fails to stop Tomcat because the Tomcat process is waiting on some system call or is uninterruptible. (markt)
fix 58436: Fix some rare data races in JULI's ClassLoaderLogManager during shutdown. (markt)
fix Correct some edge cases in RequestUtil.normalize(). (markt)
fix 58275: The IBM JREs accept cipher suite names starting with TLS_ or SSL_ but when listing the supported cipher suites only the SSL_ version is reported. This can break Tomcat's check that at least one requested cipher suite is supported. Tomcat now includes a work-around so either form of the cipher suite name can be used when running on an IBM JRE. (markt)
fix 58357: For reasons not currently understood when the APR/native connector is used with OpenSSL reads can return an error code when there is no apparent error. This was work-around for HTTP upgrade connections by treating this as EAGAIN. The same fix has now been applied to the standard HTTP connector. (markt)
fix 57799: Remove useless sendfile check for NIO SSL. (remm)
fix 57136: Correct a regression in the previous fix for this issue. \${ should only be an escape for ${ within an EL expression. Within a JSP page \$ should be an escape for $. The EL specification applies when parsing the expression delimited by ${ and }. Parsing of the delimiting ${ and } is the responsibility of the JSP specification. (markt)
fix 58296: Fix a memory leak in the JSP unloading feature that meant that using a value other than -1 for maxLoadedJsps triggered a memory leak once the limit was reached. (markt)
fix 58340: Improve error reporting for tag files packaged in JARs. (markt)
fix 58444: Ensure that JSPs work with any custom base class that meets the requirements defined in the JSP specification without requiring that base class to implement Tomcat specific code. (markt)
fix Fix a default clusterListeners in SimpleTcpCluster. The optimal default value is different for each session manager. ClusterSessionListener is never used in BackupManager. (kfujino)
fix Correct log messages in case of using BackupManager. (kfujino)
fix 58342: Fix a copy and paste error that meant MessageHandler removal could fail for binary and pong MessageHandlers. Patch provided by DJ. (markt)
fix 58414: Correctly handle sending zero length messages when using per message deflate. (markt)
Web applications
fix Correct documentation for cluster-howto. (kfujino)
fix Ensure JULI adapters does not include the LogFactoryImpl class. Patch provided by Benjamin Gandon. (markt)
add Add support for configurations of ChannelListener and MembershipListener in server.xml. (kfujino)
fix Correct log messages in case of using ReplicatedMap. (kfujino)
fix Make sure the pool has been properly configured when attributes that related to the pool size are changed via JMX. (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.64 (violetagg)released 2015-08-25
add 55317: Facilitate weaving by allowing ClassFileTransformer to be added to WebappClassLoader. Patch by Nick Williams. (markt)
fix 58031: Make the (first) reason parameter parsing failed available as a request attribute and then use it to provide a better status code via the FailedRequstFilter (if configured). (markt)
fix 58086: Ensure that WAR URLs are handled properly when using Apache Ant for web application deployment. (violetagg)
fix 58094: Fix cosmetic error log when using non standard non cacheable resources, like with the empty resources used in some tests. (remm)
fix 58096: Classes loaded from /WEB-INF/classes/ should use that directory as their code base. (markt)
fix Fix possible resource leaks by closing streams properly. Issues reported by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
fix 58116: Fix a regression in the fix for 57281 that broke Comet support when running under a security manager. Based on a patch provided by Johno Crawford. (markt)
fix 58179: Fix a thread safety issues that could mean concurrent threads setting the same attribute on a ServletContext could both see null as the old value. (markt)
fix 58192: Correct a regression in the previous fix for 58023. Ensure that classes are associated with their manifest even if the class file is first read (and cached) without the manifest. (markt)
fix Fix thread safety issue in the AsyncContext implementation that meant a sequence of start();dispatch(); calls using non-container threads could result in a previous dispatch interfering with a subsequent start. (markt)
fix 57943: Prevent the same socket being added to the cache twice. Patch based on analysis by Ian Luo / Sun Qi. (markt)
fix Add text/javascript,application/javascript to the default list of compressable MIME types. (violetagg)
fix 58103: When pipelining requests, and the previous request was an async request, ensure that the socket is removed from the waiting requests so that the async timeout thread doesn't process it during the next request. (markt)
fix Fix a concurrency issue that meant that a change in socket timeout (e.g. when switching to asynchronous I/O) did not always take effect immediately. (markt)
fix In the AJP and HTTP NIO connectors, ensure that the socket timeout is correctly set before adding the socket back to the poller for read. (markt)
fix 58157: Ensure that the handling of async timeouts does not result in an unnecessary dispatch to a container thread that could result in the current socket being added to the Poller multiple times with multiple attempts to process the same event for the same socket. (markt)
fix Correct a couple of edge cases in RequestUtil.normalize(). (markt)
fix 58110: Like scriptlet sections, declaration sections of JSP pages have a one-to-one mapping of lines to the generated .java file. Use this information to provide more accurate error messages if a compilation error occurs in a declaration section. (markt)
fix 58119: When tags are compiled they must be placed in the org/apache/jsp/tag/web directory. Correct a regression in the fix for 52725. (violetagg)
fix 58178: Expressions in a tag file should use the tag file's PageContext rather than that of the containing page. (markt)
fix 58166: Allow applications to send close codes in the range 3000-4999 inclusive. (markt)
fix 58232: Avoid possible NPE when adding endpoints programmatically to the javax.websocket.server.ServerContainer. Based on a patch provided by bastian.(violetagg)
Web applications
fix Correct the incorrect document of QueryTimeoutInterceptor. The setting value is not in milliseconds but in seconds. (kfujino)
fix 58112: Update the documentation for using the Catalina tasks in an Apache Ant build file. (markt)
fix Improve the Javadoc for some of the APR socket read functions that have inconsistent behaviour for return values. (markt)
add 58255: Document the Semaphore valve. Patch provided by Kyohei Nakamura. (markt)
fix Fix potential NPE in QueryTimeoutInterceptor. (kfujino)
fix Add support for stopping the pool cleaner via JMX. (kfujino)
fix The fairness attribute and ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad attribute do not allow a change via JMX. (kfujino)
fix If the timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis attribute is changed via jmx, it should restart the pool cleaner because this attribute affects the execution interval of the pool cleaner. (kfujino)
fix Eliminate the dependence on maxActive of busy queues and idle queue in order to enable the expansion of the pool size via JMX. (kfujino)
fix Update sample Eclipse IDE configuration to exclude test/webapp* and similar paths from compiler sourcepath. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.63 (violetagg)released 2015-07-06
fix 57938: Correctly handle empty form fields when a form is submitted as multipart/form-data, the maxPostSize attribute of the Connector has been set to a negative value and the Context has been configured with a value of true for allowCasualMultipartParsing. The meaning of the value zero for the maxPostSize has also been changed to mean a limit of zero rather than no limit to align it with maxSavePostSize and to be more intuitive. (markt)
add 54618: Add a new HttpHeaderSecurityFilter that adds the Strict-Transport-Security, X-Frame-Options and X-Content-Type-Options HTTP headers to the response. (markt)
fix Add a workaround for issues with SPNEGO authentication when running on Java 8 update 40 and later. The workaround should be safe for earlier Java versions but it can be disabled with the applyJava8u40Fix attribute of the SPNEGO authenticator if necessary. (markt)
add 57154: Add support for web applications (Context elements) that do not have a docBase. This is primarily for use when embedding but it also fixes a rare issue when running the unit test. Patch provided by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
fix 57959: Fixed deadlock in org.apache.juli.FileHandler when log is rotated. (violetagg)
fix 57977: Correctly bind and unbind the web application class loader during execution of the PersistentValve. (markt)
fix 58023: Fix potentially excessive memory usage due to unnecessary caching of JAR manifests in the web application class loader. (markt)
fix 57700: Ensure that Container event ADD_CHILD_EVENT will be sent in all cases. (violetagg)
fix Add configuration fields for header names in SSLValve. (remm)
fix 57265: Further fix to address a potential threading issue for NIO when sendfile is used in conjunction with TLS. (markt)
fix 57931: Ensure that TLS connections with the NIO HTTP connector that experience issues during the handshake (e.g. missing or invalid client certificate) are closed cleanly and that the client receives the correct error code rather than simply closing the connection. (markt)
add 57943: Added a work-around to catch ConcurrentModificationExceptions during Poller timeout processing that were causing the Poller thread to stop. The root cause of these exceptions is currently unknown. (markt)
fix Fix possible very long (1000 seconds) timeout with APR/native connector. (markt)
add Support "-" separator in the SSLProtocol configuration of the APR/native connector for protocol exclusion. (rjung)
fix Make sure that stream is closed after using it in DeltaSession.applyDiff(). (kfujino)
add 57676: List conflicting WebSocket endpoint classes when there is a path conflict. Based upon a patch proposed by yangkun. (schultz)
add Extend support for the permessage-deflate extension to the client implementation.
fix 57969: Provide path parameters to POJO via per session javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpointConfig as they vary between different requests. (violetagg)
fix 57974: Session.getOpenSessions should return all sessions associated with a given endpoint instance, rather than all sessions from the endpoint class. (remm)
Web applications
fix 57282: Update request processing sequence diagrams. Updated diagrams provided by Stephen Chen. (markt)
fix 57971: Correct the documentation for the cluster configuration setting recoverySleepTime. (markt)
add 57758: Add document of testOnConnect attribute in jdbc-pool doc. (kfujino)
add Add description of validatorClassName attribute to testXXXX attributes in jdbc-pool docs. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that the state transfer flag is updated to true only when the map states have been transferred correctly from existing map members. (kfujino)
fix Do not set the nodes that failed to replication to the backup nodes. Ensure that the nodes that the data has been successfully replicated are set to the backup node. (kfujino)
fix When failed to replication, rather than all member is handled as a failed member, exclude the failure members from backup members. (kfujino)
fix Refactoring of the removeOldest method in SlowQueryReport to behave as expected. (kfujino)
fix 57783: Fix NullPointerException in SlowQueryReport. To avoid this NPE, Refactor SlowQueryReport#removeOldest and handle the abandoned connection properly. (kfujino)
update Update package renamed Apache Commons BCEL to r1682271 to pick up some some code clean up. (markt)
update Update package renamed Apache Commons File upload to r1682322 to pick up the post 1.3.1 fixes. (markt)
update Update package renamed Apache Commons Codec to r1682326. No functional changes. Javadoc only. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.62 (violetagg)released 2015-05-14
add Allow logging of the remote port in the access log using the format pattern %{remote}p. (rjung)
fix 57765: When checking last modified times as part of the automatic deployment process, account for the fact that File.lastModified() has a resolution of one second to ensure that if a file has been modified within the last second, the latest version of the file is always used. Note that a side-effect of this change is that files with modification times in the future are treated as if they are unmodified. (markt)
fix Align redeploy resource modification checking with reload modification checking so that now, in both cases, a change in modification time rather than an increase in modification time is used to determine if the resource has changed. (markt)
fix Cleanup o.a.tomcat.util.digester.Digester from debug messages that do not give any valuable information. Patch provided by Polina Genova. (violetagg)
fix 57772: When reloading a web application and a directory representing an expanded WAR needs to be deleted, delete the directory after the web application has been stopped rather than before to avoid potential ClassNotFoundExceptions. (markt)
fix 57801: Improve the error message in the start script in case the PID read from the PID file is already owned by a process. (rjung)
fix 57824: Correct a regression in the fix for 57252 that broke request listeners for non-async requests that triggered an error that was handled by the ErrorReportingValve. (markt/violetagg)
fix 57841: Improve error logging during web application start. (markt)
fix 57856: Ensure that any scheme/port changes implemented by the RemoteIpFilter also affect HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(). (markt)
fix 57896: Support defensive copying of "cookie" header so that unescaping double quotes in a cookie value does not corrupt original value of "cookie" header. This is an opt-in feature, enabled by org.apache.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie.PRESERVE_COOKIE_HEADER or org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE system property. (kkolinko)
fix 57779: When an I/O error occurs on a non-container thread only dispatch to a container thread to handle the error if using Servlet 3+ asynchronous processing. This avoids potential deadlocks if an application is performing I/O on a non-container thread without using the Servlet 3+ asynchronous API. (markt)
fix 57833: When using JKS based keystores for NIO, ensure that the key alias is always converted to lower case since that is what JKS key stores expect. Based on a patch by Santosh Giri Govind M. (markt)
fix 57837: Add text/css to the default list of compressable MIME types. (markt)
fix 57845: Ensure that, if the same JSP is accessed directly and via a <jsp-file> declaration in web.xml, updates to the JSP are visible (subject to the normal rules on re-compilation) regardless of how the JSP is accessed. (markt)
fix 57855: Explicitly handle the case where a MethodExpression is invoked with null or the wrong number of parameters. Rather than failing with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or a NullPointerException throw an IllegalArgumentException with a useful error message. (markt)
add Add new attribute that send all actions for session across Tomcat cluster nodes. (kfujino)
fix Remove unused pathname attribute in mbean definition of BackupManager. (kfujino)
fix 57338: Improve the ability of the ClusterSingleSignOn valve to handle nodes being added and removed from the Cluster at run time. (markt)
fix Avoid unnecessary call of DeltaRequest.addSessionListener() in non-primary nodes. (kfujino)
fix 57762: Ensure that the WebSocket client correctly detects when the connection to the server is dropped. (markt)
fix 57776: Revert the 8.0.21 fix for the permessage-deflate implementation and incorrect op-codes since the fix was unnecessary (the bug only affected trunk) and the fix broke rather than fixed permessage-deflate if an uncompressed message was converted into more than one compressed message. (markt)
fix Fix log name typo in WsRemoteEndpointImplServer class, caused by a copy-paste. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 57788: Avoid NPE when looking up a class hierarchy without finding anything. (remm)
add Make WebSocket client more robust when handling errors during the close of a WebSocket session. (markt)
Web applications
add 57759: Add information to the keyAlias documentation to make it clear that the order keys are read from the keystore is implementation dependent. (markt)
fix 57864: Update the documentation web application to make it clearer that hex values are not valid for cluster send options. Based on a patch by Kyohei Nakamura. (markt)
fix Fix a concurrency issue when a backup message that has all session data and a backup message that has diff data are processing at the same time. This fix ensures that MapOwner is set to ReplicatedMapEntry. (kfujino)
fix Clarify the handling of Copy message and Copy nodes. (kfujino)
fix Copy node does not need to send the entry data. It is enough to send only the node information of the entry. (kfujino)
fix ReplicatedMap should send the Copy message when replicating. (kfujino)
fix Fix behavior of ReplicatedMap when member has disappeared. If map entry is primary, rebuild the backup members. If primary node of map entry has disappeared, backup node is promoted to primary. (kfujino)
fix When a map member has been added to ReplicatedMap, make sure to add it to backup nodes list of all other members. (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.61 (violetagg)released 2015-04-07
fix 55988: Correct the check used for Java 8 JSSE server-preferred TLS cipher suite ordering. Ensure that SSL parameters are provided to SSLServerSocket and SSLEngine. Patch provided by Ognjen Blagojevic. (violetagg)
fix 57761: Ensure that the opening HTTP request is correctly formatted when the WebSocket client connects to a server root. (remm)
Tomcat 7.0.60 (violetagg)not released
fix Clarify threaded usage of variables by removing volatile marker in NonceInfo. Issue reported by Coverity Scan. (fschumacher)
add 49785: Enable StartTLS connections for JNDIRealm. (fschumacher)
fix 55988: Add support for Java 8 JSSE server-preferred TLS cipher suite ordering. This feature requires Java 8 and is controlled by useServerCipherSuitesOrder attribute on an HTTP connector. Based upon patches provided by Ognjen Blagojevic. (schultz)
add 56438: Add logging that reports when a JAR is scanned for TLDs but nothing is found so that Tomcat may be configured to skip this JAR in future. Based on a patch by VIN. (markt)
fix 56848: Use Locale.forLanguageTag to process Locale headers when running on a Java 7 or later JRE. (markt)
add 57021: Improve logging in AprLifecycleListener and jni.Library when Tomcat-Native DLL fails to load. Based on a patch by Pravallika Peddi. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 57180: Further fixes to support the use of arbitrary HTTP methods with the CORS filter. (markt)
add Warn about problematic setting of appBase. (fschumacher)
fix 57534: CORS Filter should only look at media type component of Content-Type request header. (markt)
fix Ensure that user name checking in the optional SecurityListener is case-insensitive (as documented) and than the case-insensitive comparison is performed using the system default Locale. (markt)
fix When docBase refers internal war and unpackWARs is set to false, avoid registration of the invalid redeploy resource that has been added ".war" extension in duplicate. (kfujino)
fix If WAR exists, it is not necessary to trigger a reload when adding a Directory. (kfujino)
fix 56608: When deploying an external WAR, add watched resources in the expanded directory based on whether the expanded directory is expected to exist rather than if it does exist.
fix When triggering a reload due to a modified watched resource, ensure that multiple changed watched resources only trigger one reload rather than a series of reloads.
fix 57601: Ensure that HEAD requests return the correct content length (i.e. the same as for a GET) when the requested resource includes a resource served by the Default servlet. (jboynes/markt)
fix 57602: Ensure that HEAD requests return the correct content length (i.e. the same as for a GET) when the requested resource includes a resource served by a servlet that extends HttpServlet. (markt)
fix 57621: When an async request completes, ensure that any remaining request body data is swallowed. (markt)
fix 57637: Do not create unnecessary sessions when using PersistentValve. (jboynes/fschumacher)
fix 57645: Correct a regression in the fix for 57190 that incorrectly required the path passed to ServletContext.getContext(String) to be an exact match to a path to an existing context. (markt)
fix Make sure that unpackWAR attribute of Context is handled correctly in HostConfig. (kfujino)
fix When deploying a WAR file that contains a context.xml file and unpackWARs is false ignore any context.xml file that may exist in an expanded directory associated with the WAR. (markt)
fix 57675: Correctly quote strings when using the extended access log. (markt)
fix 57704: Fix potential NPEs during web application start/stop when org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager is not initialized. (violetagg)
fix Add support for LAST_ACCESS_AT_START system property to SingleSignOn. (kfujino)
fix 57723: Ensure that the Context name and path remain consistent when adding a web application to an embedded Tomcat instance via Tomcat.addWebapp(Host,String,String,String). (markt)
fix 57724: Handle the case in the CORS filter where a user agent includes an origin header for a non-CORS request. (markt)
code Refactor Authenticator implementations to reduce code duplication. (markt)
fix When searching for SCIs o.a.catalina.Context.getParentClassLoader will be used instead of java.lang.ClassLoader.getParent. Thus one can provide the correct parent class loader when running embedded Tomcat in other environments such as OSGi. (violetagg)
fix 57509: Improve length check when writing HTTP/1.1 response headers: reserve space for 4 extra bytes. (kkolinko)
add 57540: Make TLS/SSL protocol available in a new request attribute ( (Note that AJP connectors will require mod_jk 1.2.41 or later, or an as-yet-unknown version of mod_proxy_ajp, or configure the proxy to send the AJP_SSL_PROTOCOL request attribute to Tomcat. Please see the bug comments for details.) Based upon a patch provided by Ralf Hauser. (schultz)
fix 57544: Fix potential infinite loop when preparing a kept alive HTTP connection for the next request. (markt)
fix 57546: Ensure that a dropped network connection does not leave references to the UpgradeProcessor associated with the connection in memory. (markt)
fix 57570: Make the processing of trailer headers with chunked input optional and disabled by default. (markt)
fix When applying the maxSwallowSize limit to a connection read that many bytes first before closing the connection to give the client a chance to read the response. (markt)
fix Prevent an async timeout being processed multiple times for the same socket when running on slow and/or heavily loaded systems. (markt)
fix 57581: Change statistics byte counter in coyote Request object to be long to allow values above 2Gb. (kkolinko)
fix Fix a concurrency issue in the APR Poller that meant it was possible under low load for a socket queued to be added to the Poller not to be added for 10 seconds. (markt)
fix 57638: Avoid an IllegalArgumentException when an AJP request body chunk larger than the socket read buffer is being read. This typically requires a larger than default AJP packetSize. (markt)
fix 57674: Avoid a BufferOverflowException when an AJP response body chunk larger than the socket write buffer is being written. This typically requires a larger than default AJP packetSize. (markt)
code Refactor Connector authentication (only used by AJP) into a separate method. (markt)
add 57708: Implement a new feature for AJP connectors - Tomcat Authorization. If the new tomcatAuthorization attribute is set to true (it is disabled by default) Tomcat will take an authenticated user name from the AJP protocol and use the appropriate Realm for the request to authorize (i.e. add roles) to that user. (markt)
fix Fix an issue that meant that any pipe-lined data read by Tomcat before an asynchronous request completed was lost during the completion of the asynchronous request. This mean that the pipe-lined request(s) would be lost and/or corrupted. (markt)
update Update the minimum recommended version of the Tomcat Native library (if used) to 1.1.33. (markt)
fix 57136: Ensure only \${ and \#{ are treated as escapes for ${ and #{ rather than \$ and \# being treated as escapes for $ and # when processing literal expressions in expression language. (markt)
fix 57148: When coercing an object to a given type and a PropertyEditor has been registered for the type correctly coerce the empty string to null if the PropertyEditor throws an exception. (kkolinko/markt)
fix Remove unnecessary method that always returns true. The domain filtering works on DomainFilterInterceptor. (kfujino)
fix Correct a bug in the permessage-deflate implementation that meant that the incorrect op-codes were used if an uncompressed message was converted into more than one compressed message. (markt)
Web applications
fix Fix possible resource leaks by closing streams properly. Issues reported by Coverity Scan. (fschumacher)
fix 56058: Add links to the AccessLogValve documentation for configuring reverse proxies and/or Tomcat to ensure that the desired information is used entered in the access log when Tomcat is running behind a reverse proxy. (markt)
fix 57503: Make clear that the JULI integration for log4j only works with log4j 1.2.x. (markt)
fix Remove incorrect note from context configuration page in the documentation web application that stated WAR files located outside the appBase were never unpacked. (markt)
update 57644: Update examples to use Apache Standard Taglib 1.2.5. (jboynes)
fix 57683: Ensure that if a client aborts their connection to the stock ticker example (the only way a client can disconnect), the example continues to work for existing and new clients. (markt)
fix Correct the documentation for deployOnStartup to make clear that if a WAR file is updated while Tomcat is stopped and unpackWARs is true, Tomcat will not detect the changed WAR file when it starts and will not replace the unpacked WAR file with the contents of the updated WAR. (markt)
fix 57377: Remove the restriction that prevented the use of SSL when specifying a bind address with the JMXRemoteLifecycleListener. Also enable SSL to be configured for the registry as well as the server. (markt)
fix Make sure that refuse the messages from a different domain in DomainFilterInterceptor. (kfujino)
add Enhance bean factory used for JNDI resources. New attribute forceString allows to support non-standard string argument property setters. (rjung)
fix Fix TestAbstractAjpProcessor unit test failures on Windows. (kkolinko)
fix Guard the digester from MbeansDescriptorsDigesterSource with its own lock object. (fschumacher)
fix 57558: Add missing JAR in Ant task definition required by the validate task. (markt/kkolinko)
add List names of Testsuites that have failed or skipped tests when running tests with Ant. (kkolinko)
fix 57703: Update the http-method definition for web applications using a Servlet 2.5 descriptor as per Servlet 2.5 MR 6. (markt)
update Update to Tomcat Native Library version 1.1.33 to pick up the Windows binaries that are based on OpenSSL 1.0.1m and APR 1.5.1. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.59 (violetagg)released 2015-02-04
fix 57504: Initialize TLD locations cache when creating the ServletContext. (jboynes)
fix Fix a possible deadlock when receiver thread invokes mapMemberAdded() while ping thread invokes memberAlive(). (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.58 (violetagg)not released
fix 57173: Revert the fix for 56953 that broke annotation scanning in some cases. (markt)
fix 57178: The CORS filter now treats null as a valid origin that matches *. Patch provided by Gregor Zurowski. (markt)
fix 57180: Do not limit the CORS filter to only accepting requests that use an HTTP method defined in RFC 7231. (markt)
fix 57190: Fix ServletContext.getContext(String) when parallel deployment is used so that the correct ServletContext is returned. (markt)
fix 57208: Prevent NPE in JNDI Realm when no results are found in a directory context for a user with specified user name. Based on a patch provided by Jason McIntosh. (violetagg)
add 57209: Add a new attribute, userSearchAsUser to the JNDI Realm. (markt)
fix 57215: Ensure that the result of calling HttpServletRequest.getContextPath() is neither decoded nor normalized as required by the Servlet specification. (markt)
fix 57216: Improve handling of invalid context paths. A context path should either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. Invalid context path are automatically corrected and a warning is logged. The null and "/" values are now correctly changed to "". (markt/kkolinko)
fix Correct message that is logged when load-on-startup servlet fails to load. It was logging a wrong name. (kkolinko)
fix 57239: Correct several message typos. Includes patch by vladk. (kkolinko)
add Make the session id generator extensible by adding a SessionIdGenerator interface, an abstract base class and a standard implementation. (rjung)
add Back-port clarification from Servlet 3.1 specification that during async processing an IllegalStateException should be thrown if getRequest() or getResponse() is called after complete() or dispatch(). (markt)
fix Fix a concurrency issue in async processing. Ensure that a non-container thread can not change the async state until the container thread has completed. (markt)
fix 57252: Provide application configured error pages with a chance to handle an async error before the built-in error reporting. (markt)
fix 57281: Enable non-public Filter and Servlet classes to be configured programmatically via the Servlet 3.0 API and then used without error when running under a SecurityManager. (markt)
fix 57308: Remove unnecessary calls to System.getProperty() where more suitable API calls are available. (markt)
add Add unit tests for RemoteAddrValve and RemoteHostValve. (rjung)
add Allow to configure RemoteAddrValve and RemoteHostValve to adopt behavior depending on the connector port. Implemented by optionally adding the connector port to the string compared with the patterns allow and deny. Configured using addConnectorPort attribute on valve. (rjung)
add Optionally trigger authentication instead of denial in RemoteAddrValve and RemoteHostValve. This only works in combination with preemptiveAuthentication on the application context. Configured using invalidAuthenticationWhenDeny attribute on valve. (rjung)
fix Prevent file descriptors leak and ensure that files are closed after retrieving the last modification time. (violetagg)
fix 57326: Enable AsyncListener implementations to re-register themselves during AsyncListener.onStartAsync. (markt)
fix 57331: Allow ExpiresFilter to use "year" as synonym for "years" in its configuration. (kkolinko)
update Improve SnoopServlet in unit tests. (rjung)
add Add RequestDescriptor class to unit tests. Adjust TestRewriteValve to use RequestDescriptor. (rjung)
update Add more AJP unit tests. (rjung)
fix 57363: Log to stderr if LogManager is unable to read configuration files rather than swallowing the exception silently. (markt)
fix 57420: Make UEncoder a local variable in DirContextURLConnection to make it threadsafe. Based on ideas from kkolinko and violetagg. (fschumacher)
fix 57425: Don't add attributes with null value or name to the replicated context. (fschumacher)
add 57431: Enable usage of custom class for context creation when using embedded tomcat. (fschumacher)
fix 57446: Ensure that ServletContextListeners that have limited access to ServletContext methods are called with the same ServletContext instance for both contextInitialized() and contextDestroyed(). (markt)
fix 57461: When an instance of org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener logs the result of System.getProperty("java.home") don't report it in a manner that makes it look like the JAVA_HOME environment variable. (markt)
fix While closing streams for given resources ensure that if an exception happens it will be handled properly. Issue is reported by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
fix Change Response to use UEncoder instances with shared safeChars. (fschumacher)
add Allow VersionLoggerListener to log all system properties. This feature is off by default. (kkolinko)
fix 57234: Make SSL protocol filtering to remove insecure protocols case insensitive. (markt)
fix 57265: Fix some potential concurrency issues with sendFile and the NIO connector. (markt)
fix 57324: If the client uses Expect: 100-continue and Tomcat responds with a non-2xx response code, Tomcat also closes the connection. If Tomcat knows the connection is going to be closed when committing the response, Tomcat will now also send the Connection: close response header. (markt)
fix 57340: When using Comet, ensure that Socket and SocketWrapper are only returned to their respective caches once on socket close (it is possible for multiple threads to call close concurrently). (markt)
fix 57446: Ensure that ServletContextListeners that have limited access to ServletContext methods are called with the same ServletContext instance for both contextInitialized() and contextDestroyed(). (markt)
fix CVE-2014-7810: Do not use a privileged code block when evaluating EL expressions when running under a security manager, which allowed to bypass code restrictions. (markt)
fix Fix an issue with BeanELResolver when running under a security manager. Some classes may not be accessible but may have accessible interfaces. (markt)
fix 57316: Fix JspC when directory name contains a character sequence that appears to be URL encoded. (markt)
fix In order to enable define in Cluster element, ClusterSingleSignOn implements ClusterValve. (kfujino)
fix Fix mbean descriptor of ClusterSingleSignOn. (kfujino)
fix 57473: Add sanity check to FarmWebDeployer's WarWatcher to detect suspected incorrect permissions on the watch directory. (schultz)
fix Correct multiple issues with the flushing of batched messages that could lead to duplicate and/or corrupt messages. (markt)
fix Correctly implement headers case insensitivity. (markt/remm)
fix Allow optional use of user extensions. (remm)
fix Allow using partial binary message handlers. (remm)
fix Limit ping/pong message size. (remm)
fix Allow configuration of the time interval for the periodic event. (remm)
fix More accurate annotations processing. (remm)
fix Allow optional default for origin header in the client. (remm)
fix 57490: Make it possible to use Tomcat's WebSocket client within a web application when running under a SecurityManager. Based on a patch by Mikael Sterner. (markt)
add Add some debug logging to the WebSocket session to track session creation and session closure. (markt)
Web applications
fix Update documentation for CGI servlet. Recommend to copy the servlet declaration into web application instead of enabling it globally. Correct documentation for cgiPathPrefix. (kkolinko)
update Improve HTML version of build instructions and align with BUILDING.txt. Document creating second Eclipse project to compile WebSocket classes with Java 7 (ide-eclipse-websocket target added in 7.0.56). (kkolinko)
update Improve Tomcat Manager documentation. Rearrange, add section on HTML GUI, document /expire command and Server Status page. (kkolinko)
fix Fix ambiguity of section links on Valves configuration reference page. (kkolinko)
update 57238: Update information on SSL/TLS on Security and SSL documentation pages. Based on patch by Glen Peterson. (kkolinko)
add 57261: Add vminfo and threaddump commands to Manager application. Implement VminfoTask and ThreaddumpTask Ant tasks. (kkolinko)
fix 57323: Correct display of outdated sessions in sessions count listing in Manager application. (kkolinko)
add Add document of ClusterSingleSignOn. (kfujino)
update Clarify documentation for useBodyEncodingForURI attribute of a connector. (kkolinko)
update When downloading required libraries at build time, use random name for temporary file and automatically create destination directory (base.path). (kkolinko)
update Update optional Checkstyle library to 6.1.1. (kkolinko)
update Simplify setproxy task in build.xml. Taskdef there is not needed since Ant 1.8.2. (kkolinko)
fix Improve Java 7 support in build.xml. Check whether the specified ${java.7.home} is valid. By default use Java that runs Ant (${java.home}) instead of the one found on $PATH to run JUnit tests. (kkolinko)
add 57344: Provide sha1 checksum files for Tomcat downloads. Correct filename patterns for apache-tomcat-*-embed.tar.gz archive to exclude an *.asc file. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.57 (violetagg)released 2014-11-11
add 47919: Extend the information logged when Tomcat starts to optionally log the values of command line arguments (enabled by default) and environment variables (disabled by default). Note that the values added to CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS environment variables will be logged, as they are used to build up the command line. (markt)
add 56401: Log version information when Tomcat starts. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 57022: Ensure SPNEGO authentication continues to work with the JNDI Realm using delegated credentials with recent Oracle JREs. (markt)
fix Correct a couple of NPEs in the JNDI Realm that could be triggered with when not specifying a roleBase and enabling roleSearchAsUser. (markt)
fix Remove the unnecessary registration of context.xml as a redeploy resource. The context.xml having an external docBase has already been registered as a redeploy resources at first. (kfujino)
fix Improve the previous fix for 56401. Avoid logging version information in the constructor since it then gets logged at undesirable times such as when using StoreConfig. (markt)
fix 57105: When parsing web.xml do not limit the buffer element of the jsp-property-group element to integer values as the allowed values are <number>kb or none. (markt)
update Update the minimum required version of the Tomcat Native library (if used) to 1.1.32. (markt)
update 57144: Improve ClientAbortException to provide non-null message. (kkolinko)
fix AsyncContext should remain usable until fireOnComplete is called. (remm)
fix AsyncContext createListener should wrap any instantiation exception using a ServletException. (remm)
add 53952: Add support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 for APR connector. Based upon a patch by Marcel Šebek. This feature requires Tomcat Native library 1.1.32 or later. (schultz/jfclere)
add Disable SSLv3 by default for JSSE based HTTPS connectors (BIO and NIO). The change also ensures that SSLv2 is disabled for these connectors although SSLv2 should already be disabled by default by the JRE. (markt)
add Disable SSLv3 by default for the APR/native HTTPS connector. (markt)
fix Do not increase remaining counter at end of stream in IdentityInputFilter. (kkolinko)
fix Async state MUST_COMPLETE should still be started. (remm)
fix 57099: Ensure that semi-colons are not permitted in JSP import page directives. (markt)
fix Avoid possible integer overflows reported by Coverity Scan. (fschumacher)
fix 57054: Correctly handle the case in the WebSocket client when the HTTP response to the upgrade request can not be read in a single pass; either because the buffer is too small or the server sent the response in multiple packets. (markt)
fix Fix client subprotocol handling. (remm)
fix Add null checks for arguments in remote endpoint. (remm/kkolinko)
fix 57091: Work around the behaviour of the Oracle JRE when creating new threads in an applet environment that breaks the WebSocket client implementation. Patch provided by Niklas Hallqvist. (markt)
fix 57118: Ensure that an EncodeException is thrown by RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject(Object) rather than an IOException when no suitable Encoder is configured for the given Object. (markt)
Web applications
fix Correct documentation for ServerCookie.ALLOW_NAME_ONLY system property. (kkolinko)
fix 57049: Clarified that jvmRoute can be set in <Engine>'s jvmRoute or in a system property. (schultz)
fix Correct version of Java WebSocket mentioned in documentation (s/1.0/1.1/). (markt/kkolinko)
update In examples web application move Async and Comet examples from JSP to Servlet examples page. (kkolinko)
update Suppress timestamp comments and enable charset header in Javadoc. (kkolinko)
fix 57079: Use Tomcat version number for jdbc-pool module when building and shipping the module as part of Tomcat. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Fix broken overview page in javadoc generated via "javadoc" task in jdbc-pool build.xml file. (kkolinko)
update 56079: The Apache Tomcat Windows service and the Apache Tomcat Windows service monitor application are now digitally signed. (markt)
fix Fix timestamps in Tomcat build and jdbc-pool to use 24-hour format instead of 12-hour one and use UTC timezone. (markt/kkolinko)
update Improve Tomcat build script to ensure that only one ecj-nn.jar file is present in Tomcat lib directory when Eclipse JDT Compiler is updated to a new version. (kkolinko)
update 56596: Update to Tomcat Native Library version 1.1.32 to pick up the Windows binaries that are based on OpenSSL 1.0.1j and APR 1.5.1. (markt)
code In Tomcat tests: log name of the current test method at start time. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.56 (violetagg)released 2014-10-06
fix When scanning class files (e.g. for annotations) and reading the number of parameters in a MethodParameters structure only read a single byte (rather than two bytes) as per the JVM specification. Patch provided by Francesco Komauli. (markt)
fix Allow the JNDI Realm to start even if the directory is not available. The directory not being available is not fatal once the Realm is started and it need not be fatal when the Realm starts. Based on a patch by Cédric Couralet. (markt)
fix 56736: Avoid an incorrect IllegalStateException if the async timeout fires after a non-container thread has called AsyncContext.dispatch() but before a container thread starts processing the dispatch. (markt)
fix 56739: If an application handles an error on an application thread during asynchronous processing by calling HttpServletResponse.sendError(), then ensure that the application is given an opportunity to report that error via an appropriate application defined error page if one is configured. (markt)
fix 56771: When lookup for a resource in all the alternate or backup, javax.naming.NameNotFoundException will be thrown at the end of the search if the resource is not available in these alternate or backup Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (violetagg)
fix 56796: Remove unnecessary sleep when stopping a web application. (markt)
fix 56801: Improve performance of org.apache.tomcat.util.file.Matcher which is to filter JARs for scanning during web application start. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (kkolinko)
fix 56825: Enable pre-emptive authentication to work with the SSL authenticator. Based on a patch by jlmonteiro. (markt)
fix 56857: Fix thread safety issue when calling ServletContext methods while running under a security manager. (markt)
code 56882: Add testcase for processing of forwards and includes when Context have been reloaded. (kkolinko)
fix 56900: Fix some potential resource leaks when reading property files reported by Coverity Scan. Based on patches provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 56902: Fix a potential resource leak in the Default Servlet reported by Coverity Scan. Based on a patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 56903: Correct the return value for StandardContext.getResourceOnlyServlets() so that multiple names are separated by commas. Identified by Coverity Scan and fixed based on a patch by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix Fixed the multipart elements merge operation performed during web application deployment. Identified by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
fix Correct the information written by ExtendedAccessLogValve when a format token x-O(XXX) is used so that multiple values for a header XXX are separated by commas. Identified by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
fix Fix a potential resource leak when reading MANIFEST.MF file for extension dependencies reported by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
fix Correctly handle multiple accept-language headers rather than just using the first header to determine the user's preferred Locale. (markt)
fix Fix some potential resource leaks when reading properties, files and other resources. Reported by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
fix When using parallel deployment and undeployOldVersions feature is enabled on a Host, correctly undeploy context of old version. Make sure that Tomcat does not undeploy older Context if current context is not running. (kfujino)
fix When deploying war, add XML file in the config base to the redeploy resources if war does not have META-INF/context.xml or deployXML is false. If XML file is created in the config base, redeploy will occur. (kfujino)
code Various changes to reduce unnecessary code in Tomcat's copy of Apache Commons BCEL to reduce the time taken for annotation scanning when web applications start. Includes contributions from kkolinko and hzhang9. (markt)
fix 56938: Ensure web applications that have mixed case context paths and are deployed as directories are correctly removed on undeploy when running on a case sensitive file system. (markt)
add 57004: Add stuckThreadCount property to StuckThreadDetectionValve's JMX bean. Patch provided by Jiří Pejchal. (schultz)
fix 57011: Ensure that the request and response are correctly recycled when processing errors during async processing. (markt)
fix 57016: When using the PersistentValve do not remove sessions from the store when persisting them. (markt)
fix 56780: Enable Tomcat to start when using SSL with an IBM JRE in strict SP800-131a mode. (markt)
fix 56910: Prevent the invalid value of -1 being used for maxConnections with APR connectors. (markt)
fix Ensure that AjpNioProtocol and AjpAprProtocol enable the KeepAliveTimeout. (kfujino)
fix 43001: Enable the JspC Ant task to set the JspC option mappedFile. (kkolinko)
fix 56797: When matching a method in an EL expression, do not treat bridge methods as duplicates of the method they bridge to. In this case always call the target of the bridge method. (markt)
fix Correct a logic error in the JasperElResolver. There was no functional impact but the code was less efficient as a result of the error. Based on a patch by martinschaef. (markt)
fix Ensure that the implementation of javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.include(String) and javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.include(String, boolean) will throw IOException when an I/O error occur during the operation. (violetagg)
fix 56908: Fix some potential resource leaks when reading jar files. Reported by Coverity Scan. Based on patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (violetagg)
fix 56991: Deprecate the use of a request attribute to pass a <jsp-file> declaration to Jasper and prevent an infinite loop if this technique is used in conjunction with an include. (markt)
fix Fix a potential resource leak in JDTCompiler when checking whether a resource is a package. Reported by Coverity Scan. (fschumacher)
code 56446: Clearer handling of exceptions when calling a method on a POJO based WebSocket endpoint. Based on a suggestion by Eugene Chung. (markt)
fix 56746: Allow secure WebSocket client threads to use the current context class loader rather than explicitly setting it to the class loader that loaded the WebSocket implementation. This allows WebSocket client connections from within web applications to access, amongst other things, the JNDI resources associated with the web application. (markt)
fix 56905: Make destruction on web application stop of thread group used for WebSocket connections more robust. (kkolinko/markt)
fix 56907: Ensure that client IO threads are stopped if a secure WebSocket client connection fails. (markt)
fix When a WebSocket client attempts to write to a closed connection, handle the resulting IllegalStateException in a manner consistent with the handling of an IOException. (markt)
add Add support for the permessage-deflate extension. This is currently limited to decompressing incoming messages on the server side. It is expected that support will be extended to outgoing messages and to the client side shortly. (markt)
add Extend support for the permessage-deflate extension to compression of outgoing messages on the server side. (markt)
fix 56982: Return the actual negotiated extensions rather than an empty list for Session.getNegotiatedExtensions(). (markt)
update Update the WebSocket implementation to support the Java WebSocket specification version 1.1. (markt)
Web applications
fix Correct the label in the list of sessions by idle time for the bin that represents the idle time immediately below the maximum permitted idle time when using the expire command of the Manager application. (markt)
update Update the Windows authentication documentation after some additional testing to answer the remaining questions. (markt)
fix Correct a couple of broken links in the Javadoc. (markt)
add 56788: Display the full version in the list of installed applications when installed via the Windows installer package. Patch provided by Alexandre Garnier. (markt)
add 56829: Add the ability for users to define their own values for _RUNJAVA and _RUNJDB environment variables. Be more strict with executable filename on Windows (s/java/java.exe/). Based on a patch by Neeme Praks. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 56895: Correctly compose JAVA_OPTS in catalina.bat so that escape sequences are preserved. Patch by Lucas Theisen. (markt)
update 56988: Allow to use relative path in base.path setting when building Tomcat. (kkolinko)
fix 56990: Ensure that the ide-eclipse build target downloads all the libraries required by the default Eclipse configuration files and configures Eclipse to use Java 6 for the project. Add build target ide-eclipse-websocket that creates a separate linked project that compiles websocket classes of Tomcat 7 with Java 7 compiler. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.55 (violetagg)released 2014-07-27
fix 44312: Log an error if there is a conflict between Host and Alias names. Improve host management methods in Mapper to avoid occasionally removing a wrong host. Check that host management operations are performed on the host and not on an alias. (kkolinko)
fix 55282: Ensure that one and the same application listener is added only once when starting the web application. (violetagg)
add 56461: New failCtxIfServletStartFails attribute on Context and Host configuration to force the context startup to fail if a load-on-startup servlet fails its startup. (slaurent)
add 56526: Improved the StuckThreadDetectionValve to optionally interrupt stuck threads to attempt to unblock them. (slaurent)
fix 56545: Pre-load an additional class, the loading of which may otherwise be triggered by a web application which in turn would trigger an exception when running under a security manager. (kkolinko)
fix 56578: Correct regression in the fix for 56339 that prevented sessions from expiring when using clustering. (markt)
code 56588: Update deprecation of Context.addApplicationListener() methods according to changes in Tomcat 8. (kkolinko)
fix 56600: In WebdavServlet: Do not waste time generating response for broken PROPFIND request. (kkolinko)
fix Provide a better error message when asynchronous operations are not supported by a filter or servlet. Patch provided by Romain Manni-Bucau. (violetagg)
fix 56606: User entries in tomcat-users.xml file are recommended to use "username" attribute rather than legacy "name" attribute. Fix inconsistencies in Windows installer, examples. Update digester rules and documentation for MemoryRealm. (markt/kkolinko)
code 56611: Refactor code to remove inefficient calls to Method.isAnnotationPresent(). Based on a patch by Jian Mou. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 56653: Fix concurrency issue with lists of contexts in Mapper when stopping Contexts. (kkolinko)
fix 56657: When using parallel deployment, if the same session id matches different versions of a web application, prefer the latest version. Ensure that remapping selects the version that we expect. (kkolinko)
fix Assert that mapping result object is empty before performing mapping work in Mapper. (kkolinko)
fix 56658: Avoid delay between registrations of mappings for context and for its servlets. (kkolinko)
fix 56665: Correct the generation of the effective web.xml when elements contain an empty string as value. (violetagg)
fix 56666: When clearing the SSO cookie use the same values for domain, path, httpOnly and secure as were used to set the SSO cookie. (markt)
fix 56677: Ensure that HttpServletRequest.getServletContext() returns the correct value during a cross-context dispatch. (markt)
fix 56684: Ensure that Tomcat does not shut down if the socket waiting for the shutdown command experiences a SocketTimeoutException. (markt)
fix When the current PathInfo is modified as a result of dispatching a request, ensure that a call to HttpServletRequest.getPathTranslated() returns a value that is based on the modified PathInfo. (markt)
fix 56698: When persisting idle sessions, only persist newly idle sessions. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 56710: Do not map requests to servlets when context is being reloaded. (kkolinko)
fix 56712: Fix session idle time calculations in PersistenceManager. (kkolinko)
fix 56717: Fix duplicate registration of MapperListener during repeated starts of embedded Tomcat. (kkolinko)
add 56724: Write an error message to Tomcat logs if container background thread is aborted unexpectedly. (kkolinko)
fix 56518: When using NIO, do not attempt to write to the socket if the thread is marked interrupted as this will lead to a connection limit leak. This fix was based on analysis of the issue by hanyong. (markt)
fix 56521: Re-use the asynchronous write buffer between writes to reduce allocation and GC overhead. Based on a patch by leonzhx. Also make the buffer size configurable and remove copying of data within buffer when the buffer is only partially written on a subsequent write. (markt)
fix Correct a copy/paste error and return a 500 response rather than a 400 response when an internal server error occurs on early stages of request processing. (markt)
code 56582: Use switch(actionCode) in processors instead of a chain of "elseif"s. (kkolinko)
fix Fix CVE-2014-0227: Various improvements to ChunkedInputFilter including clean-up, i18n for error messages and adding an error flag to allow subsequent attempts at reading after an error to fail fast. (markt)
fix If request contains an unrecognized Expect header, respond with error 417 (Expectation Failed), according to RFC2616 chapter 14.20. (markt)
fix When an error occurs after the response has been committed close the connection immediately rather than attempting to finish the response to make it easier for the client to differentiate between a complete response and one that failed part way though. (markt)
fix 56620: Avoid bogus access log entries when pausing the NIO HTTP connector and ensure that access log entries generated by error conditions use the correct request start time. (markt)
add Fix CVE-2014-0230: Add a new limit, defaulting to 2MB, for the amount of data Tomcat will swallow for an aborted upload. The limit is configurable by maxSwallowSize attribute of an HTTP connector. (markt)
update Allow to configure maxSwallowSize attribute of an HTTP connector via JMX. (kkolinko)
fix 56661: Fix getLocalAddr() for AJP connectors. The complete fix is only available with a recent AJP forwarder like the forthcoming mod_jk 1.2.41. (rjung)
fix 59451: Correct Javadoc for MessageBytes. Patch provided by Kyohei Nakamura. (markt)
fix 56334#c15: Fix a regression in EL parsing when quoted string follows a whitespace. (kkolinko/markt)
fix 56543: Update to the Eclipse JDT Compiler 4.4. (violetagg)
fix 56561: Avoid NoSuchElementException while handling attributes with empty string value. (violetagg)
update 56581: If an error on a JSP page occurs when response has already been committed, do not clear the buffer of JspWriter, but flush it. It will make more clear where the error occurred. (kkolinko)
fix 56612: Correctly parse two consecutive escaped single quotes when used in UEL expression in a JSP. (markt)
update Move code that parses EL expressions within JSP template text from Parser to JspReader class for better performance. (kkolinko)
fix 56577: Improve the executor configuration used for the callbacks associated with asynchronous writes. (markt)
Web applications
fix Set the path for cookies created by the examples web application so they only returned to the examples application. This reduces the opportunity for using such cookies for malicious purposes should the advice to remove the examples web application from security sensitive systems be ignored. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Attempt to obfuscate session cookie values associated with other web applications when viewing HTTP request headers with the Request Header example from the examples web application. This reduces the opportunity to use this example for malicious purposes should the advice to remove the examples web application from security sensitive systems be ignored. (markt)
update Update optional Checkstyle library to 5.7. (kkolinko)
fix 56685: Add quotes necessary for to work correctly on Solaris. Based on a suggestion by lfuka. (markt)
update 56596: Update to Tomcat Native Library version 1.1.31 to pick up the Windows binaries that are based on OpenSSL 1.0.1h. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.54 (violetagg)released 2014-05-22
fix Fix custom UTF-8 decoder so that a byte of value 0xC1 is always rejected immediately as it is never valid in a UTF-8 byte sequence. Update UTF-8 decoder tests to account for UTF-8 decoding improvements in Java 8. The custom UTF-8 decoder is still required due to bugs in the UTF-8 decoder provided by Java. Java 8's decoder is better than Java 7's but it is still buggy. (markt)
fix 56027: Add more options for managing FIPS mode in the AprLifecycleListener. (schultz/kkolinko)
fix 56321: When a WAR is modified, undeploy the web application before deleting any expanded directory as the undeploy process may refer to classes that need to be loaded from the expanded directory. If the expanded directory is deleted first, any attempt to load a new class during undeploy will fail. (markt)
fix 56339: Avoid an infinite loop if an application calls session.invalidate() from the session destroyed event for that session. (markt)
update 56365: Simplify file name pattern matching code in StandardJarScanner. Ignore leading and trailing whitespace and empty strings when configuring patterns. Improve documentation. (kkolinko)
fix 56369: Ensure that removing an MBean notification listener reverts all the operations performed when adding an MBean notification listener. (markt)
add 56382: Information about finished deployment and its execution time is added to the log files. Patch is provided by Danila Galimov. (violetagg)
add 56383: Properties for disabling server information and error report are added to the org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve. Based on the patch provided by Nick Bunn. (violetagg/kkolinko)
fix Fix CVE-2014-0119: Only create XML parsing objects if required and fix associated potential memory leak in the default Servlet. Extend XML factory, parser etc. memory leak protection to cover some additional locations where, theoretically, a memory leak could occur. Ensure that a TLD parser obtained from the cache has the correct value of blockExternal. (markt)
fix Modify generic exception handling so that StackOverflowError is not treated as a fatal error and can handled and/or logged as required. (markt)
fix 56409: Avoid StackOverflowError on non-Windows systems if a file named \ is encountered when scanning for TLDs. (markt)
add 56430: Extend checks for suspicious URL patterns to include patterns of the form *.a.b which are not valid patterns for extension mappings. (markt)
fix 56441: Raise the visibility of exceptions thrown when a problem is encountered calling a getter or setter on a component attribute. The logging level is raised from debug to warning. (markt)
fix 56451: Make resources accessed via a context alias accessible via JNDI in the same way standard resources are available. (markt)
add 56463: Property for disabling server information is added to the DefaultServlet. Server information is presented in the response sent to the client when directory listings is enabled. (violetagg)
add Add the org.apache.naming package to the packages requiring code to have the defineClassInPackage permission when running under a security manager. (markt)
add Add the org.apache.naming.resources package to the packages requiring code to have the accessClassInPackage permission when running under a security manager. (markt)
fix Make the naming context tokens for containers more robust. Require RuntimePermission when introducing a new token. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 56472: Allow NamingContextListener to clean up on stop if its start failed. (kkolinko)
add 56492: Avoid eclipse debugger pausing on uncaught exceptions when tomcat renews its threads. (slaurent)
fix Minor fixes to ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener. Do not trigger threads renewal for failed contexts. Do not ignore threadRenewalDelay setting. Improve documentation. (kkolinko)
fix Correct regression introduced in r797162 that broke authentication of users when using the JAASMemoryLoginModule. (markt)
fix 56501: HttpServletRequest.getContextPath() should return the undecoded context path used by the user agent. (markt)
fix 56523: When using SPNEGO authentication, log the exceptions associated with failed user logins at debug level rather than error level. (markt)
fix 56536: Ensure that HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound() uses the correct class loader when the SingleSignOn valve is used. (markt)
add 56399: Assert that both Coyote and Catalina request objects have been properly recycled. (kkolinko)
fix 56416: Correct documentation for default value of socket linger for the AJP and HTTP connectors. (markt)
fix 56334: Fix a regression in the handling of back-slash escaping introduced by the fix for 55735. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 56425: Improve method matching for EL expressions. When looking for matching methods, an exact match between parameter types is preferred followed by an assignable match followed by a coercible match. (markt)
fix Correct the handling of back-slash escaping in the EL parser and no longer require that \$ or \# must be followed by { in order for the back-slash escaping to take effect. (markt)
fix 56529: Avoid NoSuchElementException while handling attributes with empty string value in custom tags. Patch provided by Hariprasad Manchi. (violetagg)
fix Remove cluster and replicationValve from cluster manager template. These instance are not necessary to template. (kfujino)
fix Add support for cross context session replication to org.apache.catalina.ha.session.BackupManager. (kfujino)
fix Remove the unnecessary cross context check. It does not matter whether the context that is referenced by other context is set to crossContext=true. The context that refers to the different context must be set to crossContext=true. (kfujino)
code Move to org.apache.catalina.ha.session.ClusterManagerBase common logics of org.apache.catalina.ha.session.BackupManager and org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager. (kfujino)
code Simplify the code of o.a.c.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster. In order to add or remove cluster valve to Container, use pipeline instead of IntrospectionUtils. (kfujino)
fix There is no need to set cluster instance when SimpleTcpCluster.unregisterClusterValve is called. Set null than cluster instance for cleanup. (kfujino)
code Backport refactoring of AbstractReplicatedMap to implement Map rather than extend ConcurrentHashMap to enable Tomcat 7 to be built with Java 8. (markt)
fix 56343: Avoid a NPE if Tomcat's Java WebSocket 1.0 implementation is used with the Java WebSocket 1.0 API JAR from the reference implementation. (markt)
fix Increase the default maximum size of the executor used by the WebSocket implementation for call backs associated with asynchronous writes from 10 to 200. (markt)
add Add a warning if the thread group created for WebSocket asynchronous write call backs can not be destroyed when the web application is stopped. (markt)
fix Ensure that threads created to support WebSocket clients are stopped when no longer required. This will happen automatically for WebSocket client connections initiated by web applications but stand alone clients must call WsWebSocketContainer.destroy(). (markt)
fix 56449: When creating a new session, add the message handlers to the session before calling Endpoint.onOpen() so the message handlers are in place should the onOpen() method trigger the sending of any messages. (markt)
fix 56458: Report WebSocket sessions that are created over secure connections as secure rather than as not secure. (markt)
fix Stop threads used for secure WebSocket client connections when they are no longer required and give them better names for easier debugging while they are running. (markt)
Web applications
fix Add Support for copyXML attribute of Host to Host Manager. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that "name" request parameter is used as a application base of host if "webapps" request parameter is not set when adding host in HostManager Application. (kfujino)
fix Correct documentation on Windows service options, aligning it with Apache Commons Daemon documentation. (kkolinko)
update 55215: Improve log4j configuration example. Clarify access logging documentation. Based on patches provided by Brian Burch. (kkolinko)
update 55383: Backport improved HTML markup for tables and code fragments from Tomcat 8 documentation. (kkolinko)
fix 56418: Ensure that the Manager web application does not report success for a web application deployment that fails. (slaurent)
fix Fix target and rel attributes on links in documentation. They were lost during XSLT transformation. (kkolinko)
update Improve valves documentation. Split valves into groups. (kkolinko)
fix Align DisplayName of Tomcat installed by service.bat with one installed by the *.exe installer. Print a warning in case if neither server nor client jvm is found by service.bat. (kkolinko)
update 56363: Update to version 1.1.30 of Tomcat Native library. (schultz)
update Update package renamed Apache Commons BCEL to r1593495 to pick up some additional changes for Java 7 support and some code clean up. (markt)
add In tests: allow to configure directory where JUnit reports and access log are written to. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.53 (violetagg)released 2014-03-30
add Make it easier for applications embedding and/or extending Tomcat to modify the javaseClassLoader attribute of the WebappClassLoader. (markt)
fix Improve the robustness of web application undeployment based on some code analysis triggered by the report for 54315. (markt)
fix 56219: Improve merging process for web.xml files to take account of the elements and attributes supported by the Servlet version of the merged file. (markt)
fix 56190: The response should be closed (i.e. no further output is permitted) when a call to AsyncContext.complete() takes effect. (markt)
fix 56236: Enable Tomcat to work with alternative Servlet and JSP API JARs that package the XML schemas in such as way as to require a dependency on the JSP API before enabling validation for web.xml. Tomcat has no such dependency. (markt)
fix 56246: Fix NullPointerException in MemoryRealm when authenticating an unknown user. (markt)
fix 56248: Allow the deployer to update an existing WAR file without undeploying the existing application if the update flag is set. This allows any existing custom context.xml for the application to be retained. To update an application and remove any existing context.xml simply undeploy the old version of the application before deploying the new version. (markt)
fix Fix CVE-2014-0096: Redefine the globalXsltFile initialisation parameter of the DefaultServlet as relative to CATALINA_BASE/conf or CATALINA_HOME/conf. Prevent user supplied XSLTs used by the DefaultServlet from defining external entities. (markt)
add Add a work around for validating XML documents (often TLDs) that use just the file name to refer to the JavaEE schema on which they are based. (markt)
fix 56293: Cache resources loaded by the class loader from /META-INF/services/ for better performance for repeated look ups. (markt)
fix 53119: Make sure the NIO AJP output buffer is cleared on any error to prevent any possible overflow if it is written to again before the connection is closed. This extends the original fix for the APR/native output buffer to the NIO connector. (kkolinko)
fix 56172: Avoid possible request corruption when using the AJP NIO connector and a request is sent using more than one AJP message. Patch provided by Amund Elstad. (markt)
fix 56213: Reduce garbage collection when the NIO connector is under heavy load. (markt)
fix Fix CVE-2014-0075: Improve processing of chuck size from chunked headers. Avoid overflow and use a bit shift instead of a multiplication as it is marginally faster. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Fix CVE-2014-0099: Fix possible overflow when parsing long values from a byte array. (markt)
fix 54475: Add Java 8 support to SMAP generation for JSPs. Patch by Robbie Gibson. (markt)
fix 55483: Improve handing of overloaded methods and constructors in expression language implementation. (markt)
fix 56208: Restore the validateXml option to Jasper that was previously renamed validateTld. Both options are now supported. validateXml controls the validation of web.xml files when Jasper parses them and validateTld controls the validation of *.tld files when Jasper parses them. (markt)
fix 56223: Throw an IllegalStateException if a call is made to ServletContext.setInitParameter() after the ServletContext has been initialized. (markt)
fix 56265: Do not escape values of dynamic tag attributes containing EL expressions. (kkolinko)
fix Make the default compiler source and target versions for JSPs Java 6 since Tomcat 7 requires Java 6 as a minimum. (markt)
update 56283: Update to the Eclipse JDT Compiler P20140317-1600 which adds support for Java 8 syntax to JSPs. Add support for value "1.8" for the compilerSourceVM and compilerTargetVM options. (markt)
fix Avoid a possible deadlock when one thread is shutting down a connection while another thread is trying to write to it. (markt)
fix Call onError if an exception is thrown calling onClose when closing a session. (remm)
Web applications
code In the documentation: add support for several documentation tags from Tomcat 8. Such as <version-major/>. (kkolinko)
add 56093: Add the SSL Valve to the documentation web application. (markt)
fix 56217: Improve readability by using left alignment for the table cell containing the request information on the Manager application status page. (markt)
fix Fixed java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException when using "Expire sessions" command in the manager web application on a context where the session timeout is disabled. (kfujino)
fix Add support for LAST_ACCESS_AT_START system property to Manager web application. (kfujino)
fix Add definition of org.apache.catalina.ant.FindLeaksTask. (kfujino)
fix 56273: If the Manager web application does not perform an operation because the web application is already being serviced, report an error rather than reporting success. (markt)
fix 56304: Add a note to the documentation about not using WebSocket with BIO HTTP in production. (markt)
fix 56143: Improve service.bat so that it can be launched from a non-UAC console. This includes using a single call to tomcat7.exe to install the Windows service rather than three calls, and using command line arguments instead of environment variables to pass the settings. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Fix regression in 7.0.52: when using service.bat install to install the service the values for --StdOutput, --StdError options were passed as blank instead of "auto". (kkolinko)
fix Align options between service.bat and exe Windows installer. For service.bat the changes are in --Classpath, --DisplayName, --StartPath, --StopPath. For exe installer the changes are in --JvmMs, --JvmMx options, which are now 128 Mb and 256 Mb respectively instead of being empty. Explicitly specify --LogPath path when uninstalling Windows service, avoiding default value for that option. (kkolinko)
code Simplify Windows *.bat files: remove %OS% checks, as java 6 does not run on ancient non-NT operating systems. (kkolinko)
fix 56137: Explicitly use the BIO connector in the SSL example in server.xml so it doesn't break if APR is enabled. (markt)
fix 56139: Avoid a web application class loader leak in some unit tests when running on Windows. (markt)
fix Correct build script to avoid building JARs with empty packages. (markt)
add Allow to limit JUnit test run to a number of selected test case methods. (kkolinko)
fix 56189: Remove used file cpappend.bat from the distribution. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.52 (violetagg)released 2014-02-17
fix Generate a valid root element for the effective web.xml for a web application for all supported versions of web.xml. (markt)
code Pull up SocketWrapper to AbstractProcessor. (markt)
fix In some circumstances asynchronous requests could time out too soon. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.51 (violetagg)not released
fix 55287: ServletContainerInitializer defined in the container may not be found. (markt/jboynes)
fix 55855: Provide a per Context option (containerSciFilter) to exclude container SCIs. (markt)
fix 55937: When deploying applications, treat a context path of /ROOT as equivalent to /. (markt)
fix 55943: Improve the implementation of the class loader check that prevents web applications from trying to override J2SE implementation classes. As part of this fix, refactor the way a null parent class loader is handled which enables a number of null checks and object creation calls to be removed. Note that this change means that, by default, the web application class loader is now a higher priority for loading classes than the system class loader. (markt)
fix 55958: Differentiate between foo.war the WAR file and foo.war the directory. (markt)
fix 55960: Improve the single sign on (SSO) unit tests. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
fix 55974: Retain order when reporting errors and warnings while parsing XML configuration files. (markt)
fix 56013: Fix issue with SPNEGO authentication when using IBM JREs. IBM JREs only understand the option of infinite lifetime for Kerberos credentials. Based on a patch provided by Arunav Sanyal. (markt)
fix 56016: When loading resources for XML schema validation, take account of the possibility that servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar may not be loaded by the same class loader. Patch by Juan Carlos Estibariz. (markt)
fix 56025: When creating a WebSocket connection, always call ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator.getNegotiatedSubprotocol() and always create the EndPoint instance after calling ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator.modifyHandshake(). (markt)
fix 56032: Ensure that the WebSocket connection is closed after an IO error or an interrupt while sending a WebSocket message. (markt)
fix 56042: If a request in async mode has an error but has already been dispatched don't generate an error page in the ErrorReportValve so the dispatch target can handle it. (markt)
fix Add missing javax.annotation.sql.* classes to annotations-api.jar. (markt)
fix The type of logger attribute of Context MBean should be not org.apache.commons.logging.Log but org.apache.juli.logging.Log. (kfujino)
fix 56082: Fix a concurrency bug in JULI's LogManager implementation. (markt)
fix 56096: When the attribute rmiBindAddress of the JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener is specified it's value will be used when constructing the address of a JMX API connector server. Patch is provided by Jim Talbut. (violetagg)
fix When environment entry with one and the same name is defined in the web deployment descriptor and with annotation then the one specified in the web deployment descriptor is with priority. (violetagg)
fix Change default value of xmlBlockExternal attribute of Context. It is true now. (kkolinko)
fix Avoid possible NPE if a content type is specified without a character set. (markt)
fix 55956: Make the forwarded remote IP address available to the Connectors via a request attribute. (markt)
fix 55976: Fix sendfile support for the HTTP NIO connector. (markt)
fix 55996: Ensure Async requests timeout correctly when using the NIO HTTP connector. (markt)
add 56021: Make it possible to use the Windows-MY key store with the BIO and NIO connectors for SSL configuration. It requires a keystoreFile="" keystoreType="Windows-My" to be set on the connector. Based on a patch provided by Asanka. (markt)
fix Correct a regression in the XML refactoring that meant that errors in TLD files were swallowed. (markt)
fix 55671: Correct typo in the log message for a wrong value of genStringAsCharArray init-param of JspServlet. This parameter had a different name in Tomcat 6. (kkolinko)
fix 55973: Fix processing of XML schemas when validation is enabled in Jasper. (kkolinko)
fix 56010: Don't throw an IllegalArgumentException when JspFactory.getPageContext is used with JspWriter.DEFAULT_BUFFER. Based on a patch by Eugene Chung. (markt)
fix 56012: When using the extends attribute of the page directive do not import the super class if it is in an unnamed package as imports from unnamed packages are now explicitly illegal. (markt)
fix 56029: A regression in the fix for 55198 meant that when EL containing a ternary expression was used in an attribute a compilation error would occur for some expressions. (markt)
fix Correct several errors in jspxml Schema and DTD. (kkolinko)
fix Change default value of the blockExternal attribute of JspC task. The default value is true. Add support for -no-blockExternal switch when JspC is run as a standalone application. (kkolinko)
code Simplify the code of o.a.c.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster.createManager(String). Remove unnecessary class cast. (kfujino)
fix Do not return an empty string for the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol HTTP header when no sub-protocol has been requested or no sub-protocol could be agreed as RFC6455 requires that no Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header is returned in this case. (markt)
Web applications
fix Add index.xhtml to the welcome files list for the examples web application. (kkolinko)
fix Clarify that the connectionTimeout may also be used as the read timeout when reading a request body (if any) in the documentation web application. (markt)
fix Clarify the behaviour of the maxConnections attribute for a connector in the documentation web application. (markt)
fix 55888: Update the documentation web application to make it clearer that a Container may define no more than one Realm. (markt)
fix 55956: Where available, displayed the forwarded remote IP address available on the status page of the Manager web application. (markt)
fix Correct links to the Tomcat mailing lists in the ROOT web application. (kkolinko)
fix In Manager web application improve handling of file upload errors. Display a message instead of error 500 page. Simplify parts handling code, as it is known that Tomcat takes care of them when recycling a request. (kkolinko)
fix 55166, 56045: Copy the XML schemas used for validation that are packaged in jsp-api.jar to servlet-api.jar so that an embedded Tomcat instance can start without Jasper being available. This also enables validation to work without Jasper being available. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 56039: Enable the JmxRemoteLifecycleListener to work over SSL. Patch by esengstrom. (markt)
fix 55743: Enable the stop script to work when the shutdown port is disabled and a PID file is defined. This is only available on platforms that use (markt)
fix 55986: When forcing Tomcat to stop via kill -9 $CATALINA_PID, the script could incorrectly report that Tomcat had not yet completely stopped when it had. Based on a patch by jess. (markt)
fix Package correct license and notice files with embedded JARs. (markt)
code Remove svn keywords (such as $Id) from source files and documentation. (kkolinko)
fix Fix CVE-2014-0050, a denial of service with a malicious, malformed Content-Type header and multipart request processing. Fixed by merging latest code (r1565163) from Commons FileUpload. (markt)
fix 56115: Expose the httpusecaches property of Ant's get task as some users may need to change the default. Based on a suggestion by Anthony. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.50 (violetagg)released 2014-01-08
fix Handle the case where a context.xml file is added to a web application deployed from a directory. Previously the file was ignored until Tomcat was restarted. Now (assuming automatic deployment is enabled) it will trigger a redeploy of the web application. (markt)
fix Fix string comparison in HostConfig.setContextClass(). (kkolinko)
code Streamline handling of WebSocket messages when no handler is configured for the message currently being received. (markt)
fix Handle the case where a WebSocket annotation configures a message size limit larger than the default permitted by Tomcat. (markt)
fix 55855: This is a partial fix that bypasses the relatively expensive check for a WebSocket upgrade request if no WebSocket endpoints have been registered. (markt)
fix 55905: Prevent a NPE when web.xml references a taglib file that does not exist. Provide better error message. (violetagg)
fix When using the BIO connector with an internal executor, do not display a warning that the executor has not shutdown as the default configuration for BIO connectors is not to wait. This is because threads in keep-alive connections cannot be interrupted and therefore the warning was nearly always displayed. (markt)
fix JspC uses servlet context initialization parameters to pass configuration so ensure that the servlet context used supports initialization parameters. (markt)
fix In AbstractReplicatedMap#finalize, remove rpcChannel from channel Listener of group channel before sending MapMessage.MSG_STOP message. This prevents that the node that sent the MapMessage.MSG_STOP by normal shutdown is added to member map again by ping at heartbeat thread in the node that received the MapMessage.MSG_STOP. (kfujino)
fix Add time stamp to GET_ALL_SESSIONS message. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix Fix the sample configuration of StaticMembershipInterceptor in order to prevent warning log. uniqueId must be 16 bytes. (kfujino)
update Update dependencies that are used to build tomcat-juli extras component. Apache Avalon Framework is updated to version 4.1.5, Apache Log4J to version 1.2.17. (rjung)
Tomcat 7.0.49 (violetagg)not released
fix Correct a regression in the new XML local resolver that triggered false failures when XML validation was configured. (markt)
fix Prevent a NPE when destroying HTTP upgrade handler for WebSocket connections. (violetagg)
Tomcat 7.0.48 (violetagg)not released
add 51294: Add support for unpacking WARs located outside of the Host's appBase in to the appBase. (markt)
fix 55656: Configure the Digester to use the server class loader when parsing server.xml rather than the class loader that loaded StandardServer. Patch provided by Roberto Benedetti. (markt)
fix 55664: Correctly handle JSR 356 WebSocket Encoder, Decoder and MessageHandler implementations that use a generic type such as Encoder.Text<List<String>>. Includes a test case by Niki Dokovski. (markt)
fix Correctly handle WebSocket Encoders, Decoders and MessageHandlers that use arrays of generic types. (markt)
fix 55681: Ensure that the WebSocket session is made available to MessageHandler method calls. (markt)
fix Updated servlet spec version and documentation section-number reported when JAR files are rejected for containing a trigger class (e.g. javax.servlet.Servlet). (schultz)
add Modify the WebSocket handshake process so that the user properties Map exposed by the ServerEndpointConfig during the call to Configurator.modifyHandshake() is unique to the connection rather than shared by all connections associated with the Endpoint. This allows for easier configuration of per connection properties from within modifyHandshake(). (markt)
fix 55684: Log a warning but continue if the memory leak detection code is unable to access all threads to check for possible memory leaks when a web application is stopped. (markt)
fix Define the web-fragment.xml in tomcat7-websocket.jar as a Servlet 3.0 web fragment rather than as a Servlet 3.1 web fragment. (markt)
fix 55715: Add a per web application executor to the WebSocket implementation and use it for calling SendHandler.onResult() when there is a chance that the current thread also initiated the write. (markt)
fix Prevent file descriptors leak and ensure that files are closed when configuring the web application. (violetagg)
fix Fixed the name of the provider-configuration file located in tomcat7-websocket.jar!/META-INF/services that exposes information for javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpointConfig$Configurator implementation. (violetagg)
fix 55760: Remove the unnecessary setting of the system property in the SpnegoAuthenticator as in addition to it being unnecessary, it causes problems with using SPNEGO with IBM JDKs. Patch provided by Arunav Sanyal. (markt)
fix 55772: Ensure that the request and response are recycled after an error during asynchronous processing. Includes a test case based on code contributed by Todd West. (markt)
fix 55778: Add an option to the JNDI Realm to control the QOP used for the connection to the LDAP server after authentication when using SPNEGO with delegated credentials. This value is used to set the environment property for the LDAP connection. (markt)
fix 55798: Log an error if the MemoryUserDatabase is unable to find the specified user database file. (markt)
fix 55799: Correctly enforce the restriction in JSR356 that no more than one data message may be sent to a remote WebSocket endpoint at a time. (markt)
fix When Catalina parses TLD files, always use a namespace aware parser to be consistent with how Jasper parses TLD files. The tldNamespaceAware attribute of the Context is now ignored. (markt)
fix Deprecate the tldNamespaceAware Context attribute as TLDs are always parsed with a namespace aware parser. (markt)
fix Correct a logic error that meant that unpackWARs was ignored and the WAR was always expanded if a WAR failed to deploy. (markt)
add Add support for defining copyXML on a per Context basis. (markt)
fix Define the expected behaviour of the automatic deployment and align the implementation to that definition. (markt)
add When running under a security manager, change the default value of the Host's deployXML attribute to false. (markt)
add If a Host is configured with a value of false for deployXML, a web application has an embedded descriptor at META-INF/context.xml and no explicit descriptor has been defined for this application, do not allow the application to start. The reason for this is that the embedded descriptor may contain configuration necessary for secure operation such as a RemoteAddrValve. (markt)
fix Prevent an NPE in the WebSocket ServerContainer when processing an HTTP session end event. (markt)
add 55801: Add the ability to set a custom SSLContext to use for client wss connections. Patch provided by Maciej Lypik. (markt)
fix 55804: If the GSSCredential for the cached Principal expires when using SPNEGO authentication, force a re-authentication. (markt)
add 55811: If the main web.xml contains an empty absolute-ordering element and validation of web.xml is not enabled, skip parsing any web-fragment.xml files as the result is never used. (markt)
fix 55839: Extend support for digest prefixes {MD5}, {SHA} and {SSHA} to all Realms rather than just the JNDIRealm. (markt)
fix 55842: Ensure that if a larger than default response buffer is configured that the full buffer is used when a Servlet outputs via a Writer. (markt)
fix 55851: Further fixes to enable SPNEGO authentication to work with IBM JDKs. Based on a patch by Arunav Sanyal. (markt)
add Fix CVE-2013-4590: Add an option to the Context to control the blocking of XML external entities when parsing XML configuration files and enable this blocking by default when a security manager is used. The block is implemented via a custom resolver to enable the logging of any blocked entities. (markt)
code Implement a number of small refactorings to the APR/native handler for upgraded HTTP connections. (markt)
fix Fix an issue with upgraded HTTP connections over HTTPS (e.g. secure WebSocket) when using the APR/native connector that resulted in the unexpected closure of the connection. (markt)
fix Ensure that the application class loader is used when calling the ReadListener and WriteListener methods when using non-blocking IO. A side effect of not doing this was that JNDI was not available when processing WebSocket events. (markt)
add Make the time that the internal executor (if used) waits for request processing threads to terminate before continuing with the connector stop process configurable. (markt)
fix 55749: Improve the error message when SSLEngine is disabled in the AprLifecycleListener and SSL is configured for an APR/native connector. (markt)
add If a request that includes an Expect: 100-continue header receives anything other than a 2xx response, close the connection This protects against misbehaving clients that may not sent the request body in that case and send the next request instead. (markt)
fix Improve the parsing of trailing headers in HTTP requests. (markt)
fix 55735: Fix a regression caused by the fix to 55198. When processing JSP documents, attributes in XML elements that are template content should have their text xml-escaped, but output of EL expressions in them should not be escaped. (markt)
fix 55807: The JSP compiler used a last modified time of -1 for TLDs in JARs expanded in to WEB-INF/classes (IDEs often do this expansion) when creating the dependency list for JSPs that used that TLD. This meant JSPs using that TLD were recompiled on every access. (markt)
add Add log message that initialization of AbstractReplicatedMap has been completed. (kfujino)
fix The logger of AbstractReplicatedMap should be non-static in order to enable logging of each application. Side-effects of this change is to throw RuntimeException in MapMessage#getKey() and getValue() instead of Null return and error log. (kfujino)
code Simplify the code of DeltaManager#startInternal(). Reduce unnecessary nesting for acquisition of cluster instance. (kfujino)
fix Remove unnecessary attributes of stateTransferCreateSendTime and receiverQueue from cluster manager template. These attributes should not be defined as a template. (kfujino)
fix Fix MBean attribute definition of stateTransfered. The method name is not isStateTransfered() but getStateTransfered(). (kfujino)
fix Correct stop failure log of cluster. Failure cause is not only Valve. (kfujino)
fix Remove unnecessary sleep when sending session blocks on session sync phase. (kfujino)
fix Expose stateTimestampDrop of org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager via JMX. (kfujino)
fix When the ping timeouted, make sure that memberDisappeared method is not called by specifying the members that has already been removed. (kfujino)
add Add log message of session relocation when member disappeared. (kfujino)
fix If ping message fails, prevent wrong timeout detection of normal member that is no failure members. (kfujino)
Web applications
add Add some documentation on the SSL configuration options for WebSocket clients. (markt)
add Add to cluster document a description of notifyLifecycleListenerOnFailure and heartbeatBackgroundEnabled. (kfujino)
fix Update the documentation with information for WebSocket 1.0 specification and javadoc. (violetagg)
fix 55703: Clarify the role of the singleton attribute for JNDI resource factories. (markt)
fix 55746: Add documentation on the allRolesMode to the CombinedRealm and LockOutRealm. Patch by Cédric Couralet. (markt)
add Expand the information on web applications that ship as part of Tomcat in the security how-to section of the documentation web application. (markt)
fix Expand the description of the WebSocket buffers in the documentation web application to clarify their purpose. (markt)
add Correct the documentation for Cluster manager. (kfujino)
add Add information on how to configure integrated Windows authentication when Tomcat is running on a non-Windows host. (markt)
update Update commons-logging to version 1.1.3. (rjung)
add 52323: Add support for the Cobertura code coverage tool when running the unit tests. Based on a patch by mhasko. (markt/kkolinko)
update Update sample Eclipse IDE project. Explicitly use a Java 6 SE JDK. Exclude JSR356 WebSocket classes from build path, as they cannot be compiled with Java 6. (kkolinko)
update Update the Eclipse compiler to 4.3.1. (kkolinko/markt)
Tomcat 7.0.47 (violetagg)released 2013-10-24
fix Fix regression with legacy WebSocket implementation in NIO and APR connectors. (markt)
Web applications
fix Avoid hang observed with Java 6 on Windows when stopping the Tomcat process via CTRL-C. (markt)
fix 55663: NOTICE files are corrected according to NOTICE files requirements. (violetagg)
Tomcat 7.0.46 (violetagg)not released
fix Only send a WebSocket close message on an IOException if the client has not yet received a close control message from the server as the IOException may be in response to the client continuing to send a message after the server sent a close control message. (markt)
fix 49134: Ensure nested realms are correctly destroyed, when a CombinedRealm is destroyed. This ensures that the associated MBeans are deregistered. (markt)
code Refactor APR/native connector to reduce the scope of localAddList. (markt)
fix 55602: Ensure that sockets removed from the Poller and then closed in the APR/native connector are removed and then closed in a thread-safe manner. (markt)
fix Update the APR/native connector to version 1.1.29. (violetagg)
fix 55642: Correct logic error in the JSP parser that was incorrectly identifying EL expressions in jsp:param element values as a literal string. (markt)
add Add support for notify periodic event of cluster. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix Correct the javadoc for org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle. (kfujino)
add Add document for sessionIdAttribute attribute in org.apache.catalina.ha.session.JvmRouteBinderValve. (kfujino)
fix Handle the case when a user closes the browser whilst playing the snake game in the JSR356 WebSocket examples. (markt)
fix Ensure Javadoc comments are associated with the correct elements in org.apache.tomcat.jni.Poll. (markt)
add Expand Context documentation for the use of sessionCookiePath="/" to make the implications for session fixation protection clearer. (markt)
fix 55629: Ensure that the JMX notification listener added during initialization of the servlet org.apache.catalina.manager.StatusManagerServlet is removed in the destroy phase. (violetagg)
fix Correct the documentation for Deployment Organization in the App Dev Guide. (violetagg)
add 55639: Add a Drawboard WebSocket example. (kpreisser)
Tomcat 7.0.45 (violetagg)not released
add 55576: Preserve the order in which request parameters were received when accessing them via the Servlet API. (markt)
fix Logger instance of cluster session manager is changed to non-static in order to enable logging of each application. (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.44 (violetagg)not released
fix 55582: Correct concurrency issue that can result in two instances of JspServletWrapper being created for one tag Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.43 (violetagg)not released
add 51526: o.a.catalina.startup.Tomcat#addWebapp methods now process the web application's META-INF/context.xml when it is available in the provided path. (violetagg)
fix 55186: Ensure local name is recycled between requests so IP virtual hosting works correctly. (markt)
fix 55210: Correct the processing of the provider-configuration file for javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer in the resource directory META-INF/services when this file contains comments and multiple SCIs. Patch provided by Nick Williams. (violetagg)
fix 55230: Use the correct resource path when obtaining an InputStream for resources served by a ProxyDirContext. (markt)
fix Ensure that the JAR scanning process scans the Apache Log4j version 2 JARs. Patch provided by Nick Williams. (markt)
fix 55261: Fix failing unit test for file upload checks when running on platform / JVM combinations that have large network buffers. (markt)
fix 55268: Added optional --service-start-wait-time command-line option to change service start wait time from default of 10 seconds.
fix The contextClass attribute of HostConfig refers to the value of the contextClass attribute of Host. (kfujino)
fix 55331: Dispatching to an asynchronous servlet from AsyncListener.onTimeout() should not trigger an IllegalStateException. (markt)
fix 55333: Correct a regression in the fix for 55071. (markt)
fix When using a security manager, ensure that calls to the ServletContext that are routed via an AccessController.doPrivileged block do not result in a call to a different underlying method on the ServletContext. (markt)
fix 55354: Ensure that the naming context environment parameters are restored after associating the Principle with the user name. Based on patch provided by Richard Begg. (violetagg)
fix 55357: Ensure the web application class loader is set as a thread context class loader during session deserialization. (violetagg)
fix 55404: Log warnings about using security roles in web.xml without defining them as warnings. (markt)
fix 55439: Don't try a forced stop when stop -force is used if Tomcat has already been stopped. This avoids error messages when the PID file has been cleared. If a forced stop is required, improve handling of the case when the PID file can be read from or written to but not deleted. (markt)
fix 55454: Avoid NPE when parsing an incorrect content type. (violetagg)
update Back-port the JSR-356 Java WebSocket 1.0 implementation from Tomcat 8. Note that use of this functionality requires Java 7. (markt)
update Deprecate the Tomcat proprietary WebSocket API in favour of the new JSR-356 implementation. (markt)
fix 55494: Reduce severity of log message from warning to information for JNDI Realm connection issues where the JNDI Realm automatically re-tries the action that failed. Make clear in the log message that the action is being re-tried. (markt)
fix Correct several incorrect formats of JdkLoggerFormatter. (kfujino)
fix 55521: Ensure that calls to HttpSession.invalidate() do not return until the session has been invalidated. Also ensure that checks on the validity of a session return a result consistent with any previous call to HttpSession.invalidate(). (markt)
fix 55524: Refactor to avoid a possible deadlock when handling an IOException during output when using Tomcat' proprietary (and deprecated) WebSocket API. (markt)
fix The loaded attribute never exists in PersistentManager. isLoaded is defined as operation in mbeans-descriptors. (kfujino)
add Added logging of location when system property org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager.debug=true is set.
fix 55570: Correctly log exceptions for all error conditions in the SPNEGO authenticator. (markt)
fix 55228: Allow web applications to set a HTTP Date header. (markt)
add Expose the current connection count for each protocol handler via JMX. (markt)
fix 55267: If an application configures a timeout for a Comet connection ensure it is only used for read and not write operations. This prevents a long timeout delaying the closing of the socket associated with a Comet connection after an error occurs. (markt)
fix Ensure that java.lang.VirtualMachineErrors are not swallowed when using the HTTP or AJP NIO connectors. (markt)
fix 55399: Use the response locale to select the language to use for the status message in the HTTP response. (markt)
update Refactor the connectors to support the new JSR-356 Java WebSocket 1.0 implementation. The most noticeable change is that the AJP APR/native and HTTP APR/native connectors no longer support multiple poller threads. Both connectors now use a single poller thread. (markt)
fix Internally, content length is managed as a long. Fix a few places in the AJP connector where this was restricted to an int. (markt)
fix 55453: Ensure that the AJP connector does not permit response bodies to be included for responses with status codes and/or request methods that are not permitted to have a response body. (markt)
fix 55500: Don't ignore the value of an asynchronous context timeout when using the AJP NIO connector. (markt)
fix Fix CVE-2013-4286: Better adherence to RFC2616 for content-length headers. (markt)
fix Fix CVE-2013-4322: Add support for limiting the size of chunk extensions when using chunked encoding. (markt)
fix Update the APR/native connector to version 1.1.28. Make this the minimum acceptable version as the correct behaviour of the JSR-356 WebSocket implementation when using the APR/native HTTP connector depends on a bug fix in the 1.1.28 release. (markt)
fix 55198: Ensure attribute values in tagx files that include EL and quoted XML characters are correctly quoted in the output. (markt)
fix Ensure that javax.el.ELContext.getContext(Class) will throw NullPointerException when the provided class is null. (violetagg)
fix Ensure that FeatureDescriptor objects returned by javax.el.MapELResolver.getFeatureDescriptors(ELContext,Object) will be created with a correct shortDescription - an empty string and a named attribute ELResolver.RESOLVABLE_AT_DESIGN_TIME - true. (violetagg)
fix Ensure that FeatureDescriptor objects returned by javax.el.ResourceBundleELResolver.getFeatureDescriptors(ELContext,Object) will be created with a correct shortDescription - an empty string. javax.el.ResourceBundleELResolver.isReadOnly(ELContext,Object,Object) returns true if the base object is an instance of ResourceBundle. (violetagg)
fix 55207: Enforce the restriction that a <jsp:text> element may not contain any sub-elements from any namespace. Patch provided by Jeremy Boynes. (markt)
fix Ensure that javax.el.ListELResolver.getFeatureDescriptors(ELContext,Object) will always return null. javax.el.ListELResolver.isReadOnly(ELContext,Object,Object) will return a result when the property cannot be coerced into an integer. (violetagg)
fix Ensure that javax.el.ArrayELResolver.getFeatureDescriptors(ELContext,Object) will always return null. javax.el.ArrayELResolver.isReadOnly(ELContext,Object,Object) and javax.el.ArrayELResolver.getType(ELContext,Object,Object) will return a result when the property cannot be coerced into an integer. (violetagg)
fix 55309: Fix concurrency issue with JSP compilation and the tag plug-in manager. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix Ensure that javax.el.BeanELResolver.getFeatureDescriptors(ELContext,Object) and javax.el.BeanELResolver.getCommonPropertyType(ELContext,Object) do not throw NullPointerException when the provided context is null. (violetagg)
add Add new attribute terminateOnStartFailure. Set to true if you wish to terminate replication map when replication map fails to start. If replication map is terminated, associated context will fail to start. If you set this attribute to false, replication map does not end. It will try to join the map membership in the heartbeat. Default value is false. (kfujino)
fix Avoid ConcurrentModificationException when sending a heartbeat. (kfujino)
fix Avoid NPE when the channel fails to start. (kfujino)
fix 55301: Fix IllegalArgumentException thrown by simple test for McastService. (kfujino)
fix 55332: Fix NPE in FileMessageFactory.main when specify empty file as arguments. (kfujino)
fix More definite thread name for MessageDispatch15Interceptor. (kfujino)
Web applications
update Remove the experimental label from the AJP NIO connector documentation. (markt)
fix Correctly associated the default resource bundle with the English locale so that requests that specify an Accept-Language of English ahead of French, Spanish or Japanese get the English messages they asked for. (markt)
fix 55469: Fixed tags that were not properly closed. Based on a patch provided by Larry Shatzer, jr. (violetagg)
update The WebSocket examples in the examples web application have been changed to use the new JSR-356 Java WebSocket 1.0 implementation. (markt)
add Add document for (kfujino)
fix Correct Realm Component page of Tomcat documentation. (violetagg)
fix 54693: Add a validationQueryTimeout property. Patch provided by Daniel Mikusa. (kfujino)
fix 54693#c6: Avoid NPE caused by createConnection() method returns null. Patch provided by Daniel Mikusa. (kfujino)
fix 55342: Remove unnecessary reset of interrupted flag. If InterruptedException is thrown, the interrupted flag has been cleared. (kfujino)
fix 55343: Add flag to ignore exceptions of connection creation while initializing the pool. (kfujino)
fix Add undefined attributes and operations to mbeans-descriptor. (kfujino)
add 45428: Trigger a thread dump written to standard out if Tomcat fails to stop in a timely manner to aid diagnostics. This is only available on platforms that use (markt)
fix 55204: Correct namespace used in Servlet 2.4 test web application. Patch provided by Jeremy Boynes. (markt)
fix 55205: Reorder elements so web.xml complies with schema for Servlet 3.0 test web application. Patch provided by Jeremy Boynes. (markt)
fix 55211: Correct namespace in TLD files used in test web applications. Rename elements tagclass to tag-class so TLD files complies with DTD/schema. Patch provided by Jeremy Boynes. (violetagg)
update Update package renamed version of Commons BCEL to the latest code from Commons BCEL trunk. (markt)
update Update package renamed version of Commons FileUpload to the latest code from Commons FileUpload trunk. (markt)
fix 55297: When looking for the jsvc executable, if an explicit path is not set and it is not found in $CATALINA_BASE, look in $CATALINA_HOME as well. (markt)
fix 55336: Correctly escape parameters passed to eval in the script to ensure that Tomcat starts when installed on a path that contains multiple consecutive spaces. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.42 (markt)released 2013-07-05
fix Enforce the restriction described in section 4.4 of the Servlet 3.0 specification that requires the new pluggability methods only to be available to ServletContextListeners defined in one of the specified ways. (markt)
fix Better handle FORM authentication when requesting a resource as an unauthenticated user that is only protected for a sub-set of HTTP methods that does not include GET. (markt)
fix 53777: Add support for a JAAS Realm instance to use a dedicated configuration rather than the JVM global JAAS configuration. This is most likely to be useful for per web application JAAS Realms. Based on a patch by eolivelli. (markt)
fix 54745: Fix JAR file scanning when Tomcat is deployed via Java Web Start. Patch provided by Nick Williams. (markt)
add 55017: Add the ability to configure the RMI bind address when using the JMX remote lifecycle listener. Patch provided by Alexey Noskov. (markt)
fix 55071: Ensure original exception is reported if JDBC Realm fails to read a user's credentials. (markt)
fix 55073, 55108, 55109, 55110, 55158 & 55159: Small performance improvements. Patches provided by Adrian Nistor. (markt/violetagg)
add 55102: Add support for time to first byte in the AccessLogValve. Patch provided by Jeremy Boynes. (markt)
fix 55125: If the Server container fails to start, don't allow the Catalina wrapper to start (used when running from the command line and when running as a service) since Tomcat will not be able to do any useful work. (markt)
fix Update the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to take account of changes in the behaviour of java.beans.Introspector.flushCaches() and sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext() in Java 7. (markt)
fix Avoid WARNING log message of Users:type=UserDatabase,database=UserDatabase at Tomcat shutdown. (pero)
fix Avoid ClassCastException when an asynchronous dispatch is invoked in an asynchronous cycle which is started by a call to ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest,ServletResponse) where ServletRequest/ServletResponse are custom implementations. (violetagg)
fix Correct a regression introduced in 7.0.39 (refactoring of base 64 encoding and decoding) that broke the JNDI Realm when userPassword was set and passwords were hashed with MD5 or SHA1. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Correct the mechanism for the path calculation in AsyncContext.dispatch(). (violetagg)
fix 55155: Avoid constant focus grabbing when running the Tomcat unit tests under Java 6 on OSX. Patch provided by Casey Lucas. (markt)
fix 55160: Don't ignore connectionUploadTimeout setting when using HTTP NIO connector. (markt)
fix 55176: Correctly handle regular expressions within SSI expressions that contain an equals character. (markt)
fix 55177: Correctly handle infinite soTimeout for BIO HTTP connector. Based on a patch by Nick Bunn. (markt)
fix 55180: Correctly handle infinite soTimeout when disableUploadTimeout is set to false. Patch provided by Nick Bunn. (violetagg)
fix Delete leftover of war file from tempDir when removing invalid FileMessageFactory. (kfujino)
fix Ensure that the keepAlive of NioSender works correctly when keepAliveCount/keepAliveTime is set to a value greater than 0. (kfujino)
add Add logging of when a member is unable to join the cluster. (kfujino)
fix Replace Tribes's TaskQueue as executor's workQueue in order to ensure that executor's maxThread works correctly. (kfujino)
fix 54086: Fix an additional code path that could lead to multiple threads attempting to modify the same selector key set. (markt)
Web applications
add Complete the document for MessageDispatch15Interceptor. (kfujino)
add 53655: Document the circumstances under which Tomcat will add a javax.mail.Authenticator to mail sessions created via a JNDI resource. (markt)
fix 55179: Correct the Javadoc for the remote IP valve so the correct name is used to refer to the proxiesHeader property. (markt)
fix 55031: Fixed Export-Package header and uses directives in MANIFEST.MF. Change the version for package org.apache.juli.logging to "0" in Import-Package header. Thus any version of that package can be used. Patch provided by Martin Lichtin. (violetagg)
update Update Maven Central location used to download dependencies at build time to be (kkolinko)
update Update JUnit to version 4.11. Configure separate download for Hamcrest 1.3 core library as its classes are no longer included in junit.jar. (kkolinko)
fix 54013: When using a forced stop, allow a short period of time (5s) for the process to die before returning. Patch provided by mukarram.baig. (markt)
fix 55119: Ensure that the build process produces Javadoc that is not vulnerable to CVE-2013-1571. Based on a patch by Uwe Schindler. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.41 (markt)released 2013-06-10
fix 54703: Make parsing of HTTP Content-Type headers tolerant of any CR or LF characters that appear in the value passed by the application. Also fix some whitespace parsing issues identified by the additional test cases. (markt)
fix Prevent possible WAR file locking when reading a context.xml file from an unexpanded WAR file. Note that in normal usage, the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener would protect against this. (markt)
fix Ensure that when auto deployment runs for a Host, it uses the latest values for copyXML, deployXML and unpackWARs. (markt)
fix 54939: Provide logging (using a UserDataHelper) when HTTP header parsing fails (e.g. when maxHeaderCount is exceeded). (markt)
add 54944: Enhancements to the unit tests for FORM authentication. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
fix 54955: When a reload of the application is performed ensure that a subsequent request to the context root does not result in a 404 response. (violetagg)
fix 54971: Ensure that the correct location is used when writing files via javax.servlet.http.Part.write(String). (markt)
fix 54974: Ensure that SessionCookieConfig#set<methods> will throw IllegalStateException if the ServletContext from which this SessionCookieConfig was acquired has already been initialized. (violetagg)
fix 54981: Ensure that ServletContext#getJspConfigDescriptor() will return null when there is no jsp configuration provided by web.xml/web-fragment.xml. (violetagg)
fix Ensure that when Tomcat's anti-resource locking features are used that the temporary copy of the web application and not the original is removed when the web application stops. (markt)
fix 54984: Use the correct encoding when processing a form data posted as multipart/form-data even when the request parameters are not parsed. (violetagg)
fix 54999: The old JSESSIONIDSSO needs to be removed when SSO is being used and logout() and login() occur within a single request. Patch provided by Keith Mashinter. (markt)
add 55035: Add support for the version attribute to the deploy command of the Ant tasks for interfacing with the text based Manager application. Patch provided by Sergey Tcherednichenko. (markt)
add 55046: Add a Servlet Filter that implements CORS. Patch provided by Mohit Soni. (markt)
add 55052: JULI's LogManager now additionally looks for logging properties without prefixes if the property cannot be found with a prefix. (markt)
fix Ensure that only the first asynchronous dispatch operation for a given asynchronous cycle will be performed. Any subsequent asynchronous dispatch operation for the same asynchronous cycle will be ignored and IllegalStateException will be thrown. (violetagg)
fix 54947: Fix the HTTP NIO connector that incorrectly rejected a request if the CRLF terminating the request line was split across multiple packets. Patch by Konstantin Preißer. (markt)
fix 54964: Allow tag plug-ins to be packaged with a web application. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix 54968: Return the correct version number (2.2) of the JSP specification that is supported by the JSP engine when javax.servlet.jsp.JspEngineInfo#getSpecificationVersion() is invoked. (violetagg)
add Add maxValidTime attribute to prevent the leak of FileMessageFactory in FarmWarDeployer. (kfujino)
code Simplify the code of ReplicationValve: Rather than get cluster instance from container on every request, use instance variable. (kfujino)
add Add maxWait attribute that the senderPool will wait when there are no available senders. (kfujino)
add Improve error message by including specified timeout if failed to retrieve a data sender. (kfujino)
add Add removeSuspectsTimeout attribute in order to remove a suspect node in TcpFailureDetector. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix 54931: Add information to the Window Service how-to about installing and running multiple instances. Based on a patch by Chris Derham. (markt)
fix 54932: Correct the link to Tribes documentation. (violetagg)
add Add document for (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.40 (markt)released 2013-05-09
update Update Tomcat's internal copy of Commons FileUpload to FileUpload 1.3. (markt)
fix 54178, CVE-2013-2071: Protect against AsyncListener implementations that throw RuntimeExceptions in response to an event. (markt)
fix 54791: Restore tools.jar entry in jarsToSkip property to prevent warnings when running Tomcat from Eclipse. (markt)
fix 54851: When scanning for web fragments, directories without any web-fragment.xml should not impact the status of distributable element. Patch provided by Trask Stalnaker. (violetagg)
fix When an error occurs during the sending of a WebSocket message, notify the Inbound side (where all the events occur that the application reacts to) that an error has occurred and that the connection is being closed. (markt)
fix 54906: Better error message if a ConcurrentModificationException occurs while checking for memory leaks when a web application stops. Also ensure that the exception does not cause remaining checks to be skipped. Based on a patch by NateC.
fix Allow 204 responses (no content) to include entity headers as required by RFC2616. (markt)
fix Ensure write errors when using HTTP Upgrade with the APR/native connector result in IOExceptions rather than errors being silently swallowed. (markt)
fix 54802: Provide location information for exceptions thrown by JspDocumentParser. (kkolinko)
fix 54801: Do not attempt to parse text that looks like an EL expressions inside a scriptlet in a JSP document because EL expressions are not permitted in scriptlets. (kkolinko/markt)
fix 54821: Do not attempt to parse text that looks like an EL expressions in a JSP document if EL expressions have been disabled. (kkolinko/markt)
fix 54888: Add support for CSV lists with the ForEach tag plugin. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix Add several improvements for FarmWarDeployer. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix 54872: Correct Cluster Receiver page of Tomcat documentation. (violetagg)
update Document StatementCache interceptor. (kkolinko)
fix Fix minor threading issue in ConnectionPool. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 54732: Fix leak of statements in StatementCache interceptor. (kkolinko)
fix Fix NPE in SlowQueryReportJmx when running TestSlowQueryReport test. (kkolinko)
update Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 4.2.2. (kkolinko)
update 54890: Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.15. (mturk)
update Convert remaining unit tests to JUnit 4 and enable Checkstyle rule that forbids use of methods from JUnit 3. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Remove unneeded permissions for reading UserDataHelper properties from catalina.policy file. The class that needed those was moved in 7.0.26. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.39 (markt)released 2013-03-26
fix Ensure a log message is generated when a web application fails to start due to an error processing a ServletContainerInitializer. (markt)
fix Prevent NPE in JAR scanning when running in an environment where the bootstrap class loader is not an ancestor of the web application class loader such as OSGi environments. (violetagg)
fix Ensure that, if a call to UEncoder#encodeURL is made, all internal structures are properly cleaned. (violetagg)
add 54660: Enable the modification of an access log's fileDateFormat attribute while the access log is in use. The change will take effect when the next entry is made to the access log. (markt)
update Update Tomcat's internal copy of Commons FileUpload to FileUpload trunk, revision 1458500 and the associated extract from Commons IO to 2.4. (markt)
fix 54702: Prevent file descriptors leak and ensure that files are closed when parsing web application deployment descriptors. (violetagg)
fix 54707: Further relax the parsing of DIGEST authentication headers to allow for buggy clients that quote values that RFC2617 states should not be quoted. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Enable support for MBeans with multiple operations with the same name but different signatures. (markt)
code Deprecate Tomcat's internal Base 64 encoder/decoder and switch to using a package renamed copy of the Commons Codec implementation. (markt)
fix Ensure that StandardJarScanner#scan will use the provided class loader when scanning the class loader hierarchy. (violetagg)
fix 54690: Fix a regression caused by the previous fix for 54406. If no values are specified for sslEnabledProtocols or ciphers use the default values for server sockets rather than the default values for client sockets. (markt)
Web applications
update Correct Deployer, Manager and Context pages of Tomcat documentation. (kkolinko)
fix 52318: Version for imported package org.apache.juli.logging is extended to include also 7.0.x versions. The fix is applicable only when running in OSGi environment. Patch provided by Martin Lichtin. (violetagg)
fix 54599: Do not print connection password in PoolProperties.toString(). Based on a patch by Daniel Mikusa. (kkolinko)
fix 54684: Add javax.naming.spi to Import-Package header in MANIFEST.MF in order to resolve ClassNotFoundException when running in OSGi environment. (violetagg)
fix Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.14 to resolve 54609 which meant that installation of Windows service could fail producing incorrect service launch command. (mturk)
fix Ensure HEAD requests return the correct content length when the requested resource uses a Writer. Patch by Nick Williams. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.38 (markt)not released
fix Ensure that the request start time (used by the access log valve to calculate request processing time) is correctly recorded for the HTTP NIO connector. In some cases the request processing time may have been longer than that recorded. (markt)
update Add one more library from JDK 7 to the value of jarsToSkip property in the file. (kkolinko)
add 53871: If annotation scanning results in a StackOverflowError due to broken class dependencies, add the class hierarchy that triggered the exception to the error message. (markt)
add Add a new option to the standard JarScanner implementation (scanBootstrapClassPath) to control if the bootstrap classpath is scanned or not. By default, it will not be scanned. (markt)
update Provide more consolidated servlet MBean data in the webapp MBean. (rjung)
fix 54584: Take account of the delegate attribute when building the web application class path to pass to the JSP compiler. (markt)
fix Copy the updated and re-packaged UTF-8 decoder from Tomcat 8.0.x and use this improved decoder for WebSocket connections. Remove the WebSocket specific UTF-8 decoder. (markt)
fix 54602: Recycle the byte to character converter used for URIs between requests to ensure an error in one request does not trigger a failure in the next request. (markt)
fix Use the newly added improved UTF-8 decoder for decoding UTF-8 encoded URIs and UTF-8 encoded request bodies. Invalid UTF-8 URIs will not cause an error but will make use of the replacement character when an error is detected. This will allow web applications to handle the URI which will most likely result in a 404 response. The fall-back to decoding with ISO-8859-1 if UTF-8 decoding fails has been removed. Invalid UTF-8 sequences in a request body will trigger an IOException. The way the decoder is used has also been improved. The notable change is that invalid sequences at the end of the input now trigger an error rather than being silently swallowed. (markt)
fix 54624: Ensure that the correct request body length is used when swallowing a request body after FORM authentication prior to restoring the original request preventing possible hanging when restoring POST requests submitted over AJP. (markt)
fix 54628: When writing binary WebSocket messages write from start position in array rather than the start of the array. Patch provided by blee. (markt)
code Refactor char encoding/decoding using NIO APIs. (remm)
Web applications
fix 54203: Complete the Javadoc for javax.servlet.http.Part. (markt)
fix 54638: Fix display of "Used" memory value for memory pools on the status page in Manager web application when the page is rendered as XML. (kkolinko)
fix Correct typos in configuration samples on SSL Configuration page of Tomcat documentation. (kkolinko)
update Disable support for comments on Changelog page of Tomcat documentation. (kkolinko)
fix Fix several issues with status.xsd schema in Manager web application, testing it against actual output of StatusTransformer class. (kkolinko)
fix Clarify the documentation on how context paths may be configured for web applications. (markt)
update 54601: Change to consistently use LOGGING_MANAGER variable to configure logging, instead of modifying JAVA_OPTS one. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.37 (markt)released 2013-02-18
fix 54521: Ensure that concurrent requests that require a DIGEST authentication challenge receive different nonce values. (markt)
fix 54534: Ensure that, if a call to StandardWrapper#isSingleThreadModel() triggers the loading of a Servlet, the correct class loader is used. (markt)
fix 54536: Ensure the default error page is displayed if a custom HTTP status code is used when calling HttpServletResponse#sendError(int, String). (markt)
fix 54456: Ensure that if a client aborts a request when sending a chunked request body that this is communicated correctly to the client reading the request body. (markt)
update Update the native component of the APR/native connector to 1.1.27 and make that version the recommended minimum version. (markt)
add 54239: Enable web applications to provide their own Expression Language interpreter to enable them to optimise processing of expressions. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
Web applications
add 54505: Create clearer links from the JNDI How-To to the Tomcat specific options for configuring JNDI resources. (markt)
update Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.13. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.36 (markt)not released
fix Make additional allowances for buggy client implementations of HTTP DIGEST authentication. This is a follow-on to 54060. (markt)
fix 54438: Fix a regression in the fix for 52953 that triggered a NPE when digested passwords were used and an authentication attempt was made for a user that did not exist in the realm. (markt)
fix 54448: Correctly handle @Resource annotations on primitives. Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 54450: Correctly handle resource injection when part of the servlet properties uses @Resource and the other uses injection-target. Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 54458: Include exception when logging errors in the DataSourceRealm. Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 54483: Correct one of the Spanish translations. Based on a suggestion from adinamita. (markt)
fix Prevent the SSO deregister when web application is stopped or reloaded. When StandardManager(pathname="") or DeltaManager stops normally, all sessions in the context are expired. In this case, because most sessions is not time-out, SSO deregister was triggered. (kfujino)
fix Include the exception in the log message if the parsing of the context.xml file fails. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 54497: Make memory leak detection code more robust so a failure in the leak detection code does not prevent the Context from stopping unless the error is fatal to the JVM. (markt)
fix 54507: Do not start the background thread that is used for expiring sessions (amongst other things) until the web application is fully started. Stop the background thread as soon as the web application is stopped. (markt)
fix Allow WebSocket Ping/Pong messages to be sent between fragments of a fragmented message. (markt)
fix 54612: Check if the socket is closed before trying to write a WebSocket message to it. Also, flush any partial buffered data before closing the socket. (markt)
fix 54324: Allow APR connector to disable TLS compression if OpenSSL supports it. (schultz)
fix 54406: Fix NIO HTTPS connector to prune specified ciphers and sslEnableProtocols options to those supported by the SSL implementation, sharing logic with the BIO connector. Modified ciphers and sslEnabledProtocols option pruning to not silently revert to JVM defaults when none of the options specified are supported - new behaviour is to warn and explicitly enable no options. (timw)
fix Align NIO HTTP connector with other HTTP connectors and include leading blank lines when determining the size of the HTTP headers. (markt)
fix 53869: Performance improvement for pages with lots of heavily nested tags. Retain a reference to the root JSP context rather than traversing the hierarchy on every call. Based on a patch suggested by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix 54440: Correct a regression caused by the changes for 54240 that broke compilation of JSPs with JspC. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix 54466: Improve error message by including the name of the file when the java file generated from a tag file cannot be compiled. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix Fix incorrect increment of counterSend_EVT_SESSION_EXPIRED and counterSend_EVT_CHANGE_SESSION_ID. These values are not incremented if no members active in cluster group. (kfujino)
fix 54476: Correct error in Javadoc of GroupChannel send methods to maker clear that the minimum length of the destination member array is one, not two. (markt)
fix Prevent SSO deregister when node shutdown normally in cluster environment. (kfujino)
fix Check cluster member before sending replicate message in ClusterSingleSignOn. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix 54461: Improve the documentation for the compiler attribute in the Jasper how-to. (markt)
add Add Jespa to the list of third-party Windows authentication providers and make external links in the documentation for those providers no-follow. (markt)
fix 54496: Don't use a hard-coded class name in MemberImpl.toString(). (markt)
update Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.12. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.35 (markt)released 2013-01-16
fix 54247: Prevent ClassNotFoundExceptions on stop when running as a service. (markt)
fix 54249: Ensure resource properties are available when the context path contains encoded characters such as a space. This triggered compilation issues in Jasper. Patch provided by Polina Genova. (markt)
fix 54256: Improve error reporting when a JAR file fails extension validation by including the name of the JAR file in the exception. (markt)
fix Allow web applications to be stopped cleanly even if filters throw exceptions when their destroy() method is called. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Fix memory leak of servlet instances when running with a SecurityManager and either init() or destroy() methods fail or the servlet is a SingleThreadModel one. (kkolinko)
code Cleanup method cache lookup code in SecurityUtil class. (kkolinko)
add Make the Tomcat 7 non-JSR356 WebSocket implementation non-blocking (where supported by the connector) between the HTTP upgrade and the first WebSocket message from the client to the server. (markt)
fix 54262: Ensure that an empty <absolute-ordering /> element in the main web.xml file disables scanning for web fragments. Based on a patch by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 54284: As per clarification from the Servlet EG, anonymous Filters and Servlets are not permitted. Patch by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 54371: Prevent exceptions when processing web fragments for unexpanded WAR files when the context path contains characters that need to be encoded in URLs such as spaces. Based on a patch by Polina Genova. (markt)
add 54372: Make HTTP Digest authentication header parsing tolerant of invalid headers sent by known buggy clients. (markt)
fix 54377: Correctly set request attributes for AccessLog in RemoteIpFilter. Patch by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 54379: Implement support for post-construct and pre-destroy elements in web.xml. Patch by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 54380: Do not try to register servlets or contexts into the mapper too early (which just caused a warning to be logged). (kkolinko)
fix Fix NPE in WebappLoader.stopInternal when stop is called after a failed start. (kkolinko)
add 54381: Add support for receiving WebSocket pong messages. (markt)
fix 54382: Fix NPE when SSI processing is enabled and an empty SSI directive is present. (markt)
fix Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in HttpParser when parsing incorrect HTTP headers. (kkolinko)
fix 54387: Deployment must fail when multiple servlets are mapped to the same url-pattern. (markt)
fix 54391: Provide a value for the javax.servlet.context.orderedLibs attribute. (markt)
fix 54248: Ensure that byte order marks are swallowed when using a Reader to read a request body with a BOM for those encodings that require byte order marks. (markt)
fix Fix release of processors in AjpNioProtocol. Wrong object was used as a key in the connections map. (kkolinko)
add 54240: Add support for auto-detection and configuration of JARs on the classpath that provide tag plug-in implementations. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix 54241: Revert the fix for 35410 as it was not compliant with the JSP specification, specifically that <%= obj %> must be translated to out.print(obj) which in turn becomes out.write(String.valueOf(obj)). This will trigger a NullPointerException if obj.toString() returns null. The fix for 35410 incorrectly suppressed the NullPointerException in this case. (markt)
fix 54242: Correct handle null iterations with in the JSTL ForEach tag plug-in implementation. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix 54260: Avoid NullPointerException when using JSP unloading and tag files. (markt)
fix 54370: Improve handling of nulls when trying to match sets of parameters to a method in EL. (markt)
fix 54338: Correctly coerce the value to the expected type when using the tag plug-in for the JSTL set tag. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
Web applications
fix 54244: Clarify the documentation for the BIO and NIO SSL configuration attributes sslEnabledProtocols and sslProtocol within the documentation web application. (markt)
add Integrate documentation of Tomcat 7 with Apache Comments System. People can leave their comments when reading documentation online at the site. (rjung)
fix 54390: Use 'java_home' on Mac OS X to auto-detect JAVA_HOME. (schultz)
Tomcat 7.0.34 (markt)released 2012-12-12
fix 53871: Improve error message if annotation scanning fails during web application start due to poor configuration or illegal cyclic inheritance with the application's classes. (markt)
fix Fix unit test for AccessLogValve when using non-GMT time zone. (rjung)
fix 54170: Ensure correct registration of Filters and Servlets in the JMX registry if the Filter or Servlet name includes a character that must be quoted if used in an ObjectName value. (markt)
add Add new attribute renameOnRotate to the AccessLogValve. (rjung)
fix 54190: Correct unit tests for BASIC authentication so that session timeout is correctly tested. Also refactor unit test to make it easier to add additional tests. Patch by Brian Burch. (markt)
fix 54220: Ensure the ErrorReportValve only generates an error report if the error flag on the response has been set. (markt)
fix Simplify time zone handling in the access log valve and correctly handle various edge cases for non-standard DST changes. (markt)
Web applications
fix 54198: Clarify that HttpServletResponse.sendError(int) results in an HTML response by default. (markt)
fix 54207: Correct JNDI factory package name in Javadoc for (markt)
code Fix a handful of Eclipse warnings in the JDBC pool source code including the warnings reported in 53565. (markt)
fix 54150: Make sure that SlowQueryReportJmx mbean deregistered during webapp shutdown. Reported by Alex Franken. (kfujino)
fix 54194: Make sure that connection pool mbean is not registered when jmxEnabled is false. Patch provided by tobias.gierke. (kfujino)
update Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 4.2.1. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.33 (markt)released 2012-11-21
add 53960, 54115: Extensions to HttpClient test helper class. Patches by Brian Burch. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 53993: Avoid a possible NPE in the AccessLogValve when the session ID is logged and a session is invalidated. (markt)
fix Add support for LAST_ACCESS_AT_START system property to PersistentManager. (kfujino)
add Update MIME type mapping with additional / updated mime.types from the Apache web server. (markt)
fix 54007: Fix a memory leak that prevented deletion of a context.xml file associated with a Context that had failed to deploy. Also fix the problems uncovered with undeploying such a Context once the leak had been fixed and the file could be deleted. (markt)
fix 54044: Correct bug in timestamp cache used by logging (including the access log valve) that meant entries could be made with an earlier timestamp than the true timestamp. (markt)
fix 54054: Do not share shell environment variables between multiple instances of the CGI servlet. (markt)
fix 54060: Use a simple parser rather than a regular expression to parse HTTP Digest authentication headers so the header is correctly parsed. The new approach is also faster and generates less garbage. (markt)
fix 54068: Rewrite the web fragment ordering algorithm to resolve multiple issues that resulted in incorrect ordering or failure to find a correct, valid order. (markt)
update The HTTP header parser added to address 52811 has been removed and replaced with the light-weight HTTP header parser created to address 54060. The new parser includes a work-around for a bug in the Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.x plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer that was identified when the old parser was introduced (53814).
fix 54076: Add an alternative work-around for clients that use SPNEGO authentication and expect the authenticated user to be cached per connection (Tomcat only does this if an HTTP session is available). (markt)
fix 54087: Correctly handle (ignore) invalid If-Modified-Since header rather than throwing an exception. (markt)
fix 54096: In web.xml, <env-entry> should accept any type that has a constructor that takes a single String or char. (markt)
add 54127: Add support for sending a WebSocket Ping. Patch provided by Sean Winterberger. (markt)
fix Fix CVE-2013-2067: In FormAuthenticator: If it is configured to change Session IDs, do the change before displaying the login form. (kkolinko)
fix Ensure AsyncListener.timeout() and AsyncListener.complete() are called with the correct thread context class loader. (fhanik)
fix 54123: If an asynchronous request times out without any AsyncListeners defined, a 500 error will be triggered. (markt)
fix 54124: Correct provided value of request attribute javax.servlet.async.request_uri and add missing request attribute javax.servlet.async.path_info. (markt)
add Add denyStatus initialization parameter to CsrfPreventionFilter, allowing to customize the HTTP status code used for denied requests. (kkolinko)
fix 54141: Increase the permitted number of nested Realm levels from 2 to 3 by default and make the limit configurable via a system property. (markt)
fix Revert occasional API change in BaseDirContext class that was done in 7.0.32. Methods should not be final. (kkolinko)
fix Prevent failures in the AccessLogValve when running under a SecurityManager and the first request received is an asynchronous one. (markt)
fix Correct an issue that prevented WebSockets from being used over SSL when using the HTTP NIO connector. (markt)
fix 54022: Ensure the Comet END event is triggered on client disconnect with APR/native on Windows Vista/2k8 or later. Patch provided by Douglas Beachy. (markt)
fix 54067: Ensure responses with 1xx response codes are correctly marked as not containing an entity body. This caused an issue for some WebSocket clients when an Transfer-Encoding header was sent with the 101 (HTTP upgrade) response. (markt)
code 53867: Optimise the XML escaping provided by the PageContext implementation. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
code 53896: Use an optimised CompositeELResolver for Jasper that skips resolvers that are known to be unable to resolve the value. Patch by Jarek Gawor. (markt)
fix 53986: Correct a regression introduced by the fix for 53713. JSP comments that ended with the sequence ---%> (or any similar sequence with a odd number of - characters) was not correctly parsed. (markt)
fix 54011: Fix a bug in the tag plug-in for <c:out> that triggered a JSP compilation error if the escapeXml attribute was used. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
code Follow up to 54011. Simplify generated code for <c:out>. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
fix 54012: Fix a bug in the tag plug-in infrastructure that meant the <c:set> triggered a JSP compilation error when used in a tag file. Based on a patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
code 54017: Simplify coercion of String instances to Object. (markt)
fix 54144: Fix a bug in the tag plug-in for <c:out> that meant that if the value of the tag evaluated to a object then it was not correctly handled. (markt)
fix Add getSessionIdsFull operation to mbeans-descriptor. listSessionIdsFull no longer exist. (kfujino)
fix 54086: Fix threading issue when stopping an NioReceiver. (markt)
Web applications
add 54143: Add display of the memory pools usage (including PermGen) to the Status page of the Manager web application. (kkolinko)
fix 54045: Make sure getMembers() returns available member when TcpFailureDetector works in static cluster. (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.32 (markt)released 2012-10-09
fix Revert multiple operation support for the JMXProxyServlet pending further discussion. (schultz)
fix CVE-2012-4431: Fix bypass of CsrfPreventionFilter when there is no session. Improve session management in the filter. (kkolinko)
Web applications
fix Correct the couple of broken links in the Tomcat Javadoc. (markt)
update Update optional Checkstyle library to 5.6. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.31 (markt)not released
update Add one library from JDK 7 to the value of jarsToSkip property in the file. (kkolinko)
add 52777: Add an option to automatically remove old, unused versions (ones where there are no longer any active sessions) of applications deployed using parallel deployment. (markt)
fix 53828: Use correct status code when closing a WebSocket connection normally in response to a close frame from a client. (markt)
update JMXProxyServlet now allows multiple operation commands like invokeAndSet, invokeAndGet, etc. (schultz) Note: reverted in 7.0.32.
fix 53843: request.isAsyncStarted() must continue to return true until the dispatch actually happens (which at the earliest isn't until the thread where startAsync() was called returns to the container). (markt)
fix 53863: Ensure that the implicit servlets (JSP and default) are marked as override-able when using embedded mode. (markt)
fix When the DefaultServlet is under heavy load, the HTTP header parser added to address 52811 generates large amounts of garbage and uses significant CPU time. A cache has been added that significantly reduces the overhead of this parser. (markt)
fix 53854: Make directory listings work correctly when aliases are used. (markt)
code 53713: Performance improvement of up to four times faster parsing of JSP pages. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
add Make the cluster members and the cluster deployer associated with the cluster accessible via JMX. (markt)
fix Fix a behavior of TcpPingInterceptor#useThread. If set to false, ping thread is never started. (kfujino)
Web applications
add Improve the documentation web application to clarify the difference between the tag and version parameters when using text interface of the Manager web application. (markt)
add Make sessions saved in the Store associated with a Manager that extends PersistentManager optionally visible (via the showProxySessions Servlet initialisation parameter in web.xml) to the Manager web application. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.30 (markt)released 2012-09-06
fix Automatically delete temporary files used by Servlet 3.0 file upload (for parts which size is greater than file-size-threshold option in web.xml) when request processing completes. (kkolinko)
fix 53071: This additional fix for this issue improves the formatting of Jasper errors (or any exceptions that use a multi-line message) with the ErrorReportValve. (markt)
fix 53469: If a URL passed to javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() cannot be made absolute, never encode it and return it unchanged. Previously, the fix for 53062 meant than an IllegalArgumentException was thrown. (markt)
fix 53481: Added support for SSLHonorCipherOrder to allow the server to impose its cipher order on the client. Based on a patch provided by Marcel Šebek. This feature requires Tomcat Native 1.1.25 or later. (schultz)
fix 53498: Fix atomicity bugs in use of concurrent collections. Based on a patch by Yu Lin. (markt)
fix Correct a regression in the previous fix for 53062 that did not always correctly normalize redirect URLs when the redirect URL included a query string or fragment component. (markt)
fix Add missing getter and setter for roleSearchAsUser option on JNDI Realm. (markt)
update Add some HTTP status codes registered at IANA. (rjung)
fix 53531: Fix ExpandWar.expand to check the return value of File.mkdir and File.mkdirs. (schultz)
fix 53535: Reduce memory footprint when performing class scanning on Context start. Patch provided by Cedomir Igaly. (markt)
fix 53541: Fix JAR scanning when WEB-INF/lib is provided via VirtualDirContext. Patch provided by Philip Zuev. (markt)
fix 53574: Ensure Servlets defined using jsp-file are available when metadata-complete is true. (markt)
fix 53584: Ignore path parameters when comparing URIs for FORM authentication. This prevents users being prompted twice for passwords when logging in when session IDs are being encoded as path parameters. (markt)
fix 53623: When performing a asynchronous dispatch after series of forwards, ensure that the request properties are correct for the request at each stage. (markt)
fix 53624: Ensure that HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() works when called after a dispatch from an AsyncContext. (markt)
fix 53641: Correct name of HTTP header used in WebSocket handshake for listing the preferred protocols. (markt)
code Document the constants that were added to the RequestDispatcher interface in Servlet 3.0. (kkolinko)
fix Ensure custom error pages are not truncated if the page that triggered the error set a content length header. (markt)
fix 53677: Ensure that a 500 response rather than no response is returned if the HTTP headers exceed the size limit. (markt)
fix 53702: When merging web.xml fragments, allow for <jsp-property-group> elements having multiple <url-pattern> elements. (markt)
add Always make the resulting web.xml available even if metadata-complete is true. (markt)
fix 53714: Provide separate system properties to control which JARs are excluded from which scans when using the JarScanner. This allows JARs to be excluded from all scans or only from TLD scanning and/or Servlet 3.0 pluggability scanning. (markt)
update Add several JDK libraries to the value of jarsToSkip property in the file. (markt, kkolinko)
fix Fix typos etc. in the code that logs merged web.xml (as enabled by logEffectiveWebXml option on Context). (kkolinko)
fix 53758: When adding filters via FilterRegistration.Dynamic the filters were added at the wrong point because the isMatchAfter logic was inverted. (markt)
fix 53783: Correctly handle JARs generated by tools that do not create specific entries for directories. Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix Improvements to DIGEST authenticator including the disabling caching of authenticated user in session by default, tracking server rather than client nonces and better handling of stale nonce values. (markt)
fix Improve performance of DIGEST authenticator for concurrent requests. (markt)
fix CVE-2012-3546: Fix bypass of security constraint checks with FORM authentication. Remove unneeded processing in RealmBase. (kkolinko)
fix 53800: FileDirContext.list() did not provide correct paths for subdirectories. Patch provided by Kevin Wooten. (kkolinko)
fix 53801: Overlapping URL patterns were sometimes merged incorrectly in security constraints leading to incorrect 401 responses. Note: it was possible for access to be denied when it should have been granted but it was not possible for access to be granted when it should have been denied. (markt)
fix Remove the socket.soTrafficClass from the BIO and NIO HTTP and AJP connectors because any use of the option is either ignored or in some cases (Java 7 with NIO) throws an Exception. (markt)
fix Prevent possible NPE when processing Comet requests during Connector shutdown. (markt)
fix 42181: Better handling of edge conditions in chunk header processing. (kkolinko)
fix 53697: Correct a regression in the fix for 51881 that mean that in some circumstances the comet flag was not reset on HttpAprProcessor instances. This caused problems when the Processor was re-used for a new connection that would trigger a NullPointerException and could result in a JVM crash. (markt)
fix 53725: Fix possible corruption of GZIP'd output. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Better parsing of line-terminators for requests using chunked encoding. (markt)
fix Further improvements to handling of Comet END events when the connector is stopped. (markt)
fix 53545: Ensure buffered data is cleared when using a jsp:forward action inside a classic custom tag. (markt)
fix 53654: Support file:// URLs for JSP dependencies. Patch provided by Viola Lu. (markt)
fix 53792: Support MethodExpressions that include a method invocation that is not at the end of the expression. (markt)
fix Fix an issue when running under Java 7 which throws exceptions when trying to set an invalid option whereas Java 6 silently swallowed them. The option using the problem was soTrafficClass. Investigations showed that this option had no effect for Cluster Channel Receivers so it was removed. (markt)
fix 53513: Fix race condition between the processing of session sync message and transfer complete message. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix Update JSTL version information in the JNDI section of the documentation web application. (markt)
fix 53524: Correct a typo in the cluster how-to section of the documentation web application. Also fix a handful of spelling errors. (markt)
fix 53601: Clarify in documentation that building Apache Tomcat 7 from sources requires a Java 6 JDK. (kkolinko)
fix 53653: Allow for wrapped source code example in config/context.html. Patch provided by Terence Bandoian. (schultz)
update 53793: Change links on the list of applications in the Manager to point to '/appname/' instead of '/appname'. (kkolinko)
fix Avoid potential NPE identified by Find Bugs in (markt)
fix 53606: Fix potential NPE in TcpPingInterceptor. Based on a patch by F. Arnoud. (markt)
fix 53607: To avoid NPE, set TCP PING data to ChannelMessage. Patch provided by F.Arnoud (kfujino)
fix 53701: Javadoc fixes. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
code Remove some unused code from Tomcat's package renamed, cut-down copy of Commons BCEL used for annotation scanning. (markt)
add 53735: Add support for Java 7 byte code to Tomcat's package renamed, cut-down copy of Commons BCEL used for annotation scanning. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.29 (markt)released 2012-07-08
add Add support for searching for roles in JNDI/LDAP using another value than the actual DN or username specified. Rather it will use a value from the users directory entry. The new attribute introduced to the JNDIRealm is userRoleAttribute (fhanik)
fix Fix checking of recommended tcnative library version when using the APR connector. (rjung)
update 50306: Improve StuckThreadDetectionValve: add stuckThreadNames property as a pair for the stuckThreadIds one, add thread ids to the log messages. (kkolinko)
add 52135: Add support for a default error page to be defined in web.xml by defining an error page with just a nested location element. It appears this feature was intended to be included in the Servlet 3.0 specification but was accidently left out. (markt)
fix 53450: Correct regression in fix for 52999 that could easily trigger a deadlock when deploying a ROOT web application. (markt)
fix As per section 1.6.2 of the Servlet 3.0 specification and clarification from the Servlet Expert Group, the servlet specification version declared in web.xml no longer controls if Tomcat scans for annotations. Annotation scanning is now always performed - regardless of the version declared in web.xml - unless metadata complete is set to true. (markt)
fix 53619: As per clarification from the Servlet Expert Group, JARs will always be scanned for ServletContainerInitializers regardless of the setting of metadata complete. However, if an absolute ordering is specified and a JAR is excluded from that ordering it will not be scanned for ServletContainerInitializers nor will it be scanned for matches to any HandleTypes annotations. (markt)
add 53465: Populate mapped-name property for resources defined in web.xml. Based on a patch by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
add Make the request available when establishing a WebSocket connection. (markt)
fix 53467: Correct a regression in the fix for 53257 that introduced problems for JSPs that used characters that must be encoded if used in a URI. (markt)
fix 53430: Avoid a JVM crash when a connector that requires the APR/native library is explicitly specified and the library, or a recent enough version of it, is not available. (markt)
fix 53421: Provide a more helpful error message if a getter or setter cannot be found for a bean property when using expression language. (markt)
fix 53460: Allow container to handle errors if the creation of the PageContext fails rather than swallowing the error. (markt)
Web applications
fix Update the WebSocket examples in the examples web application so that they work with secure connections (wss) as well as non-secure (ws) connections. (markt)
fix 53456: Minor corrections and improvements to the HTTP connector configuration reference. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
fix 53459: Correction and clarifications to the SSL Connector configuration examples in the SSL how-to. (markt)
fix 53464: Correct reference to sample init.d script for use with jsvc in the documentation web application. (markt)
fix 53473: Correct the allowed values for the SSI option isVirtualWebappRelative which are true or false. (markt)
fix Document roleNested property of JNDIRealm in Configuration Reference. (kkolinko)
fix 53445 (r1354173): Allow configurable name for SlowQueryReportJmx (fhanik)
fix 53416 (r1354641): Multiple pools with the same name should register under JMX (fhanik)
fix Fix cleanup of temporary files in TestNamingContext test. (kkolinko)
fix Remove a few files from the source distribution that are not required since they are copied / generated during the build. (markt)
fix Add manifest files to the set of files for which the line-ending is changed to match the OS defaults in the source distributions. (markt)
code Align Jk Ant tasks definitions between antlib.xml and catalina.tasks files, introducing jkupdate as synonym for jkstatus. The latter one is deprecated. Simplify bin/catalina-tasks.xml, replacing taskdef with typedef and adding Ant condition implementations used with JMX to jmxaccessor.tasks file. (kkolinko)
fix 53454: Return correct content-length header for HEAD requests when content length is greater than 2GB. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.28 (markt)released 2012-06-19
fix 52055: An additional fix to ensure that the ChunkedInputFilter is correctly recycled. (markt)
add 52954: Make DIGEST authentication tolerant of clients (mainly older Android implementations) that do not follow RFC 2617 exactly. (markt)
update 52955: Implement custom thread factory for container start-stop thread pool. It allows to use daemon threads and give them more distinct names. (kfujino)
fix 52999: Remove synchronization bottleneck from the firing of Container events. (markt)
add 53008: Additional test cases for BASIC authentication and RFC2617 compliance. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
fix 53021: Correct WebSocket protocol version detection. (pero)
add Add new attributes of allow and deny to UserConfig. (kfujino)
fix 53024: Fix context reloading so requests received during the reload are paused and processed when reloading completes rather than receiving 404 responses. (markt)
add Improve the handling of watched resources so that changes trigger a reload rather than a stop followed by a start which allows requests received to be paused and processed when reloading completes rather than receiving 404 responses. (markt)
fix Remove potential bottleneck on creation of new WebSocket connections. (markt)
fix 53047: If a JDBC Realm or DataSource Realm is configured for an all roles mode that only requires authorization (and no roles) and no role table or column is defined, don't populate the Principal's roles. (markt)
fix 53056: Add APR version number to tcnative version INFO log message. (schultz)
fix 53057: Add OpenSSL version number INFO log message when initializing. (schultz)
update Save a bit of memory in annotations cache in DefaultInstanceManager by trimming annotation lists to their size. (kkolinko)
fix Correctly configure the parser used to process server.xml so that external entities may be used to include the content of external files into server.xml. (markt)
fix Make sure ContextMBean#findFilterDefs returns correct filter definitions. (kfujino)
add Ensure that maxParameterCount applies to multi-part requests handled via the Servlet 3 file upload API. (markt)
fix 53062: When constructing absolute URLs for redirects from relative URLs ensure that the resulting URLs are normalized. (markt)
fix 53067: Ensure the WebSocket Servlet continues to work when requests are wrapped. (markt)
fix Enable host's xmlBase attribute in ContextConfig. (kfujino)
fix 53071: Use the message from the throwable (if there is one) when generating the report in the ErrorReportValve and no message has been specified via sendError(). (markt)
fix 53074: Switch to an infinite socket timeout by default for WebSocket connections. (markt)
fix 53081: Do not always cache resources loaded by the web application class loader since they may be very large which in turn could trigger a memory leak. Calls to the web application class loader's getResourceAsStream() method will now access the resource directly rather than via the cache in most cases. (markt)
fix 53090: Include superclasses when considering injection targets. Patch provided by Borislav Kapukaranov. (markt)
fix 53161: Provide a better error message if a ClassFormatException occurs during annotation scanning and do not prevent the web application from starting in this case. (markt)
fix 53180: Improve check for setter method when processing annotations. Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 53225: Fix an IllegalStateException due to the JAR file being closed when accessing static resources in a JAR file when urlCacheProtection="false" in the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener. (markt)
fix 53230: Changed ManagerBase to throw TooManyActiveSessionsException instead of IllegalStateException when the maximum number of sessions has been exceeded and a new session will not be created. (schultz)
fix 53257: Ensure that resources, including JSP files, that have names that include characters with special meanings in URLs (such as ampersand, semicolon, plus, hash and percent) are correctly handled. This bug is partially a regression caused by the original fix for 51584 and partially an existing issue that had not previously been identified. This fix reverts the original fix for 51584, correctly fixes that issue and fixes the additional issues identified by the test cases that were also added as part of this fix. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 53266: If a class specified in a @HandlesTypes annotation on a ServletContainerInitializer is missing log a more helpful message and do not prevent the web application from starting. (markt)
fix 53267: Ensure that using the GC Daemon Protection feature of the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener does not trigger a full GC every hour. (markt)
fix 53285: Do not require security-role-ref elements to contain a role-link element. (markt)
fix 53301: Prevent double initialization of pre-created Servlet instances when used in embedded mode. (markt)
fix 53322: When processing resource injection, correctly infer property name from its setter method if the name starts with several uppercase characters. (kkolinko)
fix 53333: When processing JNDI resources, take account of the types of any specified injection targets to ensure that the resource definition and the injection target types are consistent. Based on a patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
fix 53337: Forwarding via a RequestDispatcher to an asynchronous Servlet always failed. Includes a test case based on code by Rossen Stoyanchev. (markt)
fix 53339: Ensure WebSocket call backs (onOpen etc.) are called using the web application's class loader. (markt)
fix 53342: To avoid BindException, make startStopThreads into a demon thread. (kfujino)
fix 53353: Make the internal HTTP header parser more tolerant of Content-Type values that contain invalid parameters by ignoring the invalid parameters. It is a followup to bug 52811. (markt)
fix 53354: Correctly handle @WebFilter annotations that do not include a mapping. (markt)
fix 53356: Add support for servlets mapped explicitly to the context root of a web application. (markt)
fix 53366: Ensure new HTTP header parser works correctly when running Tomcat under a security manager. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 53368: Configure the default security policy to allow web applications to use WebSocket when running under a security manager. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 53373: Allow whitespace around delimiters in <Context> aliases for readability. (schultz)
fix 52858, CVE-2012-4534: Correct fix for high CPU load. (fhanik)
fix 53138: Broken Sendfile on SSL introduced in 7.0.27 (fhanik)
fix 52055: Additional fix required to ensure that InputFilters are recycled between requests. (markt)
fix 53061: Fix a problem in the NIO connector whereby if the poller was under low but consistent load (>1 request/per second and always less than 1 second between requests) timeouts never took place. (markt)
fix 53063: When using an Executor with BIO, use the executor's maxThreads as the default for maxConnections. (markt)
fix 53119: Prevent buffer overflow errors being reported when a client disconnects before the response has been fully written from an AJP connection using the APR/native connector. (markt)
add 53169: Allow developers to avoid chunked encoding for a response of unknown length by setting the Connection: close header. Based on a patch suggested by Philippe Marschall. (markt)
fix 53173: Properly count down maxConnections (fhanik)
update Update default value of pollerThreadCount for the NIO connector. The new default value will never go above 2 regardless of available processors. (fhanik)
add Allow to retrieve the current connectionCount via getter from the endpoint and as JMX attribute of the ThreadPool mbean. (rjung)
fix Correct an edge case where Comet END events were not send to connected clients when the Tomcat connector was stopped. (markt)
fix 53406: Fix possible stack overflow on connection close when using Comet. (fhanik)
fix Improve InternalNioInputBuffer.parseHeaders(). (kkolinko)
add Implement maxHeaderCount attribute on Connector. It is equivalent of LimitRequestFields directive of Apache HTTPD. Default value is 100. (kkolinko)
fix 48097#c7, 53366#c1: If JSP page unexpectedly fails to initialize PageContext instance, write exception to the logs instead of silent swallowing. (kkolinko)
fix 53032: Modify JspC so it extends enabling it to work with features such as namespaces within build.xml files. (markt)
fix Avoid NPE when reload if a state of a BackupManager is FAILED. (kfujino)
fix 53087: In order to avoid that a backup node expire a session, replicate session access time in BackupManager. (kfujino)
add Add support for SecureRandom to cluster manager template. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix Remove obsolete bug warning from Windows service documentation page. (rjung)
add 50182: Various improvements to the Compression Filter. Patch provided by David Becker. (markt)
fix 52853: Clarify how Jar Scanner handles directories. (markt)
fix 53158: Fix documented defaults for DBCP 1.x. Patch provided by ph.dezanneau at (rjung)
fix 53203: Correct documentation for the default value of connectionTimeout attribute for AJP protocol connectors. (kkolinko)
update 53289: Clarify ResourceLink example that uses DataSource.getConnection(username, password) method. Not all data source implementations support it. (kkolinko)
fix Fix several HTML markup errors in servlets of examples web application. (kkolinko)
fix 53398: Correct spelling of "received" in the Manager application's XML output. (markt)
fix 53403: Update a reference to the Servlet specification in the first web application section of the documentation web application to include newer versions of the specification. (markt)
fix 50864 (r1311844): JMX enable most pool properties (fhanik)
add 53254 (r1340160): Add in the ability to purge connections from the pool (fhanik)
update 53367 (r1346691): Prevent pool from hanging during database failure (fhanik)
update When a connection is reconnected due to failed validation make sure the ConnectionState is reset or it will assume incorrect values (fhanik)
fix 53374 (r1348056): Add support for the following properties in DataSourceFactory: commitOnReturn, rollbackOnReturn, useDisposableConnectionFacade, logValidationErrors and propagateInterruptState. Based on patch proposed by Suresh Avadhanula. (kkolinko)
update Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 3.7.2 at maven tomcat-jasper.pom. (pero)
update Update the native component of the Tomcat APR/native connector to 1.1.24. (markt)
fix Add missing dependencies in pom files. (markt)
add 53034: Add project.url and project.licenses sections to the POMs for the Maven artifacts. (markt)
fix Properly mention jsp_2_2.xsd in the main LICENSE and INSTALLLICENSE files. (kkolinko)
fix 53115: Fix using the command "catalina.bat run" when the value of %TEMP% contains spaces. (kkolinko)
update Add dependencies and description to "validate" target in build.xml, so that it could be run separately. Improve BUILDING.txt and RUNNING.txt. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.27 (markt)released 2012-04-05
update Explicitly ignore empty path values in virtualClasspath attribute of VirtualWebappLoader class. Document that whitespace around the values is trimmed. Reformat documentation examples to make them more readable. (kkolinko)
fix Further improve fix for 51197 to allow an error reporting Valve to write a response body if sendError() is called during an asynchronous request on a container thread. (markt)
fix Correct fix for 51741 (r1307600): If VirtualDirContext class is configured with non-empty value of extraResourcePaths option (a feature added in 7.0.24), do not implicitly set allowLinking option to the value of true. If it is really needed, it should be set explicitly. (kkolinko)
add 52500: Added configurable mechanism to retrieve user names from X509 client certificates. Based on a patch provided by Michael Furman. (schultz)
fix 52719: Fix a theoretical resource leak in the JAR validation that checks for non-permitted classes in web application JARs. (markt)
code Code clean-up identified by 52723, 52724, 52726, 52727, 52729, 52731 and 52732. (markt)
fix 52792: Improve error message when a JNDI resource can not be found. (markt)
fix 52811: Fix parsing of Content-Type header in HttpServletResponse.setContentType(). Introduces a new HTTP header parser that follows RFC2616. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 52830: Correct JNDI lookups when using javax.naming.Name to identify the resource rather than a java.lang.String. (markt)
fix 52833: Handle the case where the parent class loader for the Catalina object does not have the system class loader in its hierarchy. This may happen when embedding. Patch provided by olamy. (markt)
add 52839: Add a unit test for DigestAuthenticator and SingleSignOn. Patch provide by Brian Burch. (markt)
fix 52846: Make sure NonLoginAuthenticator registers not MemoryUser but GenericPrincipal into a session when UserDatabaseRealm is used. (kfujino)
add 52850: Extend memory leak prevention and detection code to work with IBM as well as Oracle JVMs. Extend unit tests to check direct and indirect ThreadLocal memory leak detection. Based on a patch provided by Rohit Kelapure. (markt)
add Add support for the WebSocket protocol (RFC6455). Both streaming and message based APIs are provided and the implementation currently fully passes the Autobahn test suite. Also included are several examples. A significant contribution to this new functionality was provided by Johno Crawford — particularly the examples. Contributions were also provided by Petr Praus, Jonathan Drake & Slávka. (markt)
fix When stopping a Context, ensure that any Servlets registered with JMX are unregistered. (markt)
code Make the implementation of Catalina.getParentClassLoader consistent with similar methods across the code base and have it return the system class loader if no parent class loader is set. (markt)
fix 52953: Ensure users can authenticate when using DIGEST authentication with digested passwords if the digested password is stored using upper case hexadecimal characters since DIGEST authentication expects digests to use lower case characters. Based on a patch provided by Neale Rudd. (markt)
fix 52957: Ensure that a Valve implements Lifecycle before calling any Lifecycle methods on that Valve. (markt)
fix 52958: Fix MBean descriptors for org.apache.catalina.realm package. (markt)
fix 52974: Fix NameNotFoundException when field/method is annotated with @Resource annotation. Patch provided by Violet Agg. (markt)
add Add support for multi-thread deployment in UserConfig. (kfujino)
fix Correctly register NIO sockets with poller after processing Comet events to ensure that no read events are missed. This fixes an intermittent issue observed in the unit tests. (fhanik/markt)
fix 52770: Fix a bug in the highly unlikely circumstance that an infinite timeout was specified for writing data to a client when using NIO. (markt)
fix 52858: Fix high CPU load with SSL, NIO and sendfile when client breaks the connection before reading all the requested data. (markt)
fix 52926: Avoid NPE when an NIO Comet connection times out on one thread at the same time as it is closed on another thread. (markt)
add Include port number when known in connector name when logging messages from connectors that use automatic free port allocation. (markt)
fix Don't try an unlock the acceptor thread if it is not locked. This is unlikely to impact normal usage but it does fix some unit test issues. (markt)
fix When using the APR connector ensure that any connections in a keep-alive state are closed when the connector is stopped rather than when the connector is destroyed. This is important when stop() followed by start() is called on the connector. (markt)
fix 52725: Use configurable package name for tags rather than hard-coded value so configuration actually works. (markt)
code 52758: Implement additional interface methods in Eclipse JDT integration required for Jasper to correctly with the latest Eclipse development code. (markt)
fix 52772: Ensure uriRoot is fully validated before it is used. Patch based on a suggestion by Eugene Chung. (markt)
fix 52776: Refactor the code so JspFragment.invoke cleans up after itself. Patch provided by Karl von Randow. (markt)
fix 52970: Take account of coercion rules when invoking methods via EL. (markt)
fix 52998: Partial fix. Remove static references to the EL expression factory and use per web application references instead. (markt)
fix 52998: Remainder of fix. Cache the class to use for the EL expression factory per class loader. (kkolinko)
fix 53001: Revert the fix for 46915 since the use case described in the bug is invalid since it breaks the EL specification. (markt)
fix Replicate principal in ClusterSingleSignOn. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix 52760: Fix expires filter mime type in javascript examples. (rjung)
fix 52842: Exception in MBeanDumper when dumping MBean for StandardThreadExecutor. (rjung)
update Bring built-in mime types for embedded Tomcat more in line with the ones defined in the default web.xml configuration file. (rjung)
add Add support to the JMXProxyServlet which is part of the Manager application for fetching a specific key from a CompositeData value. Updated documentation, so that the entire 'get' command for the JMX proxy servlet is documented, including the new optional 'key' parameter. (schultz/markt)
update Pool cleaner thread should be created using the classloader that loaded the pool, not the context loader (fhanik)
fix 52804: Make pool properties serializable and cloneable. (fhanik)
fix 51237 (r1302902): Slow Query Report should log using WARN level when queries are slow and within the threshold of caching it. (fhanik)
fix 52002 (r1302948): Add in configuration option to disallow connection reuse. (r1305862): useDisposableConnectionFacade is by default enabled (fhanik)
fix 52493 (r1302969): Java 7 DataSource method addition. (fhanik)
fix 51893 (r1302990): Throw an error and notification when pool is exhausted. (fhanik)
fix 50860 (r1303031): Add in option to configure logging for validation errors. (fhanik)
fix 52066 (r1305931): Add in configuration option, progagateInterruptState, to allow threads to retain the interrupt state. (fhanik)
fix 52750: Fix the way how parses command options so that more then one can be provided. (mturk)
update Rearrange validate-eoln target in build.xml so that it could be run ahead of compilation. (kkolinko)
update Update Apache Commons Daemon to 1.0.10. (mturk)
update Update the native component of the Tomcat APR/native connector to 1.1.23 and take advantage of the simplified distribution. (mturk)
update Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 3.7.2. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.26 (markt)released 2012-02-21
code Provide constants for commonly used Charset objects and use these constants where appropriate. (markt)
fix Refactor the fix for 52184 to correct two issues (a missing class and incorrect class/method names) when using the extras logging packages. (markt)
fix 52444: Only load classes during HandlesTypes processing if the class is a match. Previously, every class in the web application was loaded regardless of whether it was a match or not. (markt)
fix 52488: Correct typo: exipre -> expire. (markt)
add Add a unit test for SSO authentication. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
fix 52511: Correct regression in the fix for 51741 that caused a harmless exception to be logged when scanning for annotations and WEB-INF/classes did not exist. (markt)
code Refactor to remove a circular dependency between org.apache.catalina and org.apache.naming. (markt)
code Remove some initialisation code from the standard start process (i.e. via the scripts) that was intended for embedding but is not required when performing a standard start.(markt)
add Add new method to MBeanFactory that allows any Valve to be created and deprecate the methods to create specific Valves. (markt)
add Partial sync of MIME type mapping with mime.types from the Apache web server. (rjung)
fix 52577: Fix a regression in the fix for 52328. Prevent output truncation when reset() is called on a response. (markt)
fix 52586: Remove an old and now unnecessary hack that modified the path info reported via the javax.servlet.forward.path_info request attribute when forwarding to an error page. (markt)
fix 52587: Ensure that if it is necessary to fall back to the default NullRealm, the NullRealm instance is created early enough for it to be correctly initialised. (markt)
fix Fix millisecond output in AccessLogValve when using a SimpleDateFormat based time pattern. (rjung)
fix 52591: When dumping MBean data, skip attributes where getters throw UnsupportedOperationException. (markt)
fix 52607: Ensure that the extension validator checks the JARs in the shared and common class loaders for extensions. (markt)
fix Correct a threading issue in the generation of the list of standard authenticators during Context initialization that could lead to a web application failing to start if Contexts were started in parallel. (markt)
fix 52669: Correct regression that broke annotation processing in /WEB-INF/classes for web applications deployed as WARs, packageless classes and some embedding scenarios. The regression was introduced by the invalid assumptions made in the fix for 51741. (markt)
fix 52671: When dumping MBean data, skip attributes where getters throw NullPointerException. (markt)
add 51543: Provide a meaningful error message when writing more response headers than permitted. (markt)
fix 52547: Ensure that bytes written (which is used by the access log) is correctly reset after an HTTP 1.0 request has been processed. (markt)
code Minor refactoring to reduce code duplication in the HTTP connectors. (markt)
fix 52606: Ensure that POST bodies are available for reply after FORM authentication when using the AJP connectors. (markt)
fix 52474: Ensure that leading and trailing white space is removed from listener class names when parsing TLD files. (markt)
fix 52480: When converting class path entries from URLs to files/directories, ensure that any URL encoded characters are converted. Fixes JSP compilation with javac when Tomcat is installed at a path that includes spaces. (markt)
fix 52666: Correct coercion order in EL when processing the equality and inequality operators. (markt)
Web applications
update Improve BUILDING.txt. Update instructions for building. Add instructions for using Checkstyle and running the tests. (kkolinko)
add 38216: Improve handling of null return values in the JMX proxy servlet which is part of the Manager application. (kkolinko)
fix 52515: Make it clear in the Realm how-to in the documentation web application that digested password storage when using DIGEST authentication requires that MD5 digests are used. (markt)
fix 52634: Fix typos in JSP examples. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (rjung)
fix 52641: Remove mentioning of ldap.jar from docs. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (rjung)
fix Fix code style issues and enable Checkstyle checks for jdbc-pool when it is built within Tomcat. (kkolinko)
fix 51582 Correct set and reset the query cache to avoid NPE (fhanik)
fix Update Commons Daemon to 1.0.9 to resolve 52548 which meant that services created with service.bat did not set the catalina.home and catalina.base system properties. (markt)
add Implement check for correct end-of-line characters in the source files. It is run as separate target in build.xml. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.25 (markt)released 2012-01-21
Web applications
fix Restore format of the first line of error message for JMX proxy servlet in case scripts were depending on it. (markt)
fix When building a Windows installer do not copy whole "res" folder to output/dist, but only the files that we need. Apply fixcrlf filter only after the files are copied, so that INSTALLLICENSE file had correct line ends. (kkolinko)
update Remove res/License.rtf. The file that is actually shown by the Windows installer is res/INSTALLLICENSE. (kkolinko)
add Automate the OpenPGP signature generation for the release process. (markt)
fix Don't exclude directories named target from the build process. (rjung)
Tomcat 7.0.24 (markt)not released
add 52184: Provide greater control over the logging of errors triggered by invalid input data (i.e. data over which Tomcat has no control). (markt/kkolinko)
fix 52225: Fix ClassCastException in an Alias added to existing host through JMX. (kkolinko)
fix Do not throw IllegalArgumentException from parseParameters() call when chunked POST request is too large, but treat it like an IO error. The FailedRequestFilter filter can be used to detect this condition. (kkolinko)
fix 52245: Don't allow web applications to package classes from the javax.el package. Patch provided by pid. (markt)
fix 52259: Fix regression caused by the addition of the threaded component start (46264) that triggered a deadlock on startup if no Realm was configured. (markt)
fix 52293: Correctly handle the case when antiResourceLocking is enabled at the Context level when unpackWARs is disabled at the Host level. Based on a patch by Justin Miller. (markt)
fix In ExtendedAccessLogValve when printing %-encoded value of a parameter, use UTF-8 encoding to convert parameter value to bytes instead of platform default encoding. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 52303: Allow web applications that do not have a login configuration to participate in a SSO session. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
fix 52316: When using sendfile, use the number of bytes requested to be written to the response in the access log valve for bytes written rather than recording a value of zero. (markt)
fix 52326: Reduce log level for class loading errors during @HandlesTypes processing to debug. (markt)
fix 52328: Improve performance when large numbers of single characters and/or small strings are written to the response via a Writer. (markt)
fix 52384: Do not fail with parameter parsing when debug logging is enabled. (kkolinko)
fix Do not flag extra '&' characters in parameters as parse errors. (kkolinko)
fix Reduce log level for the message about hitting maxParameterCount limit from WARN to INFO. (kkolinko)
fix 52387: Ensure that the correct host is used when configuring logging when Tomcat is embedded. Patch provided by David Calavera. (markt)
update 52405: Align the Servlet 3.0 implementation with the changes defined in the first maintenance release (also know as Rev. A). See the JCP documentation for a detailed list of changes (markt)
fix Improve JMX names for objects related to Connectors that have the address attribute set. (markt)
fix Remove some stale attributes from MBeans. (rjung)
code Move destruction of ContainerBase objects to ContainerBase to ensure that they are destroyed. (markt)
fix 52443: Change the behaviour of the default Realm in the embedded use case so it is set once on the Engine rather than on every Context thereby avoiding the Lifecycle issues with having the same Realm set on multiple Contexts. (markt)
add Provide a new Realm implementation, the NullRealm, that does not contain any users and is used as the default Realm implementation (rather than the JAAS Realm which was used prior to this change) if no Realm is specified. (markt)
fix 52461: Don't assume file based URLs when checking last modified times for global and host level web.xml files. Patch provided by violetagg. (markt)
add Add test cases for the BASIC and NonLogin Authenticators when not using SSO. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
add 52028: Add support for automatic binding to a free port by a connector if the special value of zero is used for the port. This is mainly useful in embedded and testing scenarios. (markt)
update Remove obsolete emptySessionPath JMX attribute. (rjung)
fix Correct error in fix for 49683. (markt)
fix Ensure that the process of unlocking the acceptor thread does not trigger processing of the connection as if it were a valid request. (markt)
fix 52450: Add setter for entityResolver in ParserUtils. This is mainly useful when jasper and dtds are in different class loaders. (mturk)
fix 52321: Ensure that the order of multiple prelude/coda values for JSP pages is respected. (markt)
fix 52335: Only handle <\% and not \% as escaped in template text. (markt)
fix 52440: Ensure that when using ValueExpression.getValueReference() if the expression is an EL variable that the value returned is the ValueReference for the ValueExpression associated with the EL variable. (markt)
fix 52445: Don't assume that EL method expressions have exactly three components (identifier, method name, parameters). (markt)
Web applications
add 38216: Add the ability to invoke MBean operations to the JMX proxy servlet in the Manager application. Based on a patch by Christopher Hlubek. (markt)
update Further clarify the relation between values used by RemoteIpValve and RemoteIpFilter and their use by AccessLogValve. (kkolinko)
fix 52243: Improve windows service documentation to clarify how to include # and/or ; in the value of an environment variable that is passed to the service. (markt)
fix 52366: Fix typo in VirtualWebappLoader documentation (configuration example). (rjung)
update Replace Bugzilla search link on ROOT/index.jsp page with one pointing to the bug reporting page of Tomcat site. (kkolinko)
update Move MBean dump code from JMXProxyServlet into a utility class. (rjung)
fix 52208: Fix threading issue that may lead to harmless NPE during shutdown that has occasionally been observed when running the unit tests. (markt)
fix 52213, 52354, 52355 and 52356: Fix some potential concurrency issues in FastQueue. (markt)
add r1207712: Pool cleaner should be a global thread, not spawn one thread per connection pool. (fhanik)
update Update Apache Commons Daemon to 1.0.8. (mturk)
update Update Apache Commons Pool to 1.5.7. (kkolinko)
fix Fix line ends in .gitignore files contained in source distributions. (rjung)
fix Run Mapper performance test twice if the first run took too long, to ignore occasional failures. (kkolinko)
fix Align .gitignore and build.xml exclude patterns with svn:ignore. (kkolinko)
fix Configure defaultexcludes for Ant 1.8.1/1.8.2. The .git and .gitignore patterns are in since Ant 1.8.2, but we include .gitignore in src distributions. (kkolinko)
add 52237: Allow JUnit logs to be generated in formats other than plain text. Patch provided by M Hasko. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Fix build condition for tomcat-dbcp to always rebuild when a new version of commons-pool or commons-dbcp is downloaded. (kkolinko)
update Add example of configuration for SetCharacterEncodingFilter to the default web.xml file. (kkolinko)
update Switch unit tests to bind Connectors to localhost rather than all available IP addresses. (markt)
update Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 3.7.1. (markt)
update Add Netbeans nbproject folder to svn:ignore and .gitignore. (rjung)
update Align .gitignore with trunk. (rjung)
Tomcat 7.0.23 (markt)released 2011-11-25
add 46264: Add the ability to start and stop containers (primarily Contexts) using a thread pool rather than a single thread. This can significantly improve start and stop time. Based on patches by Joe Kislo and Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 50570: Enable FIPS mode to be set in AprLifecycleListener. Based upon a patch from Chris Beckey. (schultz/kkolinko)
fix 51744: Throw the correct exception if an application attempts to modify the associated JNDI context. (markt)
add 51744: Add an option to the StandardContext that allows exception throwing when an application attempts to modify the associated JNDI context to be disabled. (markt)
fix 51910: Prevent NPE on connector stop if Comet applications are being used without the CometConnectionManagerValve. (markt)
fix 51940: Do not limit saving of request bodies during FORM authentication to POST requests since any HTTP method may include a request body. Based on a patch by Nicholas Sushkin. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 51956: RemoteAddrFilter used getRemoteHost instead of getRemoteAddr when filtering Comet events. (schultz)
fix 51952: Make the inclusion of a response body with a redirect response introduced to address 41718 optional and disabled by default due to the side-effects of including a body with the response in this case. (markt)
fix 51972: Correctly handle protocol relative URLs when used with sendRedirect(). (markt)
code Simplify the deployment code and use full paths in log messages to remove any ambiguity in where a context is being deployed from. (markt)
fix 52009: Fix a NPE during access log entry recording when an error occurred during the processing of a Comet request. (markt)
fix In OneLineFormatter log formatter in JULI always use the US locale to format the date (esp. the month names). (rjung)
add Cache the results of parsing the global and host level web.xml files to improve web application start time. (markt)
fix 52042: Correct threading issue in annotation caching that could lead to an NPE if multiple threads were processing the same class hierarchy for annotations. (markt)
fix Correct additional threading and premature clearance issues with the annotation cache. (markt)
fix Correct a regression in the fix for 49779 that parameters POSTed by an unauthenticated user to a page that required FORM authentication were lost during the authentication process. (markt)
fix 52055: Ensure that the input and output buffers are correctly reset between keep-alive requests when using Servlet 3.0 asynchronous request processing. (markt)
fix Ensure changes to the configuration of the RemoteHostValve and the RemoteAddrValve via JMX are thread-safe. (markt)
fix Ensure that the memory leak protection for the HttpClient keep-alive always operates even if the thread has already stopped. (markt)
code Remove the Java 1.2 specific error handling around the adding of the shutdown hook. (markt)
fix Correct errors in i18n resources and resource usage that meant some messages were either not used or were incorrectly formatted. (markt)
code Replace the use of deprecated auth method names from authenticator.Constants with the auth method names from HttpServletRequest. (kkolinko)
add Make configuration issues for security related Valves and Filters result in the failure of the valve or filter rather than just a warning message. (markt)
add Improve performance of parameter processing for GET and POST requests. Also add an option to limit the maximum number of parameters processed per request. This defaults to 10000. Excessive parameters are ignored. Note that FailedRequestFilter can be used to reject the request if some parameters were ignored. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 52091: Address performance issues related to lock contention in StandardWrapper. Patch provided by Taiki Sugawara. (markt)
code Switch to using Collections.enumeration() rather than custom code that does the same thing. (markt)
fix 52113: Don't assume presence of context.xml file with JMX deployment. (markt)
update In RequestFilterValve (RemoteAddrValve, RemoteHostValve): refactor value matching logic into separate method and expose this new method isAllowed through JMX. (kkolinko)
fix 52156: Ensure that getServletContext().getResource(path) returns the correct resource when path contains /../ sequences or any other sequences that require normalization. (markt)
add Report existence of HTTP request parameter parsing errors via new special ServletRequest attribute, org.apache.catalina.parameter_parse_failed. (kkolinko)
add New filter FailedRequestFilter that will reject a request if there were errors during HTTP parameter parsing. (kkolinko)
update Improve special attributes handling in Request object by using hash table lookup instead of series of string comparisons. (kkolinko)
code Deprecate unused methods in IntrospectionUtils class. (kkolinko)
fix Improve processing of errors that are wrapped in InvocationTargetException. Rethrow fatal errors that must be rethrown. (kkolinko)
fix Improve handling of failed web application deployments during automatic deployment. Once deployment of a web application fails in one form (e.g. WAR), no further attempt (e.g. directory) will be made to deploy that web application. The base Lifecycle implementation has been improved to allow failed web applications to be started once the configuration issues have been resolved. Any changes to a context.xml file (global, per host or web application specific) will now result in a redeploy of the affected web application(s) that ensures that any changes are correctly applied rather than a reload which ignores changes in context.xml files. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 52173: Improve Javadoc for delegate attribute of WebappClassLoader. Based on a patch by bmargulies. (markt)
add Add denyStatus attribute to RequestFilterValve (RemoteAddrValve, RemoteHostValve valves) and RequestFilter (RemoteAddrFilter, RemoteHostFilter filters). It allows to use different HTTP response code when rejecting denied request. E.g. 404 instead of 403. (kkolinko)
fix Slightly improve performance of UDecoder.convert(). Align %2f handling between implementations. (kkolinko)
fix 51881: Correctly complete Comet requests when the Comet END event is triggered asynchronously. (markt)
fix 51905: Fix infinite loop in AprEndpoint shutdown if acceptor unlock fails. Reduce timeout before forcefully closing the socket from 30s to 10s. (kkolinko)
fix 51912: Fix HTTP header processing in NIO HTTP connector. (kkolinko)
fix Improve MimeHeaders.toString(). (kkolinko)
fix Fix threading issue in NIO connectors during shutdown that meant Comet connections were not always shut down cleanly. (markt)
add In HTTP connectors: self-guard against using a non-recycled input buffer. Requests will be rejected with response status 400. (kkolinko)
fix 52121: Fix possible output corruption when compression is enabled for a connector and the response is flushed. Includes a test case provided by David Marcks. (kkolinko/markt)
fix Improve multi-byte character handling in Coyote output for HTTP and AJP. (rjung)
add Refactor acceptor unlock code to reduce waiting time during connector pause and stop. (markt)
fix Correct possible (but very small) memory leak when using maxLoadedJsps to limit the number of JSPs loaded at any one time. (markt)
fix 52051: Better handling of missing resource problems with non-standard Servlet mappings so that a 404 response is returned to the client rather than a 500 response. (markt)
fix 52091: Address performance issues related to log creation in TagHandlerPool. Patch provided by Taiki Sugawara. (markt)
code Switch to using Collections.enumeration() rather than custom code that does the same thing. (markt)
fix Avoid an unnecessary session ID change notice. Notice of changed session ID by JvmRouteBinderValve is unnecessary to BackupManager. In BackupManager, change of session ID is replicated by the call of a setId() method. (kfujino)
fix Fix duplicate resetDeltaRequest() call in DeltaSession.setId(String). (kkolinko)
fix Work around a known JVM bug that is fixed in 1.7.0_01 but still present in 1.6.0_29 and was triggering intermittent unit test failure for TestGroupChannelMemberArrival.testMemberArrival. The bug affects any components that use NIO although it was more likely to be observed in the clustering module than the HTTP or AJP NIO connector. (markt)
add When Context manager does not exist, no context manager message is replied in order to avoid timeout (default 60sec) of GET_ALL_SESSIONS sync phase. (kfujino)
fix Fix setting maxInactiveInterval, sessionIdLength and processExpiresFrequency for cluster managers. Use setter when setting maxActiveSessions. (rjung)
Web applications
add 50923: Use distinct background color for code tag in Tomcat documentation, for better readability. (kkolinko)
fix 51630: Fix bug in async0 example that triggered an IllegalStateException in the application log. (markt)
add 52025: Add additional information regarding DriverManager, the service provider mechanism and memory leaks. (markt)
fix 52049: Improve setup instructions for running as a Windows service: remove references to specific Windows operating systems - it easily becomes dated; correct information on how a JRE is identified and selected. (markt)
update 52172: Clarify Tomcat build instructions. Patch provided by bmargulies. (kkolinko)
fix 52015: In jdbc-pool: JdbcInterceptor passes not 'this' but 'proxy' to getNext().invoke. (kfujino)
fix In jdbc-pool: Improve handling of Errors that originate from methods invoked through reflection. In TrapException interceptor: rethrow Error as is, without wrapping it in a RuntimeException. (kkolinko)
fix In jdbc-pool: Unwrap InvocationTargetException if it is caught in ResultSetProxy, like we do it elsewhere. (kkolinko)
fix When building jdbc-pool from within Tomcat, use Tomcat's output directory location. This allows to move all build output away from the source tree. (kkolinko)
update Update the package re-named copy of Commons BCEL (formerly Jakarta BCEL) to the latest code from Commons BCEL trunk. (markt)
code Remove some unused code from the packaged renamed Commons BCEL. (markt)
fix 52059: In Windows uninstaller: Do not forget to remove Tomcat keys from 32-bit registry on deinstallation. (kkolinko)
code Start the process of deprecating unused and unnecessary code that will be removed in the next major release (8.0.x). (markt)
update Ignore .git directory when building the source distributive. (markt)
update Remove trailing whitespace from the default configuration files. (kkolinko)
update Improve RUNNING.txt. (kkolinko)
update Update optional Checkstyle library to 5.5. (kkolinko)
add In test suite: add LoggingBaseTest class to allow use of Tomcat logging configuration in tests that do not start Tomcat. (kkolinko)
fix In test suite: speed up TestGroupChannelSenderConnections. Remove 48 seconds worth of waits. (kkolinko)
fix 52148: Add tomcat-coyote.jar to catalina-tasks.xml as this JAR is now required by the Ant tasks. Patch provided by Volker Krebs. (markt)
add Add sample Apache Commons Daemon JSVC wrapper script bin/ that can be used with /etc/init.d. (mturk)
Tomcat 7.0.22 (markt)released 2011-10-01
fix 51550: An additional change that ensures any exceptions thrown by an Authenticator (or any other Valve configured for the Context) will be handled by the custom error pages for the Context if an appropriate error page is configured. (markt)
fix 51580: Added a nicer error message when a WAR file contains filenames not properly encoded in UTF-8. (schultz)
fix 51687: Added (optional) protection against sun.java2d.Disposer thread pinning a WebappClassLoader into memory in the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener. (schultz)
add 51741: Fixes a problem with Eclipse WTP "Serve modules without publishing" feature where applications failed to access resources when using getResource() on the classloader. (slaurent)
fix 51744: Prevent application code from closing the associated JNDI context while the application is running. (markt)
fix Correct a regression with the fix for 51653 that broke custom error pages for 4xx responses from the Authenticators. Error handling and request listeners are now handled in the StandardHostValve to ensure they wrap all Context level activity. (markt)
fix 51758: The digester (used for processing XML files) used the logger name org.apache.commons.digester.Digester rather than the expected org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester. The digester has been changed to use the expected logger name. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 51774: Fix incorrect cached method signature that prevented session tracking modes from being defined in web.xml when running under a security manager. (markt)
add Add an annotation cache to the DefaultInstanceManager that improves performance for applications that make use of a lot of non-poolable objects (e.g. tag files) that need to be scanned for annotations when created. (markt)
fix Use the specification compliant request attribute of javax.servlet.request.ssl_session_id to access the SSL session ID and deprecated the Tomcat specific request attribute. (markt)
add Allow to overwrite the check for distributability of session attributes by session implementations. (rjung)
update Add Java 7 sunec.jar and zipfs.jar to the list of JARs to skip when scanning for TLDs and web fragments. (rjung)
add 51862: Added a classesToInitialize attribute to JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to allow pre-loading of configurable classes to avoid some classloader leaks. (slaurent)
fix Reduce visibility of static field and make it final. (kkolinko)
update Add thread name to juli OneLineFormatter. (rjung)
fix Ensure Servlets that implement ContainerServlet always get treated as restricted. (markt)
fix 51872: Ensure that the access log always uses the correct value for the remote IP address associated with the request and that requests with multiple errors do not result in multiple entries in the access log. (markt)
code Remove unused and undocumented socketCloseDelay attribute from NIO connector. (markt)
fix 49683: Support separate connection and keep-alive timeouts for the APR/native connector HTTP and AJP connectors. (markt)
code Further re-factoring of the HTTP connectors to align the BIO, NIO and APR implementations. (markt)
fix 51794: Fix race condition in NioEndpoint. (fhanik)
fix 51811: Correct SSL configuration property name from sslImplemenationName to sslImplementationName. (rjung)
fix Fix a timing issue in NIO connector that meant that stopping a connector did not trigger a Comet END event if the associated processor was processing a READ event when the connector was stopped. (markt)
fix Replace unneeded call that iterated events queue in NioEndpoint.Poller. (kkolinko)
fix 51860: Fix issues if using NIO with a custom SSLImplementation. Based on a suggestion by Roman Tsirulnikov. (markt)
fix Allow the BIO HTTP connector to be used with SSL when running under Java 7. (markt)
update Don't send AJP CPONG if endpoint is already paused. (rjung)
update Align APR AJP connector with NIO one. Send 503 if endpoint is paused. (rjung)
update Accept AJP request even if endpoint is paused, if CPING was successful. (rjung)
fix When unloading JSPs due to configuration of the maxLoadedJsps initialisation parameter, the unloading code was retaining a reference to the unloaded JSP preventing the associated class from being unloaded until the JSP that replaced it was itself unloaded. (markt)
fix 51852: Correct two problems in the handling of varargs methods with the BeanELResolver. The first meant the wrong method was sometimes called and the second that an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions could be thrown. Patch (including a test case) provided by Matt Benson. (markt)
update Refactor cluster manager configuration: move handling of common attributes to base class. (kfujino, rjung)
add New cluster manager attribute sessionAttributeFilter allows to filter which session attributes are replicated using a regular expression applied to the attribute name. (rjung)
Web applications
fix Correct the documentation for connectionLinger attribute for the AJP and HTTP connectors. (markt)
update Document caveat of using RemoteAddrValve with IPv6 addresses. (kkolinko)
fix In jdbc-pool: Avoid IllegalArgumentException when setting maxActive less than or equal to 0. ArrayBlockingQueue doesn't allow capacity of 0 or less. (kfujino)
fix 48392 (r1169796): Fix typo in StatementDecoratorInterceptor. (fhanik)
fix 51139: In jdbc-pool: validatorClassName and suspectTimeout are ignored. In order to support them correctly, validatorClassName and suspectTimeout are added to a property list. (kfujino)
fix 51786: In jdbc-pool: Discarded connection is not active in a pool any longer. It removes from the active connection list. (kfujino)
fix 51871: Fix dependency in Maven POM file of tomcat-jbdc. (kkolinko)
update Update the "test" target in the default build file to report a test failure only after all available connector variants (bio, nio, apr) have been tested. Do not stop after first connector that fails. (kkolinko)
update 51887: When running the unit tests, use a fast but insecure random number source for session ID generation to reduce the delays caused by waiting for entropy. (kkolinko/markt)
code Code clean-up to further reduce the number of warnings reported by Eclipse, FindBugs and CheckStyle. (markt/kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.21 (markt)released 2011-09-01
add 41718: Include a response body when sending a redirect. (markt)
add 51640: Improve the memory leak prevention for leaks triggered by java.sql.DriverManager. (markt)
fix 51644: Fix annotation scanning for contexts with a multi-level context path such as /a/b. (markt)
fix Unregisters MBean of DataSource when web application stops. (kfujino)
fix 51650: Code clean-up. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 51653: Move application level error page handling from the Host to the Context. This ensures that application error page handling is completed before the requestDestroyed event of any ServletRequestListener is fired. (markt)
fix 51654: Improve handling of invalid appBase settings for Host elements. (markt)
fix 51658: Fix possible NPE when logging a failed request. Based on a suggestion by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 51688: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener now protects against AWT thread creation. (schultz)
fix 51712: Ensure cache control headers are sent when appropriate even if the request is secure. Patch provided by Michael Zampani. (markt)
fix 51713: Improve message that is logged if there is an error in the value of protocol in a Connector. (kkolinko)
fix 51739: When using a landing page with FORM authentication ensure that the request has a valid HTTP method. (markt)
fix 51641: Use correct key when removing processor instances from the connections map during clean-up. Patch provided by zhh. (markt)
fix More changes to align the code between the different HTTP connectors. (markt)
fix Ensure AjpMessage headers are correct for the direction of the message. (markt)
code Code clean-up and re-factoring to reduce duplicate code in the AJP processor implementations. (markt)
add Detect incomplete AJP messages and reject the associated request if one is found. (markt)
fix 51698: Fix CVE-2011-3190. Prevent AJP message injection. (markt)
fix 41673: Use platform line-endings when reporting compilation errors. (markt)
add 51736: Make rpcTimeout configurable in BackupManager. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix 51649: Update the documentation web application to include the ThreadLocal leak prevention listener. (markt)
add 51583 (r1157874, r1162102): Fix shutdown delay in jdbc-pool. (fhanik/kkolinko)
fix 51558: Don't force the use of StandardManager when using any of the Tomcat#addWebapp() methods. (markt)
fix 51704: Make use of File#mkdirs() more robust. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.20 (markt)released 2011-08-11
fix Corrected missing comma in the value of jarsToSkip property in conf/ file, which caused tomcat-jdbc.jar and commons-beanutils*.jar to be not ignored when scanning jars for tag libraries. (kkolinko)
fix 41709: Provide exception messages where no message is provided currently for IllegalStateExcpetions triggered by calling HttpServletResponse methods when the response is committed. (markt)
fix 51509: Fix potential concurrency issue in CSRF prevention filter that may lead to some requests failing that should not. (markt)
fix 51518: Correct error in web.xml parsing rules for the <others/> tag when using absolute ordering. (markt)
add Move the SetCharacterEncoding filter from the examples web application to the org.apache.catalina.filters package so it is available for all web applications. (markt)
fix 51550: Internal errors in Tomcat components that process requests before they are passed to a web application, such as Authenticators, now return a 500 response rather than a 200 response. (markt)
fix 51555: Allow destroy() to be called on Lifecycle components that are in the initialized state. (markt)
add Add x-threadname pattern format token to ExtendedAccessLogValve to log the current request thread name. Based on a patch from Felix Schumacher. (timw)
fix 51584: Ensure file paths are encoded/decoded when translated to/from URLs when working with resources from a Context so special characters don't cause issues. (markt)
fix 51586: Expand error handling to cover anything that is recoverable (or might be recoverable) when loading classes during HandlesTypes processing. (markt)
fix 51588: Make it easier to extend the AccessLogValve to add support for custom elements. (markt)
fix Ensure that calls to StandardWrapper methods() that may trigger creation of a Servlet instance always do so in way that correctly instantiates a Servlet instance. (markt)
fix In JDBCStore: Committing connection if autoCommit is false. Make sure committed connection is returned to the pool if datasource is enabled. (kfujino)
add Split condition attribute of AccessLogValve into two, conditionIf and conditionUnless. Implement conditional logging that logs only if a request attribute is present. (kkolinko)
fix Allow to have several AccessLogValve instances in the same scope (e.g. in the same Context). (kkolinko)
fix 51610: If an unchecked exception occurs during a lifecycle transition (e.g. web application start) ensure that the component is put into the failed state. (markt)
fix 51614: Avoid calling store.load() and session.expire() twice in PersistentManager when expiring sessions. (kfujino)
fix Prevent spurious log warnings on container stop if a child component has previously failed. (markt)
fix Add missing getter and setter for the alwaysUseSession attribute of the authenticators. (markt)
fix 49595: Prevent JVM crash with the AJP APR connector when flushing a closed socket. (jfclere)
fix 50394: Return -1 instead of throwing an exception when encountering an EOF while processing an input stream with the HTTP APR connector. (jfclere)
fix Correctly handle a connectionTimeout value of -1 (no timeout) for the HTTP NIO and AJP NIO connectors. (markt)
fix 51503: Add additional validation that prevents a connector from starting if it does not have a port > 0. (markt)
fix 51557: Ignore HTTP headers that do not comply with RFC 2616 and use header names that are not tokens. (markt)
add Improve error handling for HTTP APR if an error occurs while using sendfile. (markt)
fix Ensure that when using sendfile, HTTP APR sockets are not added to multiple pollers. This may cause errors during shutdown. (markt)
update Set reuse flag of final AJP END_RESPONSE packet to 0 if we plan to close the connection. (rjung)
update Correctly indicate if socket is closing when calling recycle for the AJP NIO processor. Note since the flag is unused in this case there were no bugs triggered by the re-factoring error. (rjung)
fix 51532: JSP files with dependencies in JARs were recompiled on every access leading to poor performance. (markt)
fix 51544: Correctly resolve bean methods in EL so accessible methods that are overridden by inaccessible methods do not cause an IllegalAccessException. (markt)
Web applications
fix 41498: Add the allRolesMode attribute to the Realm configuration page in the documentation web application. (markt)
fix 48997: Fixed some typos and correct cross-referencing to the HTTP Connector documentation with the SSL How-To page of the documentation web application. (markt)
fix 49122: Improvements and fixes for index page for ROOT web application. Based on a patch provided by pidster. (markt)
fix 51516: Correct documentation web application to show correct system property name for changing the name of the SSO session cookie. (markt)
update Configure the Manager and Host Manager web applications with the Set Character Encoding Filter to make the default request character encoding UTF-8 to improve i18n support. Note that best results will be obtained if the connector is also configured with URIEncoding="UTF-8".(markt)
update Update the documentation web application to be even more explicit about the implications of setting the path attribute on a Context element in server.xml. (markt)
fix 51561: Update the Realm page within the documentation web application to recommend the use of digest.[bat|sh] to generate digests rather than calling RealmBase directly. (markt)
fix 51567: Update the class loading page of the documentation web application to include information on the search order for the common class loader when separate values are used for $CATALINA_HOME and $CATALINA_BASE. (markt)
update Improve class loading documentation and logging documentation. (kkolinko)
add Add information to the security page of the documentation web application for the ciphers attribute of the Connector element. (markt)
fix 51503: Add additional validation to Windows installer that ensure that the shutdown port, HTTP port and AJP port are all specified during the install process. (markt)
fix 51531: Update sample Eclipse classpath file to reflect updated ECJ jar. Patch provided by Ian Brandt. (markt)
update Convert Tomcat unit tests to JUnit 4. (kkolinko)
update Update optional CheckStyle library to 5.4. (kkolinko)
update Remove resolveHosts attribute from AccessLogValve configuration in the default server.xml. It was documented in 7.0.19 that it has no effect. (kkolinko)
update Simplify mapping for jsp servlet in the default web.xml. (kkolinko)
fix Correctly handle uninstall with the Windows installer if the service is installed with a name that contains a '-' character. (markt)
fix 51598: Prevent direct invocation of the Windows uninstaller without a service name from executing since the uninstall will not be complete. (markt)
fix Use Tomcat icon (cat) instead of Apache Commons Daemon (feather) one in the list of uninstallable programs on Windows. (kkolinko)
update Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.7. (markt)
fix 51621: Add additional required JARs to the deployer distribution. (markt)
fix Fix a small number of warnings reported by FindBugs. (markt)
update Update to version 1.1.22 of the native component for the AJP APR/native and HTTP APR/native connectors. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.19 (markt)released 2011-07-19
add Add option to activate access log for unit tests. (rjung)
fix Fix regression in year number formatting for AccessLogValve. (rjung)
add 46252: Allow to specify character set to be used to write the access log in AccessLogValve. (kkolinko)
fix 51494: Prevent an NPE when a long running request completes if the associated web application was destroyed while the request was processing. (markt)
update Allow choosing a locale for timestamp formatting in AccessLogValve. (rjung)
fix When generating access logs for errors, log at the Context/Host level if a Context or Host can be identified for the failed request. (markt)
update Create a directory for access log or error log (in AccessLogValve and in JULI FileHandler) automatically when it is specified as a part of the file name, e.g. in the prefix attribute. Earlier this happened only if it was specified with the directory attribute. (kkolinko)
fix Log a failure if access log file cannot be opened. (kkolinko)
fix Use en_US as locale for timestamps in ExtendedAccessLogValve. (rjung)
fix Use en_US as locale for creationdate in WebdavServlet. (rjung)
update 51477: Support all SSL protocol combinations in the APR/native connector. This only works when using the native library version 1.1.21 or later, which is not yet released. (rjung)
update Various refactorings to reduce code duplication and unnecessary code in the connectors. (markt)
fix Correct regression introduced in 7.0.17 that triggered 400 entries in the AccessLog when using the AJP/BIO connector. (markt)
fix Fix regression producing invalid MBean names when using IPV6 addresses for connectors. (rjung)
fix Add missing thread name in RequestProcessor when Servlet 3 Async is used. Fixes null thread name in access log and JMX MBean. (rjung)
fix Fix CVE-2011-2526. Protect against infinite loops (HTTP NIO) and crashes (HTTP APR) if sendfile is configured to send more data than is available in the file. (markt)
fix Prevent NPEs when a socket is closed in non-error conditions after sendfile processing when using the HTTP NIO connector. (markt)
update Remove unnecessary server.xml parsing code for old cluster implementation that does not ship as part of Tomcat 7. (markt)
Web applications
add Add additional information to the documentation web application on the benefits and remaining risks when running under a security manager. (markt)
fix 51490: Correct broken HTML in JSP tag plugin examples and improve the <c:if> example to make failures more obvious. Based on suggestions by Charles. (markt)
add Document ExtendedAccessLogValve. (rjung)
fix Correct default value of enableLookups for connectors and mention, that resolveHosts for the AccessLogValve is replaced by enableLookups. (rjung)
add Include jdbc-pool into Tomcat release. (fhanik)
update Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.6. (markt)
update Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 3.7. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.18 (markt)not released
fix Correct regression introduced in 7.0.17 that triggered an NPE if a CrawlerSessionManagerValve was used without setting crawlerUserAgents. (markt)
fix 51466: Correct comment typos in HostManagerServlet. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 51467: Invoke Thread.start() rather than so that listeners and filters are stopped in a separate thread rather than the current thread. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 51473: Fix concatenation of values in SecurityConfig.setSecurityProperty(). (kkolinko)
fix Fix response.encodeURL() for the special case of an absolute URL with no path segment (http://name). (rjung)
fix Correct regression caused by connector re-factoring that made AJP APR/native connector very unstable on Windows platforms. (markt)
fix Correct regression caused by connector re-factoring that meant that sendfile data was not reset between pipe-lined HTTP requests. (markt)
update Re-factor tests to align packages for tests with the classes under test. Start to convert non-JUnit tests to JUnit. Remove unnecessary code. (markt)
fix Add synchronization to receiver socket binding to prevent test failures on Linux. (markt)
fix More code clean-up to remove unused code and reduce IDE warnings. (markt/kkolinko)
update Further improvements to the Windows installer. (markt/kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.17 (markt)not released
add 48956: Add regular expression support for SSI. (markt)
add 49165: Allow any time stamp formats supported by SimpleDateFormat in AccessLogValve. Support logging begin and/or end of request. (rjung)
add 50677: Allow system property variables to be used in the values of "common.loader" and other "*.loader" properties in the file. (kkolinko)
fix 51376: When adding a Servlet via ServletContext#addServlet(String, Servlet), the Servlet was not initialized when the web application started and a load on startup value was set. (markt)
fix 51386: Correct code for processing @HandlesTypes annotations so only types of interest are reported to a ServletContainerInitializer. (markt)
update Add the Tomcat extras, ant-junit and Java Help Jars to the list of JARs to skip when scanning for TLDs and web fragments. (rjung)
fix The fix for bug 51310 caused a regression that re-introduced bug 49957 and deleted the contents of the work directory when Tomcat was shutdown. This fix ensures that the work directory for an application is not deleted when Tomcat is shutdown. (markt)
fix Correct issues with JULI's OneLineFormatter including: correctly re-using formatted timestamps when possible; thread-safety issues in timestamp formatting; correcting the output of any milliseconds to include leading zeros and formatting any parameters present. (kkolinko/markt/rjung)
fix 51395: Fix memory leak triggered when an application that includes a SAXParserFactory is the first web application to be loaded. (markt)
fix 51396: Correctly handle jsp-file entries in web.xml when the JSP servlet has been configured via code when embedding Tomcat. (markt)
fix 51400: Avoid known bottleneck in JVM when converting between Strings and bytes by always providing a Charset rather than an encoding name. Based on a patch by Dave Engberg. (markt)
fix 51401: Correctly initialise shared WebRuleSet instance used by the digesters that parse web.xml and prevent incorrect warnings about multiple occurrences of elements that are only allowed to appear once in web.xml and web-fragment.xml. (kfujino)
add 51403: Avoid NPE in JULI FileHandler if formatter is misconfigured. (kkolinko)
fix Previous improvements in JAR scanning performance introduced a start-up performance penalty for some use cases. This fix addresses those performance penalties while retaining the original improvements. (markt)
add 51418: Provide more control over Context creation when embedding Tomcat. Based on a patch by Benson Margulies. (markt/kkolinko)
fix Remove redundant copy of from o.a.c.startup. Generate this copy for inclusion in bin and src jars during the ant "compile" task. (rjung)
fix Use system properties loaded from via the class path in unit tests. (rjung)
update Improve JMX unit test. (rjung)
fix Fix IllegalStateException for JavaScript files when switching from Writer to OutputStream. The special handling of this case in the DefaultServlet was broken due to a MIME type change for JavaScript. (funkman)
fix Fix CVE-2011-2204. Prevent user passwords appearing in log files if a runtime exception (e.g. OOME) occurs while creating a new user for a MemoryUserDatabase via JMX. (markt)
fix Fix an issue with the CrawlerSessionManagerValve that meant sessions were not always correctly tracked. (markt)
fix 51436: Send 100 (Continue) response earlier to enable ServletRequestListener implementations to read the request body. Based on a patch by Simon Olofsson. (markt)
fix Ensure an access log entry is made if an error occurs during asynchronous request processing and the socket is immediately closed. (markt)
fix Ensure that if asyncDispatch() is called during an onTimeout event and the target Servlet does not call startAsync() or complete() that Tomcat calls complete() once the target Servlet exits. (markt)
fix Improve the handling for Servlets that implement the deprecated SingleThreadModel when embedding Tomcat. (markt)
fix 51445: Correctly initialise all instances of Servlets that implement SingleThreadModel. Based on a patch by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 51453: Fix a regression in the preemptive authentication support (enhancement 12428) that could trigger authentication even if preemptive authentication was disabled. (markt)
fix Prevent possible NPE when serving Servlets that implement the SingleThreadModel interface. (markt)
fix In launcher for embedded Tomcat: do not change catalina.home system property if it had a value. (kkolinko)
fix When using Servlets that implement the SingleThreadModel interface, add the single instance created to the pool when it is determined that a pool of servlets is required rather than throwing it away. (markt)
fix Fix unit test for bindOnInit which was failing for APR on some platforms. (rjung)
fix Remove superfluous quotes from thread names for connection pools. (rjung)
fix Fix crash observed during pausing the connector when using APR. Only add socket to poller if we are sure we don't close it later. (rjung)
update Various refactorings to reduce code duplication and unnecessary code in the connectors. (markt)
fix Correct a regression introduced in Apache Tomcat 7.0.11 that broke certificate revocation list handling. (markt)
update Improve the message printed by TldLocationsCache and add configuration example to the file. (kkolinko)
fix 33453: Recompile JSPs if last modified time of the source or any of its dependencies changes either forwards or backwards. Note that this introduces an incompatible change to the code generated for JSPs. Tomcat will automatically re-compile any JSPs and tag files found in the work directory when upgrading from 7.0.16 or earlier to 7.0.17 or later. If you later downgrade from 7.0.17 or later to 7.0.16 or earlier, you must empty the work directory as part of the downgrade process. (markt)
fix 36362: Handle the case where tag file attributes (which can use any valid XML name) have a name which is not a Java identifier. (markt/kkolinko)
add Broaden the exception handling in the EL Parser so that more failures to parse an expression include the failed expression in the exception message. Hopefully, this will help track down the cause of 51088. (markt)
fix 51306: Avoid NPE when handleSESSION_EXPIRED is processed while handleSESSION_CREATED is being processed. (kfujino)
fix Notifications of changes in session ID to other nodes in the cluster should be controlled by notifySessionListenersOnReplication rather than notifyListenersOnReplication. (markt)
fix The change in session ID is notified to the container event listener on the backup node in cluster. This notification is controlled by notifyContainerListenersOnReplication.(kfujino)
Web applications
fix Update Maven repository information in the documentation to reflect current usage. (markt)
add 43538: Add host name and IP address to the HTML Manager application. Patch by Dennis Lundberg. (markt)
fix Add session="false" directive to the index page of the ROOT web application. (kkolinko)
fix 51443: Document the notifySessionListenersOnReplication attribute for the DeltaManager. (markt)
fix 51447: Viewing a back up session in the HTML Manager web application no longer changes the session to a primary session. Based on a patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
fix 33262: Install monitor to auto-start for current user only rather than all users to be consistent with menu item creation. (markt)
add 40510: Provide an option to install shortcuts for the current user or all users. Also ensure registry is correctly cleaned on uninstall for 64-bit platforms. (markt)
add 50949: Provide the ability to specify the AJP port and service name when installing Tomcat using the Windows installer. This permits multiple instances of the same Tomcat version to be installed side-by-side. (markt)
update Clean up shell and batch scripts (improve consistency, clarify comments, add configtest command support for Windows). (rjung)
fix 51206: Make CATALINA_BASE visible for (rjung)
update Remove unnecessary variable BASEDIR from scripts. (rjung)
fix 51425, 51450: Update Spanish translations. Based on patches provided by Jesus Marin. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.16 (markt)released 2011-06-17
fix 51249: Further improve system property replacement code in ClassLoaderLogManager of Tomcat JULI to cover some corner cases. (kkolinko)
fix 51264: Improve the previous fix for this issue by returning the connection to the pool when not in use so it does not appear to be an abandoned connection. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 51324: Improve handling of exceptions when flushing the response buffer to ensure that the doFlush flag does not get stuck in the enabled state. Patch provided by Jeremy Norris. (markt)
fix Correct a regression in the fix for 51278 that prevented any web application from being marked as distributable. (kfujino/markt)
fix Correct a regression in the fix for 51278 that prevented a web application from overriding the default welcome files. (markt)
fix Enable remaining valves for Servlet 3 asynchronous processing support. (markt)
fix Avoid possible NPE when logging requests received during embedded Tomcat shutdown. (markt)
fix 51340: Fix thread-safety issue when parsing multiple web.xml files in parallel. Apache Tomcat does not do this but products that embed it may. (markt)
fix 51344: Fix problem with Lifecycle re-factoring for deprecated embedded class that prevented events being triggered. (markt)
fix 51348: Prevent possible NPE when processing WebDAV locks. (markt)
fix When parsing the port in the HTTP host header, restrict the value to be base 10 integer digits rather than hexadecimal ones. (rjung/markt/kkolinko)
update Various refactorings to reduce code duplication and unnecessary code in the connectors. (markt)
update Change JAR scanning log messages where no TLDs are found to DEBUG level and replace the multiple messages with a single INFO level message that indicates that at least one JAR was scanned needlessly and how to obtain more info. (markt)
fix Enable Servlet 3 asynchronous processing support when using clustering. (markt)
Web applications
fix Correct the log4j configuration settings when defining conversion patterns in the documentation web application. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.15 (markt)not released
fix 27122: Remove a workaround for a very old and since fixed Mozilla bug and change the default value of the securePagesWithPragma attribute of the Authenticator Valves to false. These changes should reduce the likelihood of issues when downloading files with IE. (markt)
fix 35054: Check that a file is not specified for a Host's appBase and log an error if it is. (markt)
fix 51197: Fix possible dropped connection when sendError or sendRedirect are used during async processing. (markt)
fix 51221: Correct Spanish translation of text used in a 302 response. Patch provided by Paco Soberón. (markt)
fix 51249: Correct ClassLoaderLogManager system property replacement code so properties of the form "}${...}" can be used without error. (markt)
fix 51264: Allow the JDBC persistent session store to use a JNDI datasource to define the database in which sessions are persisted. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
fix 51274: Add missing i18n strings in PersistentManagerBase. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
fix 51276: Provide an abstraction for accessing content in JARs so the most efficient method can be selected depending on the type of URL used to identify the JAR. This improves startup time when JARs are located in $CATALINA_BASE/lib. (markt)
fix 51277: Improve error message if an application is deployed with an incomplete FORM authentication configuration. (markt)
fix 51278: Allow ServletContainerInitializers to override settings in the global default web.xml and the host web.xml. (markt)
fix 51310: When stopping the Server object on shutdown call destroy() after calling stop(). (markt)
add 51145: Add an AJP-NIO connector. (markt/rjung)
add 51220: Add a system property to enable tag pooling with JSPs that use a custom base class. Based on a patch by Dan Mikusa. (markt)
add Include a comment header in generated java files that indicates when the file was generated and which version of Tomcat generated it. (markt)
fix 51240: Ensure that maxConnections limit is enforced when multiple acceptor threads are configured. (markt)
fix 51230: Add missing attributes to JMX for ReplicationValve and JvmRouteBinderValve. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
Web applications
add Add documentation for AJP-NIO connector. (markt/rjung)
fix 51182: Document JAAS supported added in 51119. Patch provided by Neil Laurance. (markt)
fix 51225: Fix broken documentation links for non-English locales in the HTML Manager application. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
fix 51229: Fix bugs in the Servlet 3.0 asynchronous examples. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
fix 51251: Add web application version support to the Ant tasks. Based on a patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
fix 51294: Clarify behaviour of unpackWAR attribute of StandardContext components. (markt)
fix 46451: Configure svn:bugtraq properties for Tomcat trunk. Based on a patch provided by Marc Guillemot. (markt)
fix 51309: Correct logic in stop when using a PID file to ensure the correct message is shown. Patch provided by Caio Cezar. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.14 (markt)released 2011-05-12
update Stylistic improvements to MIME type sync script. Based on a patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (rjung)
fix Ensure that the SSLValve provides the SSL key size as an Integer rather than a String. (markt)
fix Ensure that the RemoteIpValve works correctly with Servlet 3.0 asynchronous requests. (markt)
fix Use safe equality test when determining event type in the MapperListener. (markt)
fix Use correct class loader when loading Servlet classes in StandardWrapper. (markt)
add Provide additional configuration options for the RemoteIpValve and RemoteIpFilter to allow greater control over the values returned by ServletRequest#getServerPort() and ServletRequest#getLocalPort() when Tomcat is behind a reverse proxy. (markt)
fix Ensure session cookie paths end in / so that session cookies created for a context with a path of /foo do not get returned with requests mapped to a context with a path of /foobar. (markt)
fix 51177: Ensure Tomcat's MapElResolver always returns Object.class for getType() as required by the EL specification. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.13 (markt)not released
fix Correct mix-up in Realm Javadoc. (markt)
fix Fix display of response headers in AccessLogValve. (kkolinko)
update Implement display of multiple request headers in AccessLogValve: print not just the value of the first header, but of the all of them, separated by commas. (kkolinko)
add 50306: New StuckThreadDetectionValve to detect requests that take a long time to process, which might indicate that their processing threads are stuck. Based on a patch provided by TomLu. (slaurent)
fix 51038: Ensure that asynchronous requests are included in access logs. (markt)
fix 51042: Don't trigger session creation listeners when a session ID is changed as part of the authentication process. (markt)
fix 51050: Add additional common but non-standard file extension to MIME type mappings for MPEG 4 files. Based on a patch by Cédrik Lime. (markt)
add Add some additional common JARs that do not contain TLDs or web fragments to the list of JARs to skip when scanning for TLDs and web fragments. (markt)
fix While scanning JARs for TLDs and fragments, avoid using JarFile and use JarInputStream as in most circumstances where JARs are scanned, JarFile will create a temporary copy of the JAR rather than using the resource directly. This change significantly improves startup performance for applications with lots of JARs to be scanned. (markt)
fix Ensure response is committed when AsyncContext#complete() is called. (markt)
add Add a container event that is fired when a session's ID is changed, e.g. on authentication. (markt)
fix 51099: Correctly implement non-default login configurations (configured via the loginConfigName attribute) for the SPNEGO authenticator. (fhanik/markt)
add 51119: Add JAAS authentication support to the JMXRemoteLifecycleListener. Patch provided by Neil Laurance. (markt)
add 51136: Provide methods that enable the name of a Context on Context creation when using Tomcat in an embedded scenario. Based on a patch provided by David Calavera. (markt)
fix 51137: Add additional Microsoft Office MIME type mappings. (rjung)
add Partial sync of MIME type mapping with mime.types from the Apache web server. About 600 MIME types added, some changed. (rjung)
fix Make access logging more robust when logging requests that generate 400 responses since the request object is unlikely to be fully/correctly populated in that case. (markt)
fix 50957: Fix regression in HTTP BIO connector that triggered errors when processing pipe-lined requests. (markt)
fix 50158: Ensure the asynchronous requests never timeout if the timeout is set to zero or less. Based on a patch provided by Chris. (markt)
fix 51073: Throw an exception and do not start the APR connector if it is configured for SSL and an invalid value is provided for SSLProtocol. (markt)
fix Align all the connector implementations with the documented default setting for processorCache of 200. This changes the default from -1 (unlimited) for the AJP-BIO, AJP-APR and HTTP-APR connectors. Additional information was also added to the documentation on how to select an appropriate value.
fix Take account of time spent waiting for a processing thread when calculating connection and keep-alive timeouts for the HTTP BIO connector. (markt)
fix 51095: Don't trigger a NullPointerException when the SSL handshake fails with the HTTP-APR connector. Patch provided by Mike Glazer. (markt)
fix Improve handling in AJP connectors of the case where too large a AJP packet is received. (markt)
fix Restore the automatic disabling of HTTP keep-alive with the BIO connector once 75% of the processing threads are in use and make the threshold configurable. (markt)
fix Make pollerSize and maxConnections synonyms for the APR connectors since they perform the same function. (markt)
fix Use maxThreads rather than 10000 as the default maxConnections for the BIO connectors. (markt)
fix 47371: Correctly coerce the empty string to zero when used as an operand in EL arithmetic. Patch provided by gbt. (markt)
add Label JSP/tag file line and column numbers when reporting errors since it may not be immediately obvious what the numbers represent. (markt)
fix Correct a regression in the fix for 49916 that resulted in JSPs being compiled twice rather than just once. (markt)
add Log JARs that are scanned for TLDs where no TLD is found so that users can easily identify JARs that can be added to the list of JARs to skip. (markt)
update Use a single TLD location cache for a web application rather than one per JSP compilation to speed up JSP compilation. (markt)
add 51124: Refactor BodyContentImpl to assist in determining the root cause of this bug. Based on a patch by Ramiro. (markt)
fix 50950: Correct possible NotSerializableException for an authenticated session when running with a security manager. (markt)
Web applications
update Configure Security Manager How-To to include a copy of the actual conf/catalina.policy file when the documentation is built, rather than maintaining a copy of its content. (kkolinko)
fix Fix broken stylesheet URL in XML based manager status output. (rjung)
fix 51156: Ensure session expiration option is available in Manager application was running web applications that were defined in server.xml. (markt)
update Clarify error messages in *.sh files to mention that if a script is not found it might be because execute permission is needed. (kkolinko)
update Update Apache Commons Pool to 1.5.6. (markt)
fix 51135: Fix auto-detection of JAVA_HOME for 64-bit Windows platforms that only have a 32-bit JVM installed. (markt)
fix 51154: Remove duplicate @deprecated tags in ServletContext Javadoc. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
fix 51155: Add comments to @deprecated tags that have none. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.12 (markt)released 2011-04-06
add Automatically correct invalid paths when specified for Context elements inside server.xml and log a warning that the configuration has been corrected. (markt)
fix Don't unpack WAR files if they are not located in the Host's appBase. (markt)
fix Don't log to standard out in SSLValve. (markt)
fix Handle the case where a web crawler provides an invalid session ID in the CrawlerSessionManagerValve. (markt)
update Update pattern used in CrawlerSessionManagerValve to that used by the ASF infrastructure team. (markt)
fix Remove unnecessary whitespace from MIME mapping entries in global web.xml file. (markt)
fix When using parallel deployment, correctly handle the scenario when the client sends multiple JSESSIONID cookies. (markt)
add 12428: Add support (disabled by default) for preemptive authentication. This can be configured per context. Based on a patch suggested by Werner Donn. (markt)
fix Make the CSRF nonce cache serializable so that it can be replicated across a cluster and/or persisted across Tomcat restarts. (markt)
update Resolve some refactoring TODOs in the implementation of the new Context attribute "swallowAbortedUploads". (markt)
fix Include the seed time when calculating the time taken to create SecureRandom instances for session ID generation, report excessive times (greater than 100ms) at INFO level and provide a value for the message key so a meaningful message appears in the logs. (markt)
fix Don't register Contexts that fail to start with the Mapper. (markt)
add 48685: Add initial support for SPNEGO/Kerberos authentication also referred to as integrated Windows authentication. This includes user authentication, authorisation via the directory using the user's delegated credentials and exposing the user's delegated credentials via a request attribute so applications can make use of them to impersonate the current user when accessing third-party systems that use a compatible authentication mechanism. Based on a patch provided by Michael Osipov. (markt)
fix HTTP range requests cannot be reliably served when a Writer is in use so prevent the DefaultServlet from attempting to do so. (kkolinko)
fix Protect the DefaultServlet from Valves, Filters and Wrappers that write content to the response. Prevent partial responses to partial GET requests in this case since the range cannot be reliably determined. Also prevent the DefaultServlet from setting a content length header since this too cannot be reliably determined. (markt)
fix 50929: When wrapping an exception, include the root cause. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
fix 50991: Fix regression in fix for 25060 that called close on a JNDI resource while it was still available to the application. (markt)
add Provide a configuration option that lets the close method to be used for a JNDI Resource to be defined by the user. This change also disables using the close method unless one is explicitly defined for the resource and limits it to singleton resources. (markt)
fix Correctly track changes to context.xml files and trigger redeployment when copyXML is set to false. (markt)
fix 50997: Relax the requirement that directories must have a name ending in .jar to be treated as an expanded JAR file by the default JarScanner. Based on patch by Rodion Zhitomirsky. (markt)
fix Don't append the jvmRoute to a session ID if the jvmRoute is a zero length string. (markt)
fix Don't register non-singleton DataSource resources with JMX. (markt)
add CVE-2011-1184: Provide additional configuration options for the DIGEST authenticator. (markt)
fix Provide a workaround for Tomcat hanging during shutdown when running the unit tests. (markt)
add 50887: Add support for configuring the JSSE provider used to convert client certificates. Based on a patch by pknopp. (markt)
fix 50903: When a connector is stopped, ensure that requests that are currently in a keep-alive state and waiting for client data are not processed. Requests where processing has started will continue to completion. (markt)
fix 50927: Improve error message when SSLCertificateFile is not specified when using APR with SSL. Based on a patch provided by sebb. (markt)
fix 50928: Don't ignore keyPass attribute for HTTP BIO and NIO connectors. Based on a patch provided by sebb. (markt)
fix Securely seed the SecureRandom instance used for UUID generation and report excessive creation time (greater than 100ms) at INFO level. (markt)
Web applications
fix 50924: Clean-up HTTP connector comparison table. (markt)
add Slightly expanded the documentation of the Host element to clarify the relationship between host name and DNS name. (markt)
fix 50925: Update SSL how-to to take account of keyPass connector attribute. (markt)
update Improve Tomcat Logging documentation. (kkolinko)
fix Align the authenticator documentation and MBean descriptors with the implementation. (markt)
fix Prevent the custom error pages for the Manager and Host Manager applications from being accessed directly. (markt)
fix 50984: When using the Manager application ensure that undeployment fails if a file cannot be deleted. (markt)
update Update Eclipse JDT complier to 3.6.2. (markt)
update Update WSDL4J library to 1.6.2 (used by JSR 109 support in the extras package). (markt)
update Update optional CheckStyle library to 5.3. (markt)
fix 50911: Reduce noise generated during the build of the Windows installer so warnings are more obvious. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
fix Further work to reduce compiler and validation warnings across the code base. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.11 (markt)released 2011-03-11
fix CVE-2011-1088: Completed fix. Don't ignore @ServletSecurity annotations. (markt)
add 25060: Close Apache Commons DBCP 1.x datasources when the associated JNDI naming context is stopped (e.g. for a non-global DataSource resource on web application reload) to close remaining database connections immediately rather than waiting for garbage collection. (markt)
add 26701: Provide a mechanism for users to register their own URLStreamHandlerFactory objects. (markt)
fix 50855: Fix NPE on HttpServletRequest.logout() when debug logging is enabled. (markt)
add New context attribute "swallowAbortedUploads" allows to make request data swallowing configurable for requests that are too large. (rjung)
fix 50854: Add additional permissions required by the Manager application when running under a security Manager and support a shared Manager installation when $CATALINA_HOME != CATALINA_BASE. (markt)
fix 50893: Add additional information to the download README for the extras components. (markt)
fix Calling stop() and then destroy() on a connector incorrectly triggered an exception. (markt)
add 48208: Allow the configuration of a custom trust manager for use in CLIENT-CERT authentication. (markt)
fix Fix issues that prevented asynchronous servlets from working when used with the HTTP APR connector on platforms that support TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT. (markt)
fix Correct possible threading issue in JSP compilation when development mode is used. (markt)
fix 50895: Don't initialize classes created during the compilation stage. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.10 (markt)released 2011-03-08
fix CVE-2011-1088: Partial fix. Don't ignore @ServletSecurity annotations. (markt)
fix 27988: Improve reporting of missing files. (markt)
fix 28852: Add URL encoding where missing to parameters in URLs presented by Ant tasks to the Manager application. Based on a patch by Stephane Bailliez. (markt)
fix Improve handling of SSL renegotiation by failing earlier when the request body contains more bytes than maxSavePostSize. (markt)
fix Improve shut down speed by not renewing threads during shut down when the ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener is enabled. (markt)
add 49284: Add SSL re-negotiation support to the HTTP NIO connector and extend test cases to cover CLIENT-CERT authentication. (fhanik/markt)
Tomcat 7.0.9 (markt)not released
add 19444: Add an option to the JNDI realm to allow role searches to be performed by the authenticated user. (markt)
add 21669: Add the ability to specify the roleBase for the JNDI Realm as relative to the users DN. Based on a patch by Art W. (markt)
add 22405: Add a new Lifecycle listener, that prevents Tomcat from starting insecurely. It requires that Tomcat is not started as root and that a umask at least as restrictive as 0007 is used. This new listener is not enabled by default. (markt)
fix 48863: Better logging when specifying an invalid directory for a class loader. Based on a patch by Ralf Hauser. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 48870: Refactor to remove use of parallel arrays. (markt)
add Enhance the RemoteIpFilter and RemoteIpValve so that the modified remote address, remote host, protocol and server port may be used in an access log if desired. (markt)
fix Restore access to Environments, Resources and ResourceLinks via JMX which was lost in early 7.0.x re-factoring. (markt)
update Remove ServerLifecycleListener. This was already removed from server.xml and with the Lifecycle re-factoring is no longer required. (markt)
add Add additional checks to ensure that sub-classes of org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase correctly implement the expected state transitions. (markt)
fix 50189: Once the application has finished writing to the response, prevent further reads from the request since this causes various problems in the connectors which do not expect this. (markt)
fix 50700: Ensure that the override attribute of context parameters is correctly followed. (markt)
fix 50721: Correctly handle URL decoding where the URL ends in %nn. Patch provided by Christof Marti. (markt)
add 50737: Add additional information when an invalid WAR file is detected. (markt)
fix 50748: Allow the content length header to be set up to the point the response is committed when a writer is being used. (markt)
fix 50751: When authenticating with the JNDI Realm, only attempt to read user attributes from the directory if attributes are required. (markt)
fix 50752: Fix typo in debug message in deprecated Embedded class. (markt)
fix 50789: Provide an option to enable ServletRequestListeners for forwards as required by some CDI frameworks. (markt)
fix 50793: When processing Servlet 3.0 async requests, ensure that the requestInitialized and requestDestroyed events are only fired once per request at the correct times. (markt)
fix 50802: Ensure that ServletContext.getResourcePaths() includes static resources packaged in JAR files in its output. (markt)
add Web crawlers can trigger the creation of many thousands of sessions as they crawl a site which may result in significant memory consumption. The new Crawler Session Manager Valve ensures that crawlers are associated with a single session - just like normal users - regardless of whether or not they provide a session token with their requests. (markt)
fix Don't attempt to start NamingResources for Contexts multiple times. (markt)
fix 50826: Avoid IllegalArgumentException if an embedded Tomcat instance that includes at least one Context is destroyed without ever being started. (markt)
fix Ensure a web application is taken out of service if the web.xml file is not valid. (kkolinko/markt)
fix Ensure Servlet 2.2 jspFile elements are correctly converted to use a leading '/' if missing. (markt)
fix 50836: Better documentation of the meaning of Lifecycle.isAvailable() and correct a couple of cases where this could incorrectly return true. (markt)
fix 50780: Fix memory leak in APR implementation of AJP connector introduced by the refactoring for 49884. (markt)
fix If server configuration errors and/or faulty applications caused the ulimit for open files to be reached, the acceptor threads for all connectors could enter a tight loop. This loop consumed CPU and also logged an error message for every iteration of the loop which lead to large log files being generated. The acceptors have been enhanced to better handle this situation. (markt)
fix 50720: Ensure that the use of non-ISO-8859-1 character sets for web.xml does not trigger an error when Jasper parses the web.xml file. (markt)
fix 50726: Ensure that the use of the genStringAsCharArray does not result in String constants that are too long for valid Java code. (markt)
fix 50790: Improve method resolution in EL expressions. (markt)
fix 50771: Ensure HttpServletRequest#getAuthType() returns the name of the authentication scheme if request has already been authenticated. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix 50713: Remove roles command from the Manager application. (markt)
fix 50667 (r1068549): Allow RPC callers to get confirmation when sending a reply. (fhanik)
fix 50743: Cache CheckStyle results between builds to speed up validation. Patch provided by Oliver. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.8 (markt)released 2011-02-05
fix Fix NPE in CoyoteAdapter when postParseRequest() call fails. (kkolinko)
fix 50709: Make ApplicationContextFacade non-final to enable extension. (markt)
fix When running under a security manager, user requests may fail with a security exception. (markt)
fix Reduce level of log message for invalid URL parameters from WARNING to INFO. (markt)
fix Fix hanging Servlet 3 asynchronous requests when using the APR based AJP connector. (markt)
fix Align server.xml installed by the Windows installer with the one bundled in zip/tar.gz files. The differences are LockOutRealm being used and AccessLogValve being enabled by default. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.7 (markt)not released
fix 18462: Don't merge stdout and stderr internally so users retain the option to treat them separately. (markt)
add 18797: Provide protection against null or zero length names being provided for users, roles and groups in the MemoryRealm and UserDatabaseRealm. (markt)
update Improve fix for 50205 to trigger an error earlier if invalid configuration is used. (markt)
add Provide additional control over component class loaders, primarily for use when embedding. (markt)
fix Fix NPE in RemoteAddrFilter, RemoteHostFilter. (kkolinko)
fix 49711: HttpServletRequest#getParts will work in a filter or servlet without an @MultipartConfig annotation or MultipartConfigElement if the new "allowCasualMultipartParsing" context attribute is set to "true". (schultz)
fix 49978: Correct another instance where deployment incorrectly failed if a directory in the work area already existed. (markt)
fix 50582: Refactor access logging so chunked encoding is not forced for all requests if bytes sent is logged. (markt)
fix 50597: Don't instantiate a new instance of a Filter if an instance was provided via the ServletContext.addFilter(String, Filter) method. Patch provided by Ismael Juma. (markt)
fix 50598: Correct URL for Manager text interface. (markt)
fix 50620: Stop exceptions that occur during Session.endAccess() from preventing the normal completion of Request.recycle(). (markt)
fix 50629: Make StandardContext.bindThread() and StandardContext.unbindThread() protected to allow use by sub-classes. (markt)
update Use getName() instead of logName() in error messages in StandardContext. (kkolinko)
fix 50642: Move the keep-alive thread memory leak protection from the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to the WebappClassLoader since the thread that triggers the memory leak is created on demand. (markt)
fix 50673: Improve Catalina shutdown when running as a service. Do not call System.exit(). (kkolinko)
fix 50683: Ensure annotations are scanned when unpackWARs is set to false in the Host where a web application is deployed. (markt)
fix Improve HTTP specification compliance in support of Accept-Language header. This protects from known exploit of the Oracle JVM bug that triggers a DoS, CVE-2010-4476. (kkolinko)
fix Prevent possible thread exhaustion if a Comet timeout event takes a while to complete. (markt)
fix Prevent multiple Comet END events if the CometServlet calls event.close() during an END event. (markt)
fix 50325: When the JVM indicates support for RFC 5746, disable Tomcat's allowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation configuration attribute and use the JVM configuration to control renegotiation. (markt)
fix 50405: Fix occasional NPE when using NIO connector and Comet. (markt)
fix Ensure correct recycling of NIO input filters when processing Comet events. (markt)
fix 50627: Correct interaction of NIO socket and Poller when processing Comet events. (markt)
fix Correct interaction of APR socket and Poller when processing Comet events. (markt)
fix 50631: InternalNioInputBuffer should honor maxHttpHeadSize. (kkolinko)
fix Improve special case handling of javax.servlet.jsp.el.ScopedAttributeELResolver in javax.el.CompositeELResolver to handle sub-classes. (markt)
update 15688: Use fully-qualified class names in generated jsp files to avoid naming conflicts with user imports. (markt)
fix 46819: Remove redundant object instantiations in JspRuntimeLibrary. Patch provided by Anthony Whitford. (markt)
update Improve error message when EL identifiers are not valid Java identifiers and use i18n for the error message. (markt)
fix 50680: Prevent an NPE when using tag files from an exploded JAR file, e.g. from within an IDE. Patch provided by Larry Isaacs. (markt)
fix 50591: Fix NPE in ReplicationValve. (kkolinko)
add Internationalise the log messages for the FarmWarDeployer. (markt)
fix 50600: Prevent a ConcurrentModificationException when removing a WAR file via the FarmWarDeployer. (markt)
fix Be consistent with locks on sessionCreationTiming, sessionExpirationTiming in DeltaManager.resetStatistics(). (kkolinko)
fix 50648: Correctly set the interrupt status if a thread using RpcChannel is interrupted waiting for a message reply. Based on a patch by Olivier Costet. (markt)
fix 50646: Ensure larger Tribes messages are fully read. Patch provided by Olivier Costet. (markt)
fix 50679: Update the FarmWarDeployer to support parallel deployment. (markt)
Web applications
fix 22278: Add a commented out RemoteAddrValve that limits access to the Manager and Host Manager applications to localhost. Based on a patch by Yann Cébron. (markt)
fix Correct a handful of Javadoc warnings. (markt)
add Provide additional detail about how web application version order is determined when using parallel deployment. (markt)
fix Correct the documentation for the recoveryCount count attribute of the the default cluster membership. (markt)
fix 50441: Clarify when it is valid to set the docBase attribute in a Context element. (markt)
fix 50526: Provide additional documentation on configuring JavaMail resources. (markt)
fix 50599: Use correct names of roles required to access the Manager application. (markt)
add Extend the Checkstyle tests to check for license headers. (markt)
fix Modify the build script so a release build always rebuilds the dependencies to ensure that the correct Tomcat version appears in the manifest. (markt)
fix Code clean-up to remove unused code and reduce IDE warnings. (markt)
fix 50601: Code clean-up. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
fix 50606: Improve CGIServlet: Provide support for specifying empty value for the executable init-param. Provide support for explicit additional arguments for the executable. Those were broken when implementing fix for bug 49657. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.6 (markt)released 2011-01-14
update Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.5. (mturk)
fix 8705: org.apache.catalina.SessionListener now extends java.util.EventListener. (markt)
add 10526: Add an option to the Authenticators to force the creation of a session on authentication which may offer some performance benefits. (markt)
update 10972: Improve error message if the className attribute is missing on an element in server.xml where it is required. (markt)
update 48692: Provide option to parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded PUT requests. (schultz)
update 48822: Include context name in case of error while stopping or starting a context during its reload. Patch provided by Marc Guillemot. (slaurent)
add 48837: Extend thread local memory leak detection to include classes loaded by subordinate class loaders to the web application's class loader such as the Jasper class loader. Based on a patch by Sylvain Laurent. (markt)
add 48973: Avoid creating a SESSIONS.ser file when stopping an application if there's no session. Patch provided by Marc Guillemot. (slaurent)
fix 49000: No longer accept specification invalid name only cookies by default. This behaviour can be restored using a system property. (markt)
add 49159: Improve memory leak protection by renewing threads of the pool when a web application is stopped. (slaurent)
fix 49372: Re-fix after connector re-factoring. If connector initialisation fails (e.g. if a port is already in use) do not trigger an LifecycleException for an invalid state transition. (markt)
fix 49543: Allow Tomcat to use shared data sources with per application credentials. (fhanik)
fix 49650: Remove unnecessary entries package.access property defined in Patch provided by Owen Farrell. (markt)
fix 50106: Correct several MBean descriptors. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
update Further performance improvements to session ID generation. Remove legacy configuration options that are no longer required. Provide additional options to control the SecureRandom instances used to generate session IDs. (markt)
fix 50201: Update the access log reference in StandardEngine when the ROOT web application is redeployed, started, stopped or defaultHost is changed. (markt/kkolinko)
add 50282: Load with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to avoid memory leak when stopping a web application that would use JAAS. (slaurent)
fix 50351: Fix the regression that broke BeanFactory resources caused by the previous fix for 50159. (markt)
fix 50352: Ensure that AsyncListener.onComplete() is fired when AsyncContext.complete() is called. (markt)
fix 50358: Set the correct LifecycleState when stopping instances of the deprecated Embedded class. (markt)
fix Further Lifecycle refactoring for Connectors and associated components. (markt)
fix Correct handling of versioned web applications in deployer. (markt)
fix Correct removal of LifeCycleListeners from Containers via JMX. (markt)
fix Don't use nulls to construct log messages. (markt)
fix Code clean-up. Replace use of inefficient constructors with more efficient alternatives. (markt)
fix 50411: Ensure sessions are removed from the Store associated with a PersistentManager. (markt)
fix 50413: Ensure 304 responses are not returned when using static files as error pages. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 50448: Fix possible IllegalStateException caused by recent session management refactoring. (markt)
fix Ensure aliases settings for a context are retained after a context is reloaded. (markt)
fix Log a warning if context.xml files define values for properties that do not exist (e.g. if there is a typo in a property name). (markt)
fix 50453: Correctly handle multiple X-Forwarded-For headers in the RemoteIpFilter and RemoteIpValve. Patch provided by Jim Riggs. (markt)
add 50541: Add support for setting the size limit and time limit for LDAP searches when using the JNDI Realm with userSearch. (markt)
update All configuration options that use regular expression now require a single regular expression (using java.util.regex) rather than a list of comma-separated or semi-colon-separated expressions. (markt)
fix 50496: Bytes sent in the access log are now counted after compression, chunking etc rather than before. (markt)
fix 50550: When a new directory is created (e.g. via WebDAV) ensure that a subsequent request for that directory does not result in a 404 response. (markt)
fix 50554: Code clean up. (markt)
add 50556: Improve JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to prevent a potential class loader leak caused by a thread spawned when the class com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapPoolManager is initialized and the system property com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.timeout is set to a value greater than 0. (slaurent)
fix 47319: Return the client's IP address rather than null for calls to getRemoteHost() when the APR connector is used with enableLookups="true" but the IP address is not resolveable. (markt)
add 50108: Add get/set methods for Connector property minSpareThreads. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
fix 50360: Provide an option to control when the socket associated with a connector is bound. By default, the socket is bound on Connector.init() and released on Connector.destroy() as per the current behaviour but this can be changed so that the socket is bound on Connector.start() and released on Connector.stop(). This fix also includes further Lifecycle refactoring for Connectors and associated components. (markt)
fix Remove a huge memory leak in the NIO connector introduced by the fix for 49884. (markt)
fix 50467: Protected against NPE triggered by a race condition that causes the NIO poller to fail, preventing the processing of further requests. (markt)
add 13731: Make variables in _jspService() method final where possible. (markt)
fix 50408: Fix NoSuchMethodException when using scoped variables with EL method invocation. (markt)
fix 50460: Avoid a memory leak caused by using a cached exception instance in JspDocumentParser and ProxyDirContext. (kkolinko)
fix 50500: Use correct coercions (as per the EL spec) for arithmetic operations involving string values containing '.', 'e' or 'E'. Based on a patch by Brian Weisleder. (markt)
add 50185: Add additional trace level logging to Tribes to assist with fault diagnosis. Based on a patch by Ariel. (markt)
fix Don't try and obtain session data from the cluster if the current node is the only node in the cluster. Log requesting session data as INFO rather than WARNING. (markt)
fix 50503: When web application has a version, Engine level Clustering works correctly. (kfujino)
fix 50547: Add time stamp for CHANGE_SESSION_ID message and SESSION_EXPIRED message. (kfujino)
Web applications
fix 21157: Ensure cookies are written before the response is committed in the Cookie example. Patch provided by Stefan Radzom. (markt)
add 50294: Add more information to documentation regarding format of configuration files. Patch provided by Luke Meyer. (markt)
fix Correctly validate provided context path so sessions for the ROOT web application can be viewed through the HTML Manager. (markt)
update Improve documentation of database connection factory. (rjung)
fix 50488: Update classpath required when using jsvc and add a note regarding server VMs. (markt)
fix Further filtering of Manager display output. (kkolinko)
fix Don't configure Windows installer to use PID file since it is not removed when the service stops which prevents the service from starting. (markt)
fix 14416: Make TagLibraryInfo.getTag() more robust at handling nulls. (markt)
fix 50552: Avoid NPE that hides error message when using Ant tasks. (schultz)
add Provide two alternative locations for the libraries downloaded from the ASF web site at build time. Use the main distribution site as default and the archive one as fallback. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.5 (markt)beta, 2010-12-01
update Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.4. (mturk)
fix 3839: Provide a mechanism to gracefully handle the case where users book-mark the form login page or otherwise misuse the FORM authentication process. Based on a suggestion by Mark Morris. (markt)
fix 49180: Add option to disable log rotation in juli FileHandler. Patch provided by Pid (pidster at apache). (funkman)
fix 49991: Ensure servlet request listeners are fired for the login and error pages during FORM authentication. (markt)
fix 50107: When removing a Host via JMX, do not attempt to destroy the host's pipeline twice. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
fix 50138: Fix threading issues in (markt)
fix 50157: Ensure MapperListener is only added to a container object once. (markt)
fix 50159: Add a new attribute for <Resource> elements, singleton, that controls whether or not a new object is created every time a JNDI lookup is performed to obtain the resource. The default value is true, which will return the same instance of the resource in every JNDI lookup. (markt)
fix 50168: Separate the Lifecycle.DESTROY_EVENT into Lifecycle.BEFORE_DESTROY_EVENT and Lifecycle.AFTER_DESTROY_EVENT. Use the additional state to ensure that Context objects are only destroyed once. (markt)
fix 50169: Ensure that when a Container is started that it doesn't try and register with the mapper unless its parent has already started. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
add 50222: Modify memory leak prevention code so it pins the system class loader in memory rather than the common class loader, which is better for embedded systems. Patch provided by Christopher Schultz. (markt)
add Improve debug logging for MapperListener registration. (markt)
add Expose names of LifecycleListeners and ContainerListeners for StandardContext via JMX. (markt)
add Add a new option, resourceOnlyServlets, to Context elements that provides a mechanism for working around the issues caused by new requirements for welcome file mapping introduced in Servlet 3.0. By default, the existing Tomcat 6.0.x welcome file handling is used. (markt)
fix Make Tomcat more tolerant of null when generating JMX names for Valves. (markt)
fix Make AccessLogValve attribute enabled changeable via JMX. (pero)
fix Correct infinite loop if ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) was called. (markt)
fix 50232: Remove dependency between StoreBase and PersistentManager and associated code clean-up. Patch provided by Tiago Batista. (markt)
fix 50252: Prevent ClassCastException when using a <ResourceLink>. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
add Reduce synchronization in session managers to improve performance of session creation. (markt)
fix If starting children automatically when adding them to a container (e.g. when adding a Context to a Host) don't lock the parent's set of children whilst the new child is being started since this can block other threads and cause issues such as lost cluster messages. (markt)
add Implement support for parallel deployment. This allows multiple versions of the same web application to be deployed to the same context path at the same time. Users without a current session will be mapped to the latest version of the web application. Users with a current session will continue to use the version of the web application with which the session is associated until the session expires. (markt)
fix 50308: Allow asynchronous request processing to call AsyncContext.dispatch() once the asynchronous request has timed out. (markt)
add Make memory leak prevention code that clears ThreadLocal instances more robust against objects with toString() methods that throw exceptions. (markt)
fix 49860: Complete support for handling trailing headers in chunked HTTP requests. (markt)
add Impose a limit on the length of the trailing headers. The limit is configurable with a system property and is 8192 by default. (kkolinko)
fix 50207: Ensure Comet timeout events are triggered. This bug was a regression triggered by the fix for 49884. (markt)
fix 49297: Enforce the rules in the JSP specification for parsing the attributes of custom and standard actions that require that the attribute names are unique within an element and that there is whitespace before the attribute name. The whitespace test can be disabled by setting the system property org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_WHITESPACE to false. Attributes of the page directive have slightly different rules. The implementation of that part of the fix is based on a patch by genspring. (markt)
fix 50105: When processing composite EL expressions use rather than Enum.toString() as required by the EL specification. (markt)
fix Fix minor thread-safety and performance issues in the implementation of maxLoadedJsps. (rjung)
add Add support for unloading JSPs that have not been requested for a long time using the new parameter jspIdleTimeout. (rjung)
add Add logging and JMX support to JSP unloading. (rjung)
fix 50192: Improve performance for EL when running under a security manager. Based on a patch by Robert Goff. (markt)
fix 50228: Improve recycling of BodyContentImpl. This avoids keeping a cached reference to a webapp-provided Writer used in JspFragment.invoke() calls. (kkolinko)
add 50273: Provide a workaround for an HP-UX issue that can result in large numbers of SEVERE log messages appearing in the logs as a result of normal operation. (markt)
fix 50293: Increase the size of internal ELResolver array from 2 to 8 since in typical usage there are at least 5 resolvers. Based on a patch by Robert Goff. (markt)
fix Add support for maxActiveSessions attribute to BackupManager. (kfujino)
fix Improve sending an access message in DeltaManager. maxInactiveInterval of not Manager but the session is used. If maxInactiveInterval is negative, an access message is not sending. (kfujino)
fix 50183: BIO sender was not scheduling tasks to the executor during normal operation. Patch provided by Ariel. (markt)
fix 50184: Add an option to the RpcChannel to enable the Channel send options to be set for the reply message. Based on a patch by Ariel. (markt)
fix Ensure that a new Context waiting for session data from other nodes in the cluster does not block the processing of clustering messages for other Contexts. (markt)
Web applications
fix 49426: Localize messages in the Manager application based on the Locale of the user rather than the default Locale of the server. (markt)
fix Localize messages in the Host Manager application based on the Locale of the user rather than the default Locale of the server. (markt)
add 50242: Provide a sample log4j configuration that more closely matches the default JULI configuration. Patch provided by Christopher Schultz. (markt)
add Restore the ability to edit the contents of /WEB-INF and /META-INF via WebDAV via the provision of a new configuration option, allowSpecialPaths. (markt)
fix Correct broken links for on-line JavaDocs. (markt)
fix 50230: Add new DistributedManager interface that is implemented by the Backup Manager to remove circular dependency between tomcat-catalina-ha and tomcat-catalina modules. Also allows third-party distributed Manager implementations to report full session information through the HTML Manager. (markt)
update Improve Tomcat Logging documentation. (kkolinko)
fix 50303: Update JNDI how-to to reflect the new JavaMail download location and that JAF is now included in Java SE 6. (markt)
fix Fix ordering functionality on sessions page for the HTML Manager application. (markt)
fix Fix primary sessions not always being treated as such in the HTML Manager application. (markt)
fix Fix message not being displayed after session attribute removal in the HTML Manager application. (markt)
fix 50310: Fix display of Servlet information in the Manager application. (markt)
fix CVE-2010-4172: Multiple XSS in the Manager application. (markt/kkolinko)
fix 50316: Fix display of negative values in the Manager application. (kkolinko)
fix 50318: Avoid NPE when trying to view session detail for an expired session in the Manager application. (markt)
fix Correct a handful of Javadoc warnings. (markt)
fix 22965: Fix some typos and formatting issues in the global web.xml file. Based on a patch by Yann Cébron. (markt)
add Extend Checkstyle validation checks to check for unused imports. (markt)
fix General code clean-up to reduce (not eliminate) the number of warnings reported by IDEs. (markt)
fix 50140: Don't ignore a user specified installation directory when performing a silent install with the Windows installer on 64-bit platforms. (markt)
update Reimplemented Windows installer dialogs, using modern libraries (nsDialogs, MUI2). (kkolinko)
add When installing with the Windows installer on 64-bit platforms, allow the user to select either a 32-bit JDK or a 64-bit JDK. If a 32-bit JDK is selected, the 32-bit service wrapper and the 32-bit native DLL will be installed. If a 64-bit JDK is selected, the 64-bit service wrapper and the 64-bit native DLL will be installed. (markt/kkolinko)
add Create Windows shortcuts for the Manager and Host Manager webapps. (kkolinko)
add Support /? command line option in the Windows Installer. (kkolinko)
add Display and allow to change roles for the Tomcat admin user in the Windows installer. (kkolinko)
fix In the Windows installer: do not leave stale server.xml and tomcat-users.xml fragments in the $TEMP folder. (kkolinko)
update 49819: Redesign of home page by Pid (pidster at apache). (timw)
Tomcat 7.0.4 (markt)beta, 2010-10-21
fix 49428: Re-implement the fix for bug 49428 – namespace issues for some Microsoft WebDAV clients. (kkolinko)
fix 49669: Fix memory leak triggered by using the deprecated class. (markt)
fix 49922: Don't add filter twice to filter chain if the filter matches more than one URL pattern and/or Servlet name. Patch provided by heyoulin. (markt)
fix 49937: Use an InstanceManager when creating an AsyncListener through the AsyncContext to ensure annotations are processed. Based on a patch by David Jencks. (markt)
fix To avoid NoSuchMethodException, xmlValidation and xmlNamespaceAware are removed from the createStandardHost definition of mbeans-descriptors.xml. (kfujino)
fix 49945: Continue improvements to JMX. Fix a handful of attributes that were showing as Unavailable in JConsole. Patch provided by Chamith Buddhika. (markt)
fix 49952: Allow ServletContainerInitializers to add listeners to a web application. Patch provided by David Jencks. (markt)
fix 49956: Handle case when @Resource annotation uses the full JNDI name for a resource. Based on a patch by Gurkan Erdogdu. (markt)
fix 49557: Correct regression due to Lifecycle refactoring that cleared all work directories (with compiled JSPs and persisted sessions) when Tomcat was stopped. (markt)
fix 49978: Correctly handle the case when a directory expected to be created during web application start is already present. Rather than throwing an exception and failing to start, allow the web application to start normally. (markt)
fix 49987: Fix thread safety issue with population of servlet context initialization parameters. (markt)
fix 49994: As per the Java EE 6 specification, return a new object instance for each JNDI look up of a resource reference. (markt)
fix 50015